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Cantina 13: Rebellion


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*Cracken nodded. Die now, or go back to live and coninue to grow in power. He knew how to wield this power, but not how to build it back. Unfortunate, but he had more important things to do back there. An Empire to oversee, relations to rebuild, peace with the Jedi, and a family to be with.*


Cracken: I choose life. Do what you must, but I still have much to do in my world.

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*The Girl nods.


Cracken doubles over, feeling a sensation similar to all the air being sucked out of his lungs.


His body appears to merge with the white ether around him. Something indistinct, like pure white molten liquid metal veined with black, pours out of him, coming from every pore.


The black veins dissipate into a fine mist and vanish. The white liquid metal merges back with the ether around it before releasing Cracken of its hold.


As he falls, the white 'floor' warps and rips apart into a bright flash.*




*The bright light lifts, revealing the utterly demolished remains of what had once been the Imperial Palace surrounding Cracken*

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((*Kills dictionary.com for repeatively killing IE*))


ISD Kerrsitel (Independant, former Imperial Separatist)


*When the battle began at Coruscant, and the Separatist forces under F. Irvine began allying themselves with the one 'true' Empire, the Kerrsitel, under orders from F. Irvine, changed their command codes, and lept into Hyperspace away from Coruscant. It's mission: To take a certain individual and bring him to a 'secure' location.


That person was Havok*




*After the battle, and the 'war' between the two superpowers.


Havok was sitting at his Suite's desk, his head buryed in his armes in tears. With him losing a psodo(spelling) Father, and quite possibly a mother...


Suddenly he senses somethign in the force, and he looks up. Strangely sitting on his desk was F. Irvine's speciality lightsword.


He wipes the tears from his eyes and attempts to pick it up. As soon as he touches it, the handle literally zaps Havok's hand, rejecting it as it neared. Havok stared at it for several moments, then in one motion his throws his hand onto it, and picks it up.


The handle of the blade erupts with electricity as havok attempts to keep a grip onto the rejecting lightsword. He consentrates force energy through his hand and into the handle.


Then the blade stops.

Havok stood there with a little steam coming from his hand, throbing in pain, and he stood there with the handle of F. Irvine's own perfered weapon. He looked at it, the archetecture of it appeared that it wasnt even remotely used a crystal to eminate a beam. Then he looked about the shaft of the handle, there were no switches, no levers, nothing to show how to ignite the blade. Infact the handle itself wasn't even metal, almost wooden like!*


((will put in more later :())

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Imperial Palace


*Alysara made her way through the ruins of the Imperial Palace, working her way to what she could sense as her father. His presence in the Force was much smaller than it was, which lead her to believe that her father was on the edge, or dying outright. She could sense her brother and Starr, still alive near her father.


She reached the top, and saw her father lying on the ground. she rushed to him, and kneeled beside him, laying the Holocron on the floor. He looked up, and smiled weakly*


Cracken: I thought...... I told you to leave....


Alysara: I had to return something to Master Skywalker.


*Alysara wiped a tear from her face. Cracken tried to prop himself up, but failed. His body weak and battered from fighting.*


Cracken: Get Starr and your brother, we can find Skywalker togeather.


*As Alysara moved to Starr, Cracken reached out through the Force.*


Jedi Master Skywalker, my daughter wishes to seek audience with you......

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Coruscant: Imperial Palace ruin


*Irvine walks up to Cracken, his head was spinning from the encounter with F. Irvine.


Irvine takes his father's hand and props him up, letting Cracken use his son as a support to stand on...*


Irvine *Under his breath, loud enough so that Cracken could hear* "Thank you, father."




ISD Kerrsitel


*Havok suddenly feels a bit disorented and finds himself walking to the suite's restroom. He leans over onto a strangely shorter counter top as the water immedately turns on. He then splashes water onto his face and looks into the mirror. He is shocked at the face staring back at him, for he was no longer looking like a mere 10 year old, but more towards a 15-16 year old.


The regret from F. Irvine's death and the use of the force had triggered an effect with his biology that aged him briefly...


After a bit he looked at his newself in the mirror, and grined...*

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"Sometimes a calm merely hides the terror," Riebe said. "With no way of knowing what happened, we cannot operate efficiently."


She paused. "Should I call for Alyssa to join us? She cannot get here very quickly, but she is on the council. Perhaps another mind would help us."

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Bauer: More minds results in more opinions. More opinions result in several versions of the same story. You want to call her, fine, I'm just saying it won't necessarily clear things up.


On the one hand, she hasn't been here, and may have an objective opinion.


On the other hand, she'll probably have a different explanation for things that the rest of us had.


On the other hand, she may know something we don't.


Either way, your choice.

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Riebe laughed. "You sound like an old friend of mine. Give enough options to make my head spin."


Her smile faded as she thought of the man she once knew as Jokemaster. His death had nearly botched her false death. When she saw him go down, she nearly screamed. It had felt almost like her heart had been wrenched from her.


"Feelings are hard to let go of," she muttered, "even after so long."

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Palace Ruins


*Starr begins to return to consciousness.


He couldn't sense the Clone anymore. He could sense his master, but Cracken felt somehow...lessened. Drained. Weakened.


The original Irvine was still alive, and...Alysara was with them? No, Alysara had left, with the fleet, to safety...right?*

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Imperial Palace


Cracken: Alysara, how many of us can you fit in your ship?


Alysara: *She paused, while kneeling over Starr, and looked at her father* About 4, not comfortably... two would have to be in the... "holding bay", and two can fit into the cockpit.


Cracken: *Chuckles* No matter, bring yoru ship here, and Irvine and Starr can be in the holding bay, You and I will be in the cockpit.


*ALysara pulled out her remote and hit a few buttons.* Where are we going?


Cracken: *voice more serious* To see Master Skywalker. You have something for him, and he and I must have a talk.


*Minutes later, Alysara's ship had landed, albeit a bit precariously, near the group. Irvine helped Starr into the holding bay, while Alysara aided her father into the rear cockpit seat behind her. Once set, they began to head to the Jedi Temple.*

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((btw: cracken, assume that I got more control over Irvine in the next several posts ^_^


PM btw))


*Irvine was sitll a bit dizzy when he sat in the 'hlding bay'. He looks at Starr noticing that this was the first time he seen a high ranking Sith looking a little beat up.*


Irvine "How are you holding up?"

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