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Cantina 13: Rebellion


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(("No, really?" Wildjedi says, sarcasm dripping from his words.:D *sigh* I can't really say that Alyssa is here now... she will take a while to get here because of how far away she is so I guess I'm back to my other three. It's interesting how the only two who can actually do something at the moment (though it isn't much) are the very characters I dismissed as somewhat insignificant in this RPG:D ))



"Good," Nom said, his voice loosing some of the tension. "If you see him before we do, tell him we want to meet with him as quickly as possible."


"We have other things to do," Tarila agreed. "We don't want to stay here a minute longer than we have to."

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"We could stand the wait a little better in our own ship," Tarila said, her voice loosing its harsh edge.


Nom sighed and agreed. "We simply feel as though there is nothing for us to do here. That feeling is one we are not accustomed to and also one we dislike strongly."


"On our own ship, we would have things to do," Tarila continued. "Even if they are just entertainment..." her voice trailed off into silence.

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*Kioet taps his helmet*


*Kioet over comm*: hello? anybody there? Alright enough screwing around. I'm going in. Kioet out.


*Kioet takes the safety off his rifle as he slowly walks down the darkened corridor hallway, away from his ship and towards the location of the spy droid's disappearance, using the map on his display HUD.*

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  • 3 weeks later...

((I'd be here if there was anything to do. As it is, two of my characters are being held on a ship that is not their own, one is waiting for Cracken, and one is en route to join us, but she can't have possibly gotten here fast enough to be posted about at this point.))



"And with you, all Jedi," Riebe answered. "If Cracken takes too much longer, Alyssa will get here before him."

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[Ok people, if you need to timeskip awhile, feel free to do so]


Beler: Is now really a good time?


Deac: I've been doing this for years. It seems like I've always been fighting something. Maybe it's time to go home. To what's left of it.

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"Maybe you're wrong," Riebe said quietly. She would say nothing more on that subject, but she suddenly remembered the voice she'd been conversing with before. She turned to the place she'd last heard it from.


"Why do you not show yourself?" she said. Her voice gave her away that she really wished the mysterious voice could be her old friend. "Have you some sort of secret you've been trying to hide?"

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Deac: Maybe I'm tired of being captured, killed, shot at, attacked, used as a pawn in a celestial game of chess...maybe it's time I...settled down.


Beler: Settle down? I tried that when the Karathi guild went down. I hated every second of it. Face it...when your life is about conflict, you can't get away from it until there is no more conflict.


Deac: That's very profound.


Beler: Read this great book whilst in hiding...

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*Flax and he group arrive in time to hear Deac's and Belar's isscussion.*


Flax: Some of us thrive on conflict, all I ever wanted to do was dust crops in my Headhunter. Then the Empire bombed our farm to kill my father and I've been sat in an X-Wing, holding a lightsword or playing politics ever since.


These days, I'd like to run the farm.

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Deac: I remember when they came for us. I was only 10. But I remember...no...that can't be right...


Beler: What can't be right...


Deac: I think Rwos was there...*Looks at Flax* and so were you...?


[Check Cantina 7- it happened...]

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*Rwos steps into view from behind a fallen duracrete boulder*


Rwos: Time travel. You were dead at the time, I thought we told you about it. I suppose we'll have to explain later. Deac, Flax, there's a problem. We're in a trap.


*A split second later, a sniper's blaster bolt comes from nowhere and misses the side of Deac's head by less than a centimeter. A second bolt hits Rwos between the shoulder blades. He hits the ground rolling*



((OOS: Deac WAS dead at the time... wasn't he? Can't remember... but I'm assuming he was or he'd know about the group going to his childhood home in this time frame...))

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[Yes...adult Deac was dead...but Deac was still there as a child, and Rwos did carry him out of the battlezone at one point...]


Deac: Rwos!


*He runs over to where Rwos has fallen*




*He drops and begins looking with his cybernetic eye*

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In response to the voice's first words, Riebe laughed and shook her head.


"Ah, that would be so, wouldn't it?" she muttered. Then, to herself, she said, "Especially after so long..."


She raised her voice again. "I should very much like to see you anyways. After all, I get a very striking feeling that I know you..." She allowed her words to trail off into silence as Rwos approach and be shot. Her face paled slightly as she spun away, reaching for her lightsaber. Though old, it still works. Burnt-orange blades shot out from either end of the hilt and Riebe reached into the Force.


I don't see anyone around here, said the voice that continued to ring bells in Riebe's past. She snorted.


"As if you could," she retorted. "They clearly don't want to be seen... just feared."

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Rwos: *from the ground* There's a... *he coughs* ...communications disruption. They're taking advantage of the disturbance... *another cough* ...the death of a Sleeper just created. Assassins, Deac...


*Two more bolts whiz from completely different directions, aimed at Deac and Flax*






*A warning symbol appears on Kioet's HUD*




*Kioet's comlink fuzzes to life*


Aren: Csuhen, do you read me?

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