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Here's my watch I wear around my neck


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Check it out. I wear it around my neck. I slide the metal slide on the side to the month of the year. That moves a small hole into position. I then hold the sundial up to the sun, and the sunlight shines through the small hole and a small pointpoint of light shines on the inside of the inner ring. The light pinpoint shows the time of the day.




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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Check it out. I wear it around my neck. I slide the metal slide on the side to the month of the year. That moves a small hole into position. I then hold the sundial up to the sun, and the sunlight shines through the small hole and a small pointpoint of light shines on the inside of the inner ring. The light pinpoint shows the time of the day.





Now theres a man after my own heart :)...uses the sun



cept I don't even have that...


I'm so po :(

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Originally posted by Darth Tepe

ice, Special Weapons And Tactics-watch is propably one of those "cool" watches the 7 year old kids show off at school and play they are SWAT-members





<writes Darth Tepe's name in the "that was ebul" book>



pffft. I don't even wear a watch.

I also don't even have that watch.


I opened google and searched "cool watch"


my attempts to fit in the thread.. have failed....



<runs off crying>

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