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Homemade Flamethrower


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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

not as impressive as the Rail gun created by a college kid i saw :)


I actually managed to create a bow and arrow by using a staple, rubber band and a small pen refile. I've been trying to find ways to sharpen it to make it more dangerous. :evil2:

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thats a nOOb thrower (:D jk)... you want a Spy Hunter flamethrower for your vehicle peep this...


drill a 1/2 hole in the side of your muffler... screw a spark plug into it and lead a hotwire to a toggle switch leading to the battery... when you start the vehicle and hit the toggle it will spark the plug and make a 10 foot long flame out the back of your car O_O now that is teh PIMP...

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