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Yes...my hijacking has once done me good.


My work here....isn't done...but I'll say its done for the dramatic moment.


*carries rifle over shoulder, looks back, tips hat, and walks off into the sunset whistling Baby Got Back*

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Gah! Acrylic, you missed yer chance to post this image! Oh well, I'll do it for you: :D:






E-mail: joetheeskimo5@hotmail.com

MSN: joetheeskimo5@hotmail.com

YIM: joemoyo72 (when someone in a chatroom saw this, she's like "WTF? Is that Japanese?" :xp:

AIM: joetheeskimo5

Telephone: 911 (go ahead, call it and see what happens!) ;):xp:

Credit Card Number: Oh...wait...maybe I've gone a bit too far...:eek:

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