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<3 Keira.

These classic novels, they are slightly more difficult to look at for long periods than Kiera is.

my... admiration for Keira.

But at least you get to see her boobs

Ah, it's times like these that I'm reminded how outnumbered I am here. You guys are pathetic. :p

Anyway Domino was awesome (Mickey Roarke is the man!), and I still want to see Pride and Prejudice.... What? I didn't say Keira wasn't cool. :p


As for very good things, I think that Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind qualifies. :D

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Anyway Domino was awesome (Mickey Roarke is the man!)

As for very good things, I think that Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind qualifies. :D


Truthfully and wisely Lady Jedi speaks. Hmmmm. Kick ass Mickey Roarke does. Awesome, Zedd is.


heh, yoda. Yes, I'm a nerd.

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Ah, it's times like these that I'm reminded how outnumbered I am here. You guys are pathetic. :p
Hey, at least I didn't say 'boobs.'

*sigh.* Boo-

Aww, sithspit. :p


I didn't like Domino all that much myself. Kiera's a nice feature, but I'm not going to like something only because she's in it. :(

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Off topic: @Ladyjedi: You should know by know who you hang out with here at the swamp. :)





Very good things:


Taxes done...check

Final classes scheduled for summer before graduation...check

Two new movies on DVD to watch while at work: HPGoF 2-disc SE & Waiting...check

Trip during spring break in 2 weeks...check


Yeah, I'm pretty happy at the moment!!!

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