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Those terrible games...

Darth Groovy

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Time again to talk about those video games you played that were either just NOT fun, or just plain terrible.


Contra: Legacy of War (Sony PSX)


How excited I was, Contra was one of my all time favorites on the old NES, so I HAD to have this game in hopes of re-visiting and old favorite.


I guess my first clue, was the games discount price (not always a bad sign, but still...)


The game featured selectable characters and a special "3-D" mode.


First thing that sucks, is that the game is no longer a side scrolling shoot-em-up, but a top down one man vs, everything shooter, not all that different from Capcom's classic "Commando", or even "Total Carnage". The difference is....it's just not fun....at all. The controls are about as responsive as a drugged out prom date. Sure, certain playable characters have certain "advantages" as well as dissadvantages, but each dissadvantage nearly ruins the game. The cool thing is....there is vehicle you can jump in and drive, but you get bumped off so many times.....it's frustrating. Most games built on this premise had an unlimited amount of continues, which was the original arcade money maker...but not this game....no sir. You have about 3-4 lives, and if you get iced by one of the ten thousand projectiles launched in your direction...once you are out of lives....bend over and kiss your self good bye. You get to continue....but allllllllll the way back at the beginning. Oh and then there is the 3-D feature. Included in the game is a pair of generic paper 3-D glasses (no, I am not kidding), one pair to be precise, even though the game boasts a healthy 2 player option.


The instruction manual goes to great lenghts to tell the back story of the otherwise silly characters you get to play in this game, that chronicles the Contra "Legacy" throughout the span of the once popular franchise. At first glance, you would think you were playing Metal Gear Solid. It seems that more effort was put into these back stories than the actual game itself. The over-all project seems like it was slapped together by veterans of an 8 bit system, that did not at all know how to utilize 32 bit technology. This is the first game I ever bought for the Playstation that I hated, and cursed myself for buying.


Don't even pick this up in the bargain bin. This game has about as much to do with the original Contra phenomenon, as Donald Rumsfeld has to do with Doom 3. Avoid at all costs.


Score: 25% (only due to some sporatic fun explosions)

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LOTR: The Third Age: It sucked.. the storyline made no sense, and they even ripped complete lines from the movie and used them in places which made no sense. I couldn't even finish it I got so annoyed with the characters/storyline. And every 5 minutes they have to show you a scene from middle earth... that you have already seen in the movies! Psshh.. oh well. I only spent $20.

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and i meant it was just playstation not playstation 2, i also played PC version Astro, sorry for the miscommunication.


..sucky games, let me think.



Jedi Academy. yeah, shoot me. but all i see it as was a sucky story line with dual and double bladed sabers added. they should have dropped the project quick and started on a good jedi FPS.

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I'd say Battlefront >_>, one the most boring games i've bought, unplayable and with ****ty graphics, maybe is cuz i played before bf1942. Also i enjoyed the Phantom Menace for PC...wel i was a kid when i played it ..

[offtopic]also talking about baldurs gate, i cant install it on my PC, is it due to windows XP??? i dont know why :([/offtopic]

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Ehhh, Never Winter Nights... First it was awesome, neat world. But when you always ran into uber-high level bitches who were the last enemy in your way, it made me sad. And how you could only have one "henchman", ghey.

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IG doesn't like it because he sucked at it XP


j/k man.


I can't think of a sucky game I played, I generally avoid sucky games. Altough I did play TPM I liked it. Well I liked giving myself infinite lives all weapons and then killing everyone in Mos Eisly :p

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Rolling Thunder for the Amstrad 464.




Oh, it looked cool, and as a platform-romp the format was tried and tested enough. It's even valid to say it was 10 times better than the other cack U.S.Gold knocked out (apart from Bruce Lee of course :D ).


No, the problem was it was just to damned hard. :mad: After a week of being killed on the second level I gave up. And £10 a game was a lot in those days!


Tch, tch...



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How about Prince of Persia: Warrior Within? Never gonna buy a game before renting it first, no matter how great the original is. I won't say it's terrible, it was just so different than the original. The character, the atmosphere, the combat, and worst for me, the music, was such a big step in the wrong direction.


And since a few mention Jedi Academy, I'll mention Jedi Outcast. Huge letdown. I loved Dark Forces and Jedi Knight/ Mysteries of the Sith. This was just.... too different. Not expecting much from Jedi Academy, I managed to enjoy it's broad level designs which Jedi Outcast lacks.


And TPM? It was better than RotS. I played it on PSX at a friend's and it was decent at the time. I loved Mos Eisely. I have it on PC and know it truly is a terrible game, but I think it has some redeeming qualities to it.

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I actually didnt mind TPM....tho many parts of it were stupid and took way too much effort and wasted too much time...


but yea..Mafia...for xbox... It just ...sucked big time.

And sorry to say.. Jedi Academy was totally dead to me. Wasn't intertaining in the least. Jedi Outcast to me..didnt see any difference..

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