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Purging of smilies needed...


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Hello all !


Maybe you've never noticed that before (Which is possible because we've all our own favorite ones), but the total number of smilies available here is impressive ! Moreover, a huge part of them is almost never used and contribute to increase the loading time of the page which gathers them. (Simply go there to find it)

Next, I think that all LucasForums members do not possess a broad-band connection and a un-limited time to use it (I believe that all dial-up access' owners will agree with me). Finally, please give me links which point to posts using these smilies : ":moped:", ":eyemouth:" or ":doo1:"... (I can only tell you good luck...)


Consequently, I hope you'll hear my plea and do what have to be done...


Thanks in advance !...

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  ChAiNz.2da said:
And I know I've used the 2nd one before ;)


Besides, I like my smilies, choice = good... in fact, I had a friend watching over my shoulder and he commented on how kewl it was that these forums had so many awesome emoticons... his forums were lacking :xp: neener neener... hehehe


I knew I had seen the second one used somewhere. Anyway, I completely agree! Choice=good!


The only thing I could suggest is reordering them. Maybe by most popular/used. It's not a major thing, though, but some of the more useful ones are hard to find sometimes.


  Thrik said:
Most people memorize a select half-dozen or so that they like and then manually type in the code frequently, rather than continually open up the whole page. I don't think it can really be considered an issue.


Well, there you go. Problem solved.(even for my suggestion, too :)) Then all you need to do is check the smilies page every now and then to see if they added any new ones you might want to use. As you read post, you might also come across a few that you think are cool and just check the code then.


Ofcourse, if you dont want to do all that, just stick with the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.....(why the heck did that pop in my head..... :doh: )

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  Thrik said:
Most people memorize a select half-dozen or so that they like and then manually type in the code frequently, rather than continually open up the whole page. I don't think it can really be considered an issue.

I usually use one of those smilies : ":rolleyes:". Unfortunately, it already happened that I forget what its code was... Consequently, I had to open the entire page of emoticons and look for my favorite head's code... And, believe me, it was tiresome... :mad:

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I used this one more than quite a few times: :sheepdanc It's just funny :cowdance


Some of the smileys I use to use disappeared since the transition to vb3. I was looking for one in particular yesterday and it wasn't there any more :(


I think it's nice to have a wide choice of smileys. If you just want to use a few ones, then you can easily memorize them.

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Call the Ghostbusters!!


It's Mr. Stay Puffed!!! :D :D



Darth333, just tell them (those who are in charge of the forums) where it went, and if you remember the code, provide it too.


I noticed that :thumbsup: was missing one day when I needed it, and said so in the thread I was using it. Few days later it was back. Not sure if they fixed it or not, but I think they did. :)

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Here's an idea, open the page once, copy and paste into a Word document or similar, and then consult that whenever you want a smily. It obviously won't insert the thing for you when you click on it, but it'll at least have the correct code there for you. Just a suggestion, as someone who rarely uses smilies save for the generic ones ( :):( and so on) I can't guarantee it'll work (i.e, the copy and paste may make things look odd, I don't know) but it should be cool. You're only worry will be having to check for newer ones (which are always at the bottom of the page), but at least it's a start.

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Well, for moving ones...you know the right corse of action would infact be to just save the webpage on to your hard drive. Can't see why I didn't think of that before, but either way, it'd work a whole lot better.




Oh no, wait, that would of course involve you having to download every single smily just so the webpage would work offline. So I guess the word document would work best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Organizing them would definitely help, especially newbs like me who really didn't use the web much before coming here and don't know them well.


Maybe something like, top section=basic yellow face smilys, next=starwars characters, next=non SW characters, ship relateds, weapon relateds, drunk relateds, etc.


So if you don't know the codes you can find them quickly:D

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  Leviathan said:
"There's one" ?!... So, there are several (useless) smilies like it ? :(

2 actually...



Plus the various "barf" or "sleepy" ones depending on how you depict being drunk (or the morning after) ;) hehehe..


But yeah, I wouldn't see that as necessarily an entire 'category' IMO

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I was a tad miffed when I notice that while several useful smileys had been nixed, we were still in in possession of ": ore:" and ":nova: ". Oh Joy.


And what the hell is this :mex1: ? Some generic mexican just puffing away on that weed? Why don't we make a french smiley chugging wine, or an american smiley eating a big mac? (don’t get me wrong, I got a good laugh out of it).

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