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Halo Movie News


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He's only executive producer.


I highly doubt this movie will be good. Master Chief's coolness comes from the fact that he doesn't say much. In an FPS, it works, but in a movie, you'll need more characterization. Besides, we wouldn't even see his face...


Get ready, 'cause I sense Uwe Boll or Paul WS Anderson directing the movie.

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How about this:

Cov. Elite: All your Reach are belong to us!

Capt. Keyes: What you say?

Cov. Elite: You have no chance to survive make you time.

Capt. Keyes: Move chief you know what you doing take off every chief.


Wow peter jackson? This means that there may be another hobo running up on stage during the oscars and taking all the awards......

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Doom being made into a movie actually makes sense and looks good, not sure about Halo... but who knows. It might end up being good... the worst that can happen is that it will end up being another Starship Troopers (which was just abyssmal). :)

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well, like all upcoming movies, you'll just have to wait and find out. personally, i don't really see where they have to focus in on MC anyway. you can put him in as a major character, but i don't see where he needs to be the focus of the whole story.


the way i see it is that they need to establish the backstory before they start getting into the game's storyline. some of you may be aware that there are a series of books that tell the backstory and immidiate aftermath of the first game (both of which were fairly well written), and i think the movies should focus more on the plots established in those novels as they have the capability to make a great storyline for a movie.


either way, its all going to come down to two factors: the director and the writers. if they can snag good ones on both sides, the odds will favor a much better movie. point is: don't write it off until you know a lot more detail. ;)

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And don't forget actors,


Bruce campbell as John Spartan,

Jim carrey as Captain Keyes,


You have to do a better casting job than that:D


I do see where you're going with that, there are plenty of good characters to follow, and with the inclusion of the Heretic's story...


I was going to read them but never did, any major Info I missed?


I want to see more ancient covenant history, as well as forerunners in the movie:D

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well, like i said: its a lot of backstory, mostly dealing with the history of the Spartans, but it gives you a ton of backstory as to how the war started, what the technology is like that both sides are using, etc. really, you should check them out as they are a pretty good read. more than likely not a masterpiece, but they're good nonetheless.

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I think this is a big mistake, I mean, first of all let's face it, Halo's story is not particularly deep or unique, secondly they're going to have a hell of a time adapting that story to the move.


Not only do we have a protagonist without much dialogue or personality, but the villains the Covenant are going to have to be brought on-screen as the major baddies and then suddenly relegated to second-billing by the Flood. Not to mention the costs of producing all of these elements effectively will be pretty high.



The reason that most video game movies bomb out are because the source material doesn't feature particularly great storytelling itself. I mean, Super Mario Brothers? House of the Dead?


Who the hell am I to talk though, I'm still going to go see Doom even though they've butchered what was a simple concept, just because I'm such a huge fan, and I'll probably end up watching this Halo movie as well, that is unless Boll (The Antichrist) is directing.

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Hasn't it been established that video game movies = suck?



Mortal Kombat = Suck

Mortal Kombat II = Even Suckier

Mario Bros. = Uber-Suckfest


Resident Evil = Ehh... Good if you're bored (beats yardwork) ;)

Resident Evil II = Suck


Final Fantasy = OK, I actually liked this one alot, so it gets a "no suck" vote.. hehehe


yeah, I'd have to say you're right on the money Prime :D

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Resident Evil = Ehh... Good if you're bored (beats yardwork) ;)


I remember sitting in the theater after an awesome opening with the Lab killing everybody who had been infected and watching Alice slowly creep through the mansion, and I thought to myself, "This movie's really f'n good!" And then the Umbrella dudes smashed in, the rock music started blaring and I slumped back into my chair with only my popcorn to console me.

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Not only do we have a protagonist without much dialogue or personality, but the villains the Covenant are going to have to be brought on-screen as the major baddies and then suddenly relegated to second-billing by the Flood. Not to mention the costs of producing all of these elements effectively will be pretty high.


Movies like these (and Doom) are green-screened, so I don't think that the cost will be like WHOA! but it will be like OK...that's pricey. But its not like Peter Jackson isn't going to get any funding for this. Many people are going to go "OMG you made LOTR???? Here's $50 million!!!!" He is so well known now that he is going to be paid very well for any movie he makes now (everybody is going to think that it's another LOTR). Just my 2 pennies :)


And yes, all game movies suck except Resident Evil 1....it wasn't 2 bad

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Well Jackson is only producing not directing, but he has his own special effects studio if memory serves, but I don't know whether or not that will apply in this situation. The sets for this will be insane, although maybe they should film in New Zealand like he did for LoTR, that would be great for the outdoor stuff.

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Mortal Kombat = Suck

Mortal Kombat II = Even Suckier

Mario Bros. = Uber-Suckfest


Resident Evil = Ehh... Good if you're bored (beats yardwork) ;)

Resident Evil II = Suck


Final Fantasy = OK, I actually liked this one alot, so it gets a "no suck" vote.. hehehe


yeah, I'd have to say you're right on the money Prime :D


I almost agree with everything you said, exept for Mortal Kombat. I liked the first one. MK2 sucked horribly. (though, thats just my opinion.)


And how could you forget Street Fighter! (I still can't believe Raul Julia went out that way.)


Video game movie= suck. I hope that trend will change, but I don't see it happening.

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