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NeoMarz's Ultimate Clone Pack VM


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I have found a major Bug on the model.


The l_hand bolt is facing to the inner side of the arm, whereas it has to point away from the body You need to rotate it 180°.


I made a screenshot to show you what I mean:




While this does not affect sabers as they are tubes wich don't really have a front or back it affects the attachement of weapon models to the left hand.


Hope you'll get this fixed soon.


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  Pahricida said:
I have found a major Bug on the model.


The l_hand bolt is facing to the inner side of the arm, whereas it has to point away from the body You need to rotate it 180°.


I made a screenshot to show you what I mean:




While this does not affect sabers as they are tubes wich don't really have a front or back it affects the attachement of weapon models to the left hand.


Hope you'll get this fixed soon.



Hmmmm, not sure if that is a neccesary fix. The weapons are held in the right hand arent they? The tags were not added by me, this is the way the model is rigged. I doubt I could have spun it by accident. I'll see if it effects game play, but I dont recall the gun being backwards. Marzout

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  NeoMarz1 said:
Hmmmm, not sure if that is a neccesary fix. The weapons are held in the right hand arent they? The tags were not added by me, this is the way the model is rigged. I doubt I could have spun it by accident. I'll see if it effects game play, but I dont recall the gun being backwards. Marzout


Well if you don't fix it there will be many disappointed MovieBattles 2 Players who will see their Arc Pistol upside down, firing at the ground wich is looking really stupid.




I would consider it a necessary fix. If you do not fix this we can't use the model which would be really sad since it's the only good Clone Pack around and I got a feeling it will stay that way for a while.

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Am I the only one that cannot access pcgamemods and filefront? Both websites seem to be down when I try to connect (404). I'm pretty sure it is impossible for both websited to be down for more than 24 hours without setting off posts about it across the net so I'm thinking I'm the only one with this problem.

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  ksk h2o said:
Am I the only one that cannot access pcgamemods and filefront? Both websites seem to be down when I try to connect (404). I'm pretty sure it is impossible for both websited to be down for more than 24 hours without setting off posts about it across the net so I'm thinking I'm the only one with this problem.
Works fine with me :S
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FF is alright, try again.


Noone can use the clone jungle model, but you have to admit, it's a great camo XD


And please, Marz, rotate it, it does the same in FM3. Or release a JO-compatible version, that would fix it, too (for some reason I don't understand at all)


And BTW, a little idea for skinners - would anyone like to do the SWBF1 Jet Trooper and SWBF2 Sharpshooter?

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  Pahricida said:
Well if you don't fix it there will be many disappointed MovieBattles 2 Players who will see their Arc Pistol upside down, firing at the ground wich is looking really stupid.




I would consider it a necessary fix. If you do not fix this we can't use the model which would be really sad since it's the only good Clone Pack around and I got a feeling it will stay that way for a while.



Ahhhhhhh, I see, well then that may be a necessary fix. Well I will consider it, but to be honest not sure what it takes to get the tag to be spun the right way. I know in the past I have had nothing but headaches trying to realighn the blade tags on sabers. What do I do? Do I spin it and center the tag pivots, then reset the "X form". I really want to fix this, but I have a lot of models, and no way to test it. I would hate to put tons of hours in fixing all the models. and find out that nothing changed. If anyone can help me fix this then I will do it, but I need the help fast, because we are working on another clone pack using these sets. Marzout

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  NeoMarz1 said:
I know in the past I have had nothing but headaches trying to realighn the blade tags on sabers.

Yeah I've been through that myself... I got it working after some time though.



What do I do? Do I spin it and center the tag pivots, then reset the "X form".


Well yes thats basically what it takes to fix this. However if you are too busy or having problems accomplishing this I would of course help you... it's just a small fix after all.

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Nice models Marz, but damn you for the bolted backpacks. It took me three hours to get all the settings for the OJP holsters correct. I had to do inventive stuff with the saber staff, like bolting it in the middle of the ARC trooper's jetpack. Pity I can't pull that stunt with, say, the rocket launcher. Ah well... OJP holsters will work with these guys in the next release.

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  Pahricida said:
Yeah I've been through that myself... I got it working after some time though.




Well yes thats basically what it takes to fix this. However if you are too busy or having problems accomplishing this I would of course help you... it's just a small fix after all.


Hmmmmmm... let me think...

O.K., tell me what files format you need (3Dsmax, or whatever). I am currently using 3Dsmax 4. If you have a greater version then me then I will have to depend on you producing the glm.. In MBII is the Arc the only one with twin pistol option?, cuz there is no since in correcting the problem for all models, if theyre only gonna use the ARCs. Well I hope we can get this fixed, that kinda bummed me out to hear that. Give me your e-mail and I'll send you the files. Marzout

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I am using Max 6 yet I can read older max formats. If you wish I can also send you the .xsi so you can go on from there by yourself.


As for the models, well we have something called Open Mode wich goes by pre-defined classes and Weapon/Skill Setups.

The Arc Trooper and Mandalorian Classes currently are the only ones to use Dual Weapon support in Open Mode.

However we also have something called FA (Full Authentic) Mode which lets the creator of the map define his own classes including Player- and Weaponmodels hence allowing him to let every Playermodel wield dual guns.


If you're not feeling comfortable sending me all the models the Arc Troopers and Clone Commanders need the support the most. But you know that a half done job doesn't do the Pack justice :p


I'll send you my mail via pm.


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  Pahricida said:
I am using Max 6 yet I can read older max formats. If you wish I can also send you the .xsi so you can go on from there by yourself.


As for the models, well we have something called Open Mode wich goes by pre-defined classes and Weapon/Skill Setups.

The Arc Trooper and Mandalorian Classes currently are the only ones to use Dual Weapon support in Open Mode.

However we also have something called FA (Full Authentic) Mode which lets the creator of the map define his own classes including Player- and Weaponmodels hence allowing him to let every Playermodel wield dual guns.


If you're not feeling comfortable sending me all the models the Arc Troopers and Clone Commanders need the support the most. But you know that a half done job doesn't do the Pack justice :p


I'll send you my mail via pm.



O.k. I sent the first model set for the ARCs. If this goes well, then I will send the rest. I believe you can fix this, but its best to start out small. If all goes well, I will send the rest. Marzout

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