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The Canonical Version


What do you want the canonical Exile to be?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want the canonical Exile to be?

    • Lightside Male
    • Lightside Female
    • Darkside Male
    • Darkside Female

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As you should know, Lucasfilm confirmed that for Kotor I, Revan was canonically a man and a lightsider. And Leland Chee is trying to make the canonical Exile female. So I'd like to know what you'd like to see as K2's canonical version. I was originally for Lightside Male, but I'm starting to see Lightside female.

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I see the Exile as a LS male and a Jedi Guardian/Weapon Master. I just get the sense from the TSL storyline that the Exile is a fighter and not so dependent on the Force like a Consular/Jedi Master would be.

Now I know the "canonical" thing has Revan as a LS male as well. Personally I think the KotOR story could easily have Revan as a female. But if Revan is male according to "canon" then I don't see any way the Exile could be anything other than male either. IMO the TSL story more strongly supports the Exile being male than KotOR supports Revan being male.

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I would like to say Exile should be DS, but the DS side of TSL is so rubbish, I'd prefer LS to be canon.


As for gender, I'm not really sure, though I would say male because including the Handmaiden in the party adds a new dimension to the story as opposed to the Disciple who doesn't add much.


Classwise, I'd say Guardian / Master to reflect his role as a fighter before Malchor V and then his role as powerful Force user with Force bonds, Kreia, etc. after Peragus.

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I too got the idea that the cannon ideal for K1 was Male LS Sentinel or Guardian, for K2 I got more of a female subtle *hint hint* now and then... but the Disciple is just so annoying! :xp:


All jokes aside thouh, he is a reaonably good fighter, but having hardly any emtional or spiritual quests/side stories he really ain't all he's cracked up to be :dozey:

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Well, Revan is definitely Male. I am not sure about the LS part though, I would say I am 70% sure its LS, but Ds would make a better irony, and thus a better story. This is esp true if he started out LS and drops back to DS due to the Bastila incident.


Exile is definitely Male also, with Visas and Briana to hump from. Exile is almost definitely LS.

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The Exile should be a lightside male. All the promotional pictures show it, and the Handmaiden is way better than the Disciple. Not to mention the Jedi Order has to be saved.....for a sequal? If the 'last of the Jedi' goes dark, the Order is gone forever with Revan gone.


But I don't really think they should even be picking 'canon' roles for KOTOR games, it might ruin the fun for some folks.

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The Exile should be a lightside male. All the promotional pictures show it, and the Handmaiden is way better than the Disciple. Not to mention the Jedi Order has to be saved.....for a sequal? If the 'last of the Jedi' goes dark, the Order is gone forever with Revan gone.


But I don't really think they should even be picking 'canon' roles for KOTOR games, it might ruin the fun for some folks.


It depends on which gender one choose's and which side they decide to sway.


I see K1 Revan as a Lightside Female, I haven't played K2 so I can't give my opinion but it will probably be the same.

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Exile to me is LS female. I like the way she would relate to Atton Rand. Exile has a dark dirty past. Atton Rand has a dirty past as well. They have a more dynamic relationship than would a Male Exile and Handmaiden or Visas. To me love triangles suck. Disciple is no competition for Atton Rand in manliness or charisma or presence. He is wussy and pale and blonde. UGH!!


Atton and female Exile can comfort each other and understand each other better than the others. They have both committed atrocities in the name of Revan. Things they are not sure they regret.


Also Atris' feelings towards a female Exile, I can see it being a sisterly bond. I can't see Atris having sisterly affection towards male Exile, nor can I see that she was in-love with a male Exile. Then the love triangle becomes a love QUADrangle. And that makes me want to hurl.


If Exile = LS female is made canon, then PLEASE leave out the Disciple and put in Handmaiden. Even female players don't like Disciple. Am I right?

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I see the Exile as a Lightside Male, not because of the posters though. If you look at the picture of the Jedi inside the cover he looks more like the K1 Reven head, plus we established Reven was a Guardian and he has a blue sabre.


I think that Star Wars is really skewed towards men, also the good guys always win eventually.


LS Male.

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I see the Exile as a Lightside Male, not because of the posters though. If you look at the picture of the Jedi inside the cover he looks more like the K1 Reven head, plus we established Reven was a Guardian and he has a blue sabre.


I think that Star Wars is really skewed towards men, also the good guys always win eventually.


LS Male.

That George Lucas. What a chauvinist pig. :laughing:


Star Wars really is, isn't it? Padme had nothing to do but utter some weak lines about loving Anakin. Princess Leia was pretty tough, though. But she was the only female lead. Luke, Han, Chewie, Lando, C-3PO, R2, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Leia. Man, that's skewed. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... women were still stuck below a glass ceiling. :lol:

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