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Should there be another tutorial planet in KOTOR 3?


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Hey, if this is a repost I'm sorry.


In both of the Kotor games I was kinda disapointed in how you had to participate in a two hour long "tutorial" like planet (Taris, and Peragus). I always like to go back and replay each game, but I hate having to go through both of those. I'm not suggesting that you can do everything at the beginning of the game, but something different. I was wondering what any of your thoughts were on this.

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Tutorials...everyone hates them...


But you can't expect that people who haven't touched an RPG before can understand and play Kotor 3 without a tutorial. It's simply a matter of gameplay. Tutorials are there to help people. If K3 doesn't have a turotial, i;m sure there will be several people that won't but it......excluding the people on this forums o'course :)

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Shouldn't there be a Poll for this?


Instead of having a Tutorial Planet, maybe you could have a small Tutorial Level in a small Ship for example. Good examples to use would be the Endar Spire and the Ebon Hawk type. They could explain the controls, etc there. If you don't need to play it, there should be a Skip Tutorial console thing.

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Taris and Peragus are needed to start off the story. They aren't 'tutorials'. The tutorials are the Endar Spire and the Ebon Hawk levels. Taris and Peragus are slow because the story is yet to really get started yet. There has to be a slow point in the beginning. It's unavoidable.

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I hadn't played video/PC games in a long time when we got Kotor, and, well, let's just say that the field has matured substantially since my Atari days. I definitely needed a tutorial. I liked how in TSL you could skip the prologue. I think K3 should have a tutorial level for someone who might be starting the series without having played the first 2, but I'd like it to be skippable like in TSL.

Taris was more interesting for me than Peragus because we got a lot more party/NPC interactions. I got very tired of the mining droids very quickly and the unrelenting 'everyone is dead' feeling on both the planet and the Harbinger.

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If there is one, I'd hope it is more like Taris than Peragus. Peragus really was horrendously boring for me, but the rest of the game was excellent.


I know, I thought Peragus was SOOOOOOO boring. I liked Taris a lot better.


I think that the tutorials are needed, because they give the game an opening. :smirk2:

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The Endar Spire and the Ebon Hawk were tutorials. THey were necessary, and they were short. In KOTOR II, you were given the convenient option of skipping it.


Taris was not a tutorial, it nor was Peragus. They were the beginning. Peragus was just really boring.


Tutorials are fine, and it's frankly awesome that they made it optional in KOTOR II.


I say keep with it. There has to be, and is going to be, a tutorial in the next game. And now that they've set the standard, it only makes sense for it to be optional again.

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Hey, if this is a repost I'm sorry.

hehe, kind of sounds like "riposte"

If you are talking about the prologue, I think it will help new commers. I liked the fact that you can skip the prologue, so I have not problem with it.

Agreed. Keep the prologue, but with an option to skip through it. That way you're not sitting there going through basic stuff you already know.

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i think it should be optional but i'd rather do it like fable start of young then get older and not such a LONGGGGGG drag at the begining i h8 parages and i've got the worst habbit 2 only have 1 save game at a time so i have 2 redo the game every time graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Hey, if this is a repost I'm sorry.


In both of the Kotor games I was kinda disapointed in how you had to participate in a two hour long "tutorial" like planet (Taris, and Peragus). I always like to go back and replay each game, but I hate having to go through both of those. I'm not suggesting that you can do everything at the beginning of the game, but something different. I was wondering what any of your thoughts were on this.

The KotOR 1 tutorial was the Endar Spire. It was prety short. Taris was not part of the tutorial (and it was my favorite planet: it was the most extended and least linear planet with lots of things to do, the quests were varied and there was a good balance between combat and non combat situations.)


In kotor2, the tutorial was the Ebon Hawk, not Peragus. Peragus was well done in terms of storyline (it was the most polished part in Kotor 2 IMHO) but I felt a bit lonely (basically no npc interaction) and it was too linear for me. I dislike to constantly being put in control of chars I don't chose: I feel that this is more appropriate to FPS than RPGs.



But to answer the question about tutorials, I agree with everyone saying that it is a necessity. When LA releases a game, they certainly want to appeal to the fan base but they also want new customers.

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Believe or not, there will always be silly people out there who will see KotOR 3 and pick it up and play it without bothering to look for 1 or 2 first, so a tutorially planet or small section will always be necessary.


Since KotOR1 was the first of the series, it made sense that they did not make it skippable. Along those lines, because KotOR2 was the second in the series it makes sense that they'd allow more seasoned players to skip it. I would imagine it would be much the same in KotOR3.


Besides, I always kind of like to play through the tutorial sections once, even though I know it'll be a bunch of information I don't need to hear again. Tutorial or no, it's still part of the story :).

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Believe or not, there will always be silly people out there who will see KotOR 3 and pick it up and play it without bothering to look for 1 or 2 first, so a tutorially planet or small section will always be necessary.


Yes. Especially as KIII would almost definately be on a new platform as well.


Since KotOR1 was the first of the series, it made sense that they did not make it skippable. Along those lines, because KotOR2 was the second in the series it makes sense that they'd allow more seasoned players to skip it. I would imagine it would be much the same in KotOR3.




Besides, I always kind of like to play through the tutorial sections once, even though I know it'll be a bunch of information I don't need to hear again. Tutorial or no, it's still part of the story :).


Yes I think even the most experienced players will do the tutorial the first time through to get the little story and ease themselves back into the game style.

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