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Do you mostly use the PC, or do you mostly use the NPCs?

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Do you mostly use the PC, or do you mostly use the NPCs?

Even though the KotOR games are based upon the PC, do you constantly use the PC, or do you use the NPC the majority of the time?


When it comes to KotOR I, I have never used:

1. HK-47

2. Jolee

3. Canderous


When it comes to KotOR II, I have never used:

1. Atton.

2. Bou-Dur

3. Canderous

4. Goto

5. HK-47


Second part, who do you use the most out of the NPCs?

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This is an interesting topic. I use the PC about 97% of the time in both games when it doesn't require me to use another party member.


Not sure who I've used the most of the Party Members if you don't count times when you have to be any of 'em. If I use them in any way, I just set their attacks and then switch back to my PC.


Great topic! :D

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I tend to use the pc all the time, npcs Ill just switch to them quick while paused to activate shields, buffs, or crowd control force powers (stasis field, insanity).


KOTOR npcs I never use:




TSL npcs I never use:

Hanhaar (I always try to get Mira whether light or dark side)


HK (I just dont find him that useful compared to Mira and Atton for ranged)


*edit* i forgot about G0-T0... prolly cause i always ignore him completely while playing


KOTOR npcs I use the most:

Bastila (shes always in my party if I can help it)





TSL npcs I use the most:



^^my favorite party^^

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T3M4 (Useless except for getting into the Sith Base on Taris)

Juhani (especially since her quest is bugged)




GOTO (The one part of the story that I dislike. I would rather have Disciple.)

Hanhaar (I use a mod to get Mira whether light or dark side)

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I always use my main characther, except in battles, and in the begining of Kotor i use Carths lockpick on doors

Dont use

Kotor - T3M4

TSL - GOTO and T3M4


The one i use if diffrent, i trying to variate the game so much i can

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Am I the only one who loves running with droids? Especially Hk and T3. I admit I actually love to diversify myself all the time.


As far as running the NPC's I find that I do this alot in K1 when I'm not using a modded character class routine. I will overly specialize different NPC's in different tasks and beef my character in persuade. I really love having a heavy blaster assault force like HK & Candy in K1 and sitting back and blasting while the PC is on auto pilot.


In K2 I find that there is very little need to switch as more of the game is built on story and less skill based challenges.

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Quite an interesting topic. I use the PC most of the time, because he always has the most powerful attacks and weapons in my party.


Kotor NPCs I use (most to least):

Bastila(I always keep her around)




HK(Tatooine mostly, and Rakata)


Zaalbar(Only on Kashyyk)

Mission(Taris only)

T3(Rots in my ship)


Kotor II NPCs I use (ranked most to least):

Non-Jedi Handmaiden

Non-Jedi Atton



Non-Jedi Mira (Or Hanharr)



Non-Jedi Bao Dur




Kotor II NPCs I use after Jedi Conversions:

Jedi Handmaiden

Jedi Atton

Jedi Mira




Jedi Bao Dur





T3 hates it when I play, because he knows that he will stay on the ship the entire game.

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I only use my character and take two party members simply to have backup when I get into a fight. As for which party members have I taken with me most of the time, it's sort of like this:


In both KoTOR and TSL I've used HK-47.

In KoTOR I've rarely (practically never) used Zaalbar, or Juhani, or T3.

In TSL I've rarely (practically never) used G0-T0, T3, Kreia, or Atton.

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Usually the PC except when required to use someone else for something or when I'm doing sidequests. It all depends on whether I'm playing DS or LS as to who makes the landing parties. I usually use all-Jedi parties or at least all-melee parties because I really can't stand the constant blaster sounds.


HK is constantly by my side when I'm DS, Kreia I generally only have around for Jedi support when there's no one else present, Atton rarely makes the grade, Bao-Dur only leaves the ship when I do his influence bits as he's a total wimp and I get sick of him constantly dying on me, Carth...well I'd just kill him on Taris and get it over with if I could. The wookies are good meat tanks properly kitted up, so I use them for variation sometimes, but my usual parties are all-jedi affairs--Bastila, Jolee, Juhani, Visas, etc etc etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My fave parties, being a LS female:


KotOR 1:

1. Carth

2. Canderous



1. Atton

2. Bao-Dur (first half), Mandalore (second half)


What can I say? I love my KotOR men.


I do switch out party members relatively frequently, however, because I like to get the various dialogues and quips, or influence pts. Jolee is quite funny, for one. But I try to keep Carth and Atton with me as much as possible. Romance always!


The NPCs I rarely ever -- or never -- use are Zaalbar (he's powerful but just not enough personality), Hanhaar (I also snag Mira even if I'm playing DS Exile), and G0-T0.


I generally play all PC in KotOR 1, but in TSL I like to switch to Atton for my demolitions/stealth stuff, and Bao-Dur for tech stuff. When I've got a consular/master PC I'll sometimes switch out in a fight to let my Exile auto-buff everyone so I don't have to go through the bother of queueing up the force powers.


I don't know what the deal is with people thinking Bao-Dur is a wimp -- even when I didn't use mods or hold levels for the jedi progression I thought he was great -- well, holding levels can make it tricky, but I just gave my boys blasters and tanked by myself. Maybe it's because I always get the toughness feats asap, and I don't mind using the med packs or force heals when needed. I have rarely ever had party members "die" on me.

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Bao-Dur was the only one I really had that problem with. I dunno what was up with him, it seemed like every thirty seconds I'd get the dead-party-member autopause when he was around. Granted, I think I only managed to jedify him once or twice, and the only time I really used him was generally on Telos when your characters are still relatively weak, but yeah, I was really disappointed that they give you a party member from the same species as Darth Maul and make him a wimp techie. I very rarely gave my PC the full LS-buff treatment, usually leaving that job to Kreia. And almost every single time on Telos, when you reach the entrance to the underground base and have to mow down that mob of mercs, all my party members would race off and chase totally different groups of baddies. Even when I micromanaged them and queued up all their attacks, they always suddenly became moderately retarded AI entities who need to be babysat 24/7. It was always RIGHT THERE, nowhere else. Dunno what that was about...bizarre.

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And almost every single time on Telos, when you reach the entrance to the underground base and have to mow down that mob of mercs, all my party members would race off and chase totally different groups of baddies. Even when I micromanaged them and queued up all their attacks, they always suddenly became moderately retarded AI entities who need to be babysat 24/7. It was always RIGHT THERE, nowhere else. Dunno what that was about...bizarre.


Yea, that's where I'd had problems, as well. Switching your party members to the "stationary" behavior should put a leash on them while in battle. They'll still move a bit if enemies are nearby but they won't run all the way across the field.


I also disliked it greatly when I tried to arrange to reclaim a couple of mines set in front of the enemies but my party members would run full-tilt right through them all. Stationary behavior works great there, too, and switch to ranged weapons. Or if it looked like it was too late I'd use Stun Droid to set the mines off before my ppl got too deep.


I'm curious now to play without making my party members into Jedi, or maybe just leveling normally to about 15 and then converting them. Story-wise that might make better sense, not training students until I make my prestige class. I just love watching Bao-Dur force jump huge distances, so I try to get him as many guardian levels as I can.

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In KOTOR, I use my NPC's to open doors, make repairs, and do other things related to skills my PC is not good at. I especially use Mission a lot to handle mines. For tough battles, I will queue up their combat actions. Other than that, I use the PC all the way.


For TSL, I love to use Mira to clear out the Ubese. I get a strange satisfaction out of using stealth, mines, and blasters to clear out the whole level (including Hanharr) while taking no damage. Other than that, I only use the NPC's for the times when the game forces it. It is fun to play the others, but the game gives me enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I kno this is a pretty old thread,but im posting my two cents anyway. I usually use a team of two jedi and a gunman for backup fire. Example:in Kotor 2 Hk-47 and deciple/ handaiden/ Visas (Depending on who I have at the moment). In kotor 1:Hk and Bastila all the way. Or sometimes bastila and jolee cuz I like Jolee so much.



P.S. I love all the droids the most, (HK, T3, and yes, even G0T0), but I usually just keep Hk in my party as I like to have at least one other jedi with me.


Oh, and I always play as my P.C., except sometimes when I play as HK just cuz I like the way he moves.

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I almost exclusively use the PC. I have used Mission a few times for picking up mines and such in the undercity, but after that point you can do most of the things you need to with the PC. Once in a while I'll use Mission or T3M4 for slicing/repairing purposes.


Favorite party for both games:

KotOR1: Bastila & Carth

KotoR2: Atton & Mira


Never use:

KotOR1: T3M4, HK47, Jolee, Juhani

KotOR2: Kreia, T3M4, HK47, GOTO

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@Inyri and Mac--not taking Jolee and HK with you at any time means you are missing out on some of the most hilarious lines in both games. I'll actually go to Kashyyyk first just to pick up Jolee (without getting the Star Map right away) so I can have him in my party right away.

Taking him with you on Korriban is very amusing. When you meet up with Lashowe in Dresdae the first time and she asks you "Do you know how many Sith there are on this planet?" Jolee quips, "12! No, wait, 13!" I about fell over laughing first time I heard that.


I use the PC 99% of the time at higher levels. At lower levels, I'll use the other characters a lot more, especially to do specific skills (like unlock doors) or make stuff (Bao-Dur at the workbench, Kreia at the lab bench), but I'll still use the PC the vast majority of the time.

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i dont have K2, but in K1, i have never, ever, ever taken T3 anywhere other than to open the sith base. he sits and beeps in the ship, i never use him. on the other hand, HK47 is always a compulsory member in my party :D. i dont use Mission, Zaalbar and Candy often, but i pick Jolee, Carth and Bastila lots. i occasionally take Juhani too.

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@Inyri and Mac--not taking Jolee and HK with you at any time means you are missing out on some of the most hilarious lines in both games.
I have heard them all. I'm a compulsive WAV listener (I go into the streamwaves folder and just listen to all the WAV files for no apparent reason), plus I have run through the game and heard all of both Jolee's and HK's story arc. I just don't use them much otherwise. So while I might have missed some things in context, I haven't missed them completely ;). After all, Jolee's one of the funniest characters in the game.


Personally, I can't go to Korriban without Bastila and Carth. Hearing Carth tell her to shut up just makes it all worth it.

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