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How many times have you beatten kotor 1 and 2

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Uh, hee hee, uh... *blushes severely*


KotOR - last count was 75 times of actually finishing the game


TSL - last count was 34 times of actually finishing the game


What can I say, I love KotOR. I love playing it, modding it, reading stories about it, etc... :thumbsup:


TSL thoroughly cheesed me off with the ending. That is why I haven't finished nearly as many games of TSL as I have KotOR...

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Wow, so the hardcore players are all here huh? I've finished part 1 twice, working on a third, and part 2 somewhere around 30 times. This is the first time I've seen anyone that's finished TSL more than I have, and there's a few people who have me beat by a LOT. Now I don't feel so bad for the 900 or so hours I spent. A friend told me I could have finished Morrowind twice in that time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ive started kotor again this time im only planing on getting to the end no lightsaber only melee wepons but anthor thing this time through canderous is my main jedi probley very hard to finish the game on only melee but i think it can be done


Edit: well i would probley say right now it probley doesent matter how many times you might have finished the game you allways find or discover something new that you had no idea before.

well you can finish the game a millon times over and each time you find something new

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I’ve played KOTOR on Xbox 12 times and 52 overall (including finishing a game tonight). Thanks to the many modder’s wonderful creations I still enjoy playing it.


TSL played 4 times on Xbox and finished 25 times on PC. I’ve played it many more times but usually start over after I lose the NPC during end game.


TSL thoroughly cheesed me off with the ending. That is why I haven't finished nearly as many games of TSL as I have KotOR...


I like TSL better for some reason, but like Mjpb3 wrote the ending cheesed me off too.

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ok, first off i just want to get this off me chest ... I LOVE THE KOTOR GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol, ok ... now thats out of the way. For KotOR 1: ive played and completed 38 times.

For KotOR 2 -TSL: ive played and completed 46 times.


What can i say? i happen to love TSL more then kotOR, some may seem that as weird lol, but i do like TSL better :D:D:D But thats just me i guess.;)

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  • 2 months later...

I have no shame in saying that I have completely beaten the phenomenal game KOTOR upwards of 250 times, not including the times when I merely stopped at some point along the way. KOTOR II I have only beaten around 120 times as the story is not as involving and incredible as KOTOR, However I have been considering going back through it a few more times just to evaluate and ensure that I have covered every possible angle.

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