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Favorite and Most Hated Jedi/Sith


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If you wanna throw in the expanded universe then you cannot go past Revan. Just the fact you can romance a female Cathar Jedi, as a woman, is awesome. And if Revan is Batman, then the Exile is the Boy Wonder, well officially Girl Wonder. Plus looking around places such as Deviantart a lot of their humor and personnality seems to rub off on fans.

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Jedi: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Qui-Gon Jinn.

Sith: Darth Maul/Darth Sion




Jedi: Atris

Sith: Darth Nihilus


Reasons why:


Obi-Wan Kenobi - Both old and young Kenobi are great Jedi.


Qui-Gon Jinn - Always the best Jedi Master in my opinion.


Darth Maul - One of the best Sith I've seen. He introduced the Double-Bladed Lightsaber and his greatest moments are in the book Shadow Hunter.


Darth Sion - An interesting character who is intemidating.


Atris - The female Vrook, but worse. She goes on about how you (The Exile) fell to the dark side after the Mandalorian Wars and then she falls to the dark side herself. Perhaps I shouldn't spare her this time.


Darth Nihilus - I just don't like him. When he speaks, I can't understand what he is saying and basically a masked Sith like Vader can beat him at anything. Plus Sion is better than him.

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Darth Nihilus - I just don't like him. When he speaks, I can't understand what he is saying and basically a masked Sith like Vader can beat him at anything. Plus Sion is better than him.


I don't see vader forging battleships out of ruins, escaping planets and feeding of the force from other planets in an attempt to fulfill his hinger. vader is a whiny little kid that couldnt get it up, so the attention whore turned to the darkside...



Jedi: Kit Fisto

Sith: Count Dooku



Jedi: Kyle Katarn

Sith: Plageus- How can an amazingly strong sith lord get killed in his sleep by his apprentice? wuss...

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Well I still hate Palpatine the most, but I really don't like the bad guys in KOTOR either. Kreia's a manipulative witch, Atris wants to kill the Exile and Brianna, and Sion and Malek are torturers, Malek even getting his kicks from it. True, Vader did that as well but as far as we know he didn't derive pleasure from it. I think his most dispicable act was threatening to turn Leia.

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Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate

Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate

Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate :

Desciple of kotor2.



Funny enough I like Tholme quite a bit. He got the style. Then again so did Dooku(most of the time) Obi is cool too, especially young Obi, and Qui.

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Jedi: Luke, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Jolee

Sith: Vader, Sidious, Maul for the fight scenes



Jedi: none--Jackson could have phoned in his part, though.

Sith: Grievous and Dooku "They killed off Maul for these guys????" Lee did a decent job with a sucky character and sucky script, however.

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Grievous wasn't a Sith, Jae. Get your facts straight. :p


Favorite Sith: Palpatine, Kreia, Vader


Favorite Jedi: everyone in the original trilogy


Least favorite Sith: Bandon. Bad name, and the smallest possible role I've ever seen a Darth play.


Least favorite Jedi: LS Revan, and any followers of Potentium. Vergere is excluded, though.

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