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Help with a wording problem.


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Alrighty, tomorrow I'm asking a girl out to winter formal. I don't need help getting the guts to do it, etc, I'm perfectly comfortable doing so. What I DO need help with is how to word my request.


A little background on "the plan": We share a physics class. Every day our teacher has a physics quiz on the whiteboard, which is covered by the projector screen at the start of class. When it's time for the quiz, he pulls up the screen so we can see what the quiz is.


I worked it all out with my teacher. Before class, I'm going to write my request on the board behind the screen as if it were a quiz. When he pulls the screen up, there's my little message, and whammo, I'm standing by her seat with a rose.


So that's taken care of. Basic problem is, how should I word "Will you go to winter formal with me?" on the board? Maybe I'm just nitpicking over this detail because I pride myself in being a halfway decent writer, and "will you go to winter formal with me?" seems like quite a mouthful. Other things I've seen are, "Winter formal?", plain and simple, or similar things like "Winter formal with me?", etc. I don't know which one works best.


So what should my little message on the board be? Creativity is encouraged, but let's be realistic here ;)


Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Cool teacher. I'd suggest just the plain "will you go to the winter formal with me?", since you're writing it, I wouldn't worry about it being a mouthful :xp:

Since when do you give dating advice, non Meme-filled dating advice that is?


If it were me I'd just break her door down, throw her over my shoulder, and proceed to the dance.

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If it were me I'd just break her door down, throw her over my shoulder, and proceed to the dance.


That's being a looter and not a libertarian/Randist, is it not? :lol:


I think "Will you go to winter formal with me?" sounds best, though. But I'd try and look at this from her perspective. If someone were to invite you to a dance over a whiteboard, what message would sound best to you?

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"<Name>, would you please go to the Winter Formal with me?"


If I got just 'Winter Formal?' I'd be wondering why I wasn't even worth the time to write a complete sentence.


And good luck with the plan. If she says yes, I suspect this will be a topic of discussion for some time around your school. :)

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Erm, ok then. My best advice is to stop asking on a gaming forum what you should say to a girl you want to ask out. 'Lines' and rehearsed garbage will sound like exactly what they are, superficial and fake.


Just say what you feel and speak from the heart. If it doesn't work out, well... those are the breaks, but at least you'd have tried and been sincere.


In any case, any girl who'd spend more time and effort worrying about the exact words you used rather than actually listening to what it was you were saying probably isn't worth spending the effort on in the first place... Not that I'm saying she *is* that sort of person, nor did you exactly ask me, but that's my two bits regardless. ;)


Good luck!



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Well, if you want something more from her than just a date for the Winter Formal (and from the way you're going to ask her it sounds like you do), then maybe you could go with something like: ''<Her name>, would you do me the honor of being my date for the Winter Formal? <your name>''

I think that it shows that you respect her, besides sounding romantic.

Otherwise, go with what everyone else said: ''<Her name>, will you go to the Winter Formal with me? <your name>.''

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