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Battle of the Jedi


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Same drill folks :D This time, with Jedi. Possibly these ones, though i've probably missed some.


Revan *

Bastila *

Exile *

Luke Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker

Obi-wan Kenobi

Kyle Katarn

Jacen Solo *

Corran Horn

Nomi Sunrider

Ulic Qel'Droma *

Mace Windu



* I'm aware that the alignment for these maybe somewhat fuzzy, so just assume it's when they were at the peak of their LS power :)


Also, to avoid any smart-assed 'They wouldn't fight, they're Jedi' answers, that's not allowed. If you say that, i'll cut your balls off :D Just assume for the sake of argument that some circumstances have forced them to take up arms against each other. Understood? Good :)


Anyway, who would win?

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Does in the peak of their light sidedness also include the peak of their life, in age terms? Example, when Obi Wan was at his peak age time (not old) he whuped Anakin, but is Anakin considered at the peak of his light sidedness still? I know he obviously went to the dark side before he dueled Obi-Wan, but it wouldn't even be fair to include him in the peak of his lightsidedness. He was only a padawan then, since he had been subtly leaning towards the dark side due to Palpatine.


Regardless, Luke wins I think.

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Does in the peak of their light sidedness also include the peak of their life, in age terms? Example, when Obi Wan was at his peak age time (not old) he whuped Anakin, but is Anakin considered at the peak of his light sidedness still? I know he obviously went to the dark side before he dueled Obi-Wan, but it wouldn't even be fair to include him in the peak of his lightsidedness. He was only a padawan then, since he had been subtly leaning towards the dark side due to Palpatine.

Just think of it as whenever they were at their most dangerous in a combat situation. For Obi-Wan i would say before his self-imposed Exile, for example. Anakain would be considered at the peak of his LS powers before he turned to Vader. Just whenever they were strongest i suppose.

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At the end of return of the Jedi Anakin is redeemed from Darth Vader so you can count his power as a Sith the the lightside (he probably could have been more powerful had he survived due to the lightside power of his redemption, just like how the darkside fall made him, and the empiror, more powerful).


To cut this short... one word


YODA lol


2nd) Mace Windu (who only fell because he could not forsee anikin's strike due to the emence dark energy that was coming at him)


3rd) Luke/Anakin Skywalker


We all know it would come to these top 4 eventually any way so it really doesn't matter past this point. Even though Jedi would never fight each other :p

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Luke. The only Skywalker who really did live up to the Skywalker potential.


What about Jacen?



But always Luke AKA God is going to win.


Yoda couldn't defeat Palpatine in a lightsaber duel, but Luke did. Nuff said.

Last i checked Yoda still had his lightsaber when Sidious started throwing pods. Where was Sidious's?

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In terms of raw power, Anakin Skywalker would win. His mastery of Djem So (fighting style) was perfect according to Dooku, and so was his Force Power. Even WITH the Vader suit, he had still about 80% of power compared to the Emperor. Without the suit, on his top Lightside...autch...


In terms of lightsaber combat, Obi-Wan would win. He perfected his Defensive Soreso stance, and even bested Anakin with it. He would most definately win from equal opponents, but I don't think he could win against the stronger Force users. Only the ones that are good saber fighters, like Kyle Katarn would loose too him, me thinks.


Luke wouldn't stand a chance, imo. He uses elements of all saber forms (for example, he used Djem So against his dad on the Death Star) instead of 1 'complete' style. Brilliant saber fighters like Obi-Wan and Anakin might beat him, if it wasn't for his raw force power.


The winner:

Anakin. Best fight style, most force power.

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Obi wan lost the lightsaber duel against Count Dooku though.


If you count all that EU books, then it is Luke, our little demi-god. :D


If not, perhaps Nomi Sunrider, the Exile or Revan. But I can't really compare those of the old republic with those of the new.



If they ALL fight against each other at the same time, Yoda wins. He's just too damn small to get noticed until his green sabers pierces through you...

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Yoda couldn't defeat Palpatine in a lightsaber duel, but Luke did. Nuff said.


Luke didn't tho... Palpatine was force lightning his ass, because Luke was stupid enough to throw away the only thing he had to block Palpatines Lighting. Yoda is that amazing that he could block the Lightning with his LS knowledge of the force.


In terms of lightsaber combat, Obi-Wan would win. He perfected his Defensive Soreso stance, and even bested Anakin with it. He would most definately win from equal opponents, but I don't think he could win against the stronger Force users. Only the ones that are good saber fighters, like Kyle Katarn would loose too him, me thinks.



Obi wan lost the lightsaber duel against Count Dooku though.


Obi-Wan lost twice to Dooku in AotC and then at the beggining of RotS, if Anakin hadnt of been there Dooku would of killed him; this means Yoda could of had Obi-Wan as if his defence was that great he wouldn't of lost to Dooku. Anakin lost that fight rather than Obi-Wan winning it, Anakin didn't have patience and his arrogance ultimatly cost him.


In terms of raw power, Anakin Skywalker would win. His mastery of Djem So (fighting style) was perfect according to Dooku, and so was his Force Power. Even WITH the Vader suit, he had still about 80% of power compared to the Emperor. Without the suit, on his top Lightside...autch...


Luke wouldn't stand a chance, imo. He uses elements of all saber forms (for example, he used Djem So against his dad on the Death Star) instead of 1 'complete' style. Brilliant saber fighters like Obi-Wan and Anakin might beat him, if it wasn't for his raw force power.


The winner:

Anakin. Best fight style, most force power.


Hmmm, I disagree Anakin NEVER reached his potential, where as Luke did and became as other said before a demi-force God, he even had a LS power called Emerald Lightning. If Anakin and Yoda fought I know Yoda would win, just like the little green legend would have Obi-Wan and Mace... The EU says Yoda was the best Lightsaber duelist in the Jedi at the time of the clone wars. And I think Luke would probably win overall, sure his lightsaber styles werent as fancy, but his force pool would have given him a significant advantage and unlike his father he learned patience.

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In terms of raw power, Anakin Skywalker would win. His mastery of Djem So (fighting style) was perfect according to Dooku, and so was his Force Power. Even WITH the Vader suit, he had still about 80% of power compared to the Emperor. Without the suit, on his top Lightside...autch...


In terms of lightsaber combat, Obi-Wan would win. He perfected his Defensive Soreso stance, and even bested Anakin with it. He would most definately win from equal opponents, but I don't think he could win against the stronger Force users. Only the ones that are good saber fighters, like Kyle Katarn would loose too him, me thinks.


Luke wouldn't stand a chance, imo. He uses elements of all saber forms (for example, he used Djem So against his dad on the Death Star) instead of 1 'complete' style. Brilliant saber fighters like Obi-Wan and Anakin might beat him, if it wasn't for his raw force power.


The winner:

Anakin. Best fight style, most force power.


SMH at this post

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Last i checked Yoda still had his lightsaber when Sidious started throwing pods. Where was Sidious's?


Well, it's not as if he needed it...


Besides, it's a moot point given Yoda's own words: "Into exile I must go - failed I have!"


The whole point of how the movies play is that only Anakin's children have the potential to grow so powerful that they can defeat him AND the emperor. Otherwise, why did Yoda and Obi-Wan go into hiding? That makes sense only if they knew they couldn't win, and so put their hopes in Anakin's children instead. And they were right, too.


Clearly Luke defeated Palpatine (in "Dark Empire") where Yoda could not (in Episode III).

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I have to say The Exile.


While the other Jedi would be weakened after killing others, The Exile can grow stronger. You can be a Light Sider and still kill off all the Jedi Masters in K2 (I'm doing that right now in my current file), sucking their Force Power and becoming more powerful, just like Darth Nihlius. All The Exile has to do is kill off one Jedi, steal that Force Power, and then use it to fuel his growth.


All the other Jedi will grow tired after killing each other...The Exile would only grow stronger.

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I think Yoda...900 Years Jedi Master...With Ataru Stance...He absolutely pwnz! Even Darth InSidious won't stand a chance.


Is Luke a demi-god? I don't see...Obi-wan is a good fighter, too. Mace Windu is formidable, if Anakin isn't there, he would definitely kill Palpy with ease.

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You see the thing is, with so many powerful Jedi all fighting against each other in the same room at once (like a royal rumble) anyone could win it. Would Revan and Bastila team up against Ulic? Would Luke and Anakin gang up on Yoda? Would one of the Jedi be the first to get to potential ‘higher ground’ to create a default advantage? There are so many possibilities.


The way I see it, when powerful force users fight each other, it can go either way. You hear people say Revan would beat the Exile and vice versa but the thing is, they’re both powerful enough to the point where the Exile is capable of killing Revan in a duel and vice versa.


It’s a bit like last years AFL Grand Final between Sydney and West Coast. Both teams were capable of winning that Grand Final; there was only one point in it in the end. Even though Revan is more powerful than Malak, Revan could have easily lost that duel because he/she could have made a costly mistake.


That’s why it’s difficult, if not impossible to compare in these hypothetical situations. We can only make suppositions about who would win. Say if this fight happened (which obviously it never will) we could all ‘bet’ on who’d win, but any one of those thirteen top class force users could win.


I don’t know how often luck comes into ‘real life fights’, boxing and the like but surely it’s not always skill, strength, speed, your frame of mind and the like that determines the outcome of fights. I assume they do in most cases, and of course, they go a long way to help winning a fight, but luck and tactics certainly must play a role.


There’s two ways I could guess the winner here.


a) Come to a decision on who is the most ‘clever’ fighter and choose the clever one. That’d most likely be Yoda, since he has hundreds of years more wisdom, experience and so on than the rest.

b) Just go by what Lucas says (in finding out who’s the most powerful). He said that Palpatine is canonically the most powerful Sith Lord ever, and Yoda almost beat him. From what I’ve heard, Luke beats Palpatine after RotJ in some comic, so he does what Yoda could not, and Yoda is clearly portrayed as the greatest and most powerful Jedi ever before Luke’s birth (Yoda’s the LS version of perfection and Sidious is the DS version of perfection), hence they draw. That’s the way I see it. You could argue that since Luke is a Skywalker, did what Yoda couldn’t, achieves his full potential and never loses limbs and so on like Vader did, he’s the most powerful force user ever, and would beat them all.


So if I were to bet on a winner (which I wouldn’t) I’d say Luke or Yoda.

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Alot of the defeats in Ep 3 were moot points!


*Mace Windu: defeated by Darth Sideous with interference from Darth Vader. Reason: With all the hatred and dark energy coming from the Empiror, Mace couldn't forsee Anakin's quick spare of the moment attack (another reason y it was hard to predict = it was spare of the moment lol)


*Yoda DRAWN? with Darth Sideous. Palpatine gains the upper hand by getting the high ground and throwing chairs at Yoda. Yoda gets in close range but Sideous gets the lucky shot of lightning that causes Yoda's saber to fly from his hand. They get into a "force tie-up", Sidous using lightning but Yoda manages to control it (look at Darth Sideous' face in panic). Yoda pushes it back at him but they both fly back. Sidous flies into the chairs behind, luckily having a handle in reach, him whilst Yoda (who had his back turned to the centre of the arena) falls with nothing to hold on to and plumits to a hard fall causing him to retreat, unarmed.


Yoda would win, close there would be luke and mace

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Well for the yoda/palpy thing Palpy won fair and square unfortunately. I mean, yoda could have gotten the high ground but he didn't. Palpy uses a bit of simple tactic, and he won cause of it. Well either way its yoda's fault. He should have ganked palpy along with Obi also. Sure he would get less xp for it...

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