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Pinpoint Exact Moments When You "Leveled" Your Geekocity

Boba Rhett

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When I acted as director and cameraman for the reinactment of Leia's distress message to Obi-Wan in ANH with an R2-D2 mailbox




The message being mailed: "Help us Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope."



When I used the difference between a weld and a bolt to explain the difference between ROM and RAM to a clueless listener.


When I passed my Star Wars book collection off to my nine year old brother and can still tell him which ones are good and why.


That I still had a star wars book collection.


That I passed it off to another generation with a slight pang of melancholy.


When I realized that I know more about computers than the Geek Squad and therefore have no use of Best Buy's computer sales or repair departments anymore.


When upon realizing the above I thought: "Worthless Fools! I no longer have a use for you." in a mix of Darth Vader's, a robot's, and Invader Zim's voices.


There's more but they don't yet spring to mind.

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Teach me r15!



sorry, i can only show you where my levels are...however, they are ALL mysteries of the sith levels...


go to http://www.massassi.net and look for the level/s:


Ikhnaton (best level i made) ( http://www.massassi.net/levels/files/2489.shtml )

Fortress of Fire (made specifically for saber battle x mod)



Fest (based on the level from Rogue Squadron)


Ikhnaton is the last level that i made, but also the BEST level I made. made it for guns and for that manowars 3 mod. which definetely check out as it kicks ass.

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Ah, the good old days...


1998 - made a huge Starcraft campaign using the official Map Editor


1999 - fnished Crash 3 Warped with a friend in a few hours, unlocked every character in Tekken 2 and Tekken 3.


2005, May - finished making my awesome nineteen levels long campaign for Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne, but never uploaded it.


2006, February - finished KoTOR and TSL in two weeks time, that was the third time I finished those games (and the last one for now).


2006, unknown month - got hooked on Yu Gi Oh!


2006, July - started reading Star Wars books and comics, started writing fan fiction.

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*requests closeup of the seeker in her outfit.*


You should also include that you have watched Invader Zim. :p


Ahhh, unfortunately, as a dude, I am not nearly as good looking as the person in that picture. That volunteer has requested that her name remain anonymous, and being the nice guy that I am, will honor that request. That picture however was taken in Missoula, MT at the corner of Front and Higgins if anyone is making a pilgrimage of nerdiness. And as I was reminded (albeit harshly) the camera work was done by none other than our own Lady Jedi (if any of you frequent the swamp) My nerdly duties consisted of directing the volunteer to the right pose.


And if constantly quoting Invader Zim makes me a nerd, then I don't want to be cool. :D

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lolz...I think I am well outgeeked.... I think tk102 is the clear leader atm


My Main Crimes against Normality were:

*Taking a week off work that strangely coincided with the releases of the new star wars movies(Though I have done this for sporting events too)


*First became a mod here, in the EU area no less. geeky huh ? :(


*Built my first pc, and have built over 40 since(though they have been mainly Home Theater PCs and done for money - which is nowhere near as geeky as making a 'linux box')


*Petitioned stinger and T7 for assistance and requested the admins to open up the tech area


*Try to convince people to not buy intel CPUs for 'political' reasons


*Have had a very strong urge to buy a "I will not fix your computer t-shirt", but didnt do so, because it was geeky


*Bought an t-shirt demonstrating my love for RPGs


*Get upset at the Mac Guy ads because they are so biased an uninformative, making me come across as a fanatical Gates/MS fan(which Im not damnit!) :(


*Am distressed that I have to refer to ATI(which I dont like) as AMD(which I like) nowdays. The AMD/ATI Merger was a difficult phase for fans of the AMD+Nvidia combo :(:p


that's about all I want to admit to atm !! :p



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When I started...


-Watching Star Trek: Next Generation, Star Trek: Enterprise, SG-1, SG-A, and when I started playing Halo on Heroic for fun... oh and anticipating the episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise where they deal with the "Tempral War".


-Finding Data on Star Trek: NG funny.


So I am a nerd... boy, never thought I would be sayin' that. Oh well.:lol:

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well, i had a truly geeky moment at my job last night, hehe. it all started when somebody had a compy that needed to be examined for a heat problem in the case. so, i started with the basics: checking the heat sinks on the CPU, graphics board, and the northbridge. after those checked out, i used my handy multimeter to check the fans, and those checked out. taking a close look at the fan blades, i determined that none of the blades were cracked.


so, with all the hardware checks completed, i closed the case back up and booted it up to check the BIOS. once in the BIOS, i checked the CPU settings and found that the CPU was heating up pretty quick (it was already above 50C and it had only been on for a couple moments). confused, i left the compy running and opened the case. using the laser thermometer, i checked the temp on the heat sink and the area around the CPU socket. for the most part, it was slightly warmer than room temp, which is normal after you boot up from a cold start, and i also noticed that the CPU fan was definitely running at full speed from the loud whine it was emitting. going back to the BIOS, the CPU temp had already climbed past 85C.


so, i decided to turn off the compy and take a closer look at the CPU. i started by removing the heat sink/fan assembly to find a temp sensor wedged between the CPU and the heat sink (the temp sensor was connected to the CPU fan and was likely used to control the fan speed). after a close inspection, i also realized that there wasn't any thermal grease between the heat sink and the CPU. realizing that there was a good sized gap between the heat sink and the fan, i applied some thermal grease to the CPU and moved the temp sensor out of the way and re-attached the heatsink to the socket (and, of course, was careful to take the heatsink back off to check for overflow of grease around the CPU and then put it back on). i then unplugged the temp sensor from the fan (they were connected by a simple three pin) and used the multimeter to check the pins to determine where a jumper needed to be placed.


turning it back on, and what do ya know: it works again. running a couple of checks, i found that everything was working right except for one thing: the CPU had been overclocked by about 200Mhz over stock (it was an Athlon64 3800 Newcastle running at 2.6GHz over a stock 2.4GHz). turning it back down to stock speeds, i ran a couple more checks and determined that the system was running normally.


later, i asked the customer what happened with the overclocking, and he was rather surprised to learn that it was the culprit. he explained that his a friend of his had convinced him to install a better cooling unit for the CPU in order to overclock the processor. i then explained to him that a combination of a gap between the heat sink and the CPU combined with an overclocked processor is going to produce a lot of heat and that his friend definitely didn't know what they were doing when they installed the heat sink.


anyways, such is a day at work. :rolleyes:

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stinger, I dont consider that geeky at all, when someone is proficient at doing their job, especially a job requiring technical knowledge - that makes them cool IMO :)


99% of ''pc shop'' guys Ive come across would have just taken the thing out the back and not even plug it in, and made the customer buy a new CPU. Its exactly because of people like that that I schooled up on this stuff... (although I have to admit, diagnostically, OCing was what I would have checked/asked about second -after verifying temps first).... :D


now, your linux obsession....that IS geeky :D


* * *


I have a few to add for myself :

*you cant resist from getting embroiled in console fanboy flamebaux. Damn pretentious nintendo snobs and their stooopid controller. Read my lips = BLU RAY pwns your soul !!110110!110000!! :p


*you teach colleagues that are mums of teens leet so they can decipher what their kids are writing and saying :p


*you get excited about being involved in beta testing(Vista, nVidia SLI, Windows Home Server, Windows Project Orbit)


*The IT guy at work calls you when he is stuck...(even though you dont work anywhere near IT) ...our IT guy is moreso a network admin....these network peeps are scared of acknowledging hardware problems at times :p


*you plan on buying a next gen console just so you can play one bioware game on it (w00t!! Mass Effect!!)


*You build your pc, spec'd in anticipation of upgrading to hardware that hasnt been released yet. (AMD K8L quad cores!!)


*your sig contains signs of your love for a particular CPU manufacturer


*your sig contains aurebesh(Star Wars Galactic Basic Alphabet)


*the second thing you do when you get home is turn your pc on(the first is saying hi to the significant other/kids/cats - I believe if this order is ever reversed than I will be a lost soul in the abyss of geekiness)



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The other day I was fixing a roof and laying down some carpet padding, but then I got all geeky and replaced a thermostat.


Fixing something that has a red wire AND a white wire is a level of geekiness that eludes every single one of you.


Bask in my glory at your earliest convenience.

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(approx feb 2006) fought an argument in a classroom that it WAS cool sto spend £200 on ForceFX sabers. Won.


(approx march 2006) Finished gf due to reason she didnt like my liking of star wars. plenty more banthas in the desert, hey?


(september 2006) spent 2 weeks in my old school's CISCO lab, planning/ building new network for the school. Didnt get paid a penny. Satisfaction was the job done


no, really.



sometime in 2002, back at the start of secondary school. First learned how to wire a plug. Spent the next week checking all the plug's fuses and wiring assembly on everything in my house and my neighbor's. Immediately replaced anything that looked tatty. Ran out of fuses and cried at the thought it might explode.



thats all i cba to think of now. They do seem to stand out though.

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Well after reading all this, mine seem mild in comparison.


The earliest and still reoccurring moments is my ability to recite and re-enact any scene from almost any movie in my home video collection. The best was when the sound blew out on our ancient machine of a television and after two days of no TV, my dad was desperate and had my brother put on Emipre strikes back. We said every single line down to the last beep out of Artoo. On occassion we use random movie/TV quotes to accentuate points.


Another was when I bought season one of CSI and watched every single episode. Just last week on SPIKE they were showinf season one episodes and I gave the title of each one.


I read pagan texts and analyze Wiccan rituals.


I named my anthropology club's mascot Pookie. Pookie is an alpaca by the way.


I joined LucasForums and that followed with my big undertaking of creating an entire planetary system.


I RP my plots and talk to myself.


That's about it. I know that there is nothing technical like arguing with comp salespeople but I am considered the resident nerd in my house.

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I meant to stay a recluse for a minimum of another month, with RL being so hectic and all... but really, this piqued my curiosity.


How did the audition go?



I passed the test and got to the interview with a producer, but never got called. They knew I would win the million, so they didn't want me on. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :)

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