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Behold! Your NEW James T. Kirk Is...

Boba Rhett

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LOL i have never seen this guy act so im not really sure. I just hope they can pull it off with Simon Pegg as Scotty. It doesn't seem right to me but I have faith in Abrams. There is only Dr McCoy left to be cast now out of the original crew. Eitherway, i can not WAIT!

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Well, what do you think? Happy? Sad? Indifferent? I was still pulling for Matt Damon but I think this guy could pull it off quite nicely. :)


Meh, Shatner is Kirk, and Nimoy is Spock, it wouldn't be the same with other actors infringing on those roles. Just like Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones and it wouldn't feel genuine with some other actor. :)


I think they should just come up with a brand new crew instead, like they did with Star Trek:TNG.

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LOL i have never seen this guy act so im not really sure. I just hope they can pull it off with Simon Pegg as Scotty. It doesn't seem right to me but I have faith in Abrams. There is only Dr McCoy left to be cast now out of the original crew. Eitherway, i can not WAIT!


There's a full list of the crew here. See, I have a link for everything.

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Ummm... I sincerely hope you are kidding



Don't know if that was aimed at me, but that was the reason he discussed as being offered for why he wasn't considered by Abrams et al. However, Damon would be closer to the age Shatner was at the time ST originally aired and might be more appropriate as capt, but not as ensign.

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It changes nothing for me. I'm still certain that this attempt at Star Trek will also crash and burn.


For years and years, Trek has done nothing but copy itself and retread old grounds. The problem is NOT that we don't see Kirk and Spock anymore, but rather that Trek has ceased to "boldly where where no one has gone before". For years the motto has been closer to "going where Trek has gone so many times before".


I mean, look at Voyager - blatant TNG-copy complete with "alien-of-the-week" approach. Then came Enterprise, back in time and with the same formula.


Even the TNG movies failed. Why? Well, note how all the villains since "First Contact" have been grotesque, pale nosferatu-like beings, while all the "good aliens" have been human-looking "angelic" beings. That was the problem with "Insurrection".


Or how about "Nemesis"? When the producer (Berman) actually talks about how proud he is of basically copying the plot from "Wrath of Khan", you know it's still familiar ground. Add to that a complex plot by a serious writer, which both the producer and the director then insists on shooting like a straight action-flick, and you know the movie is in trouble. Especially when the "intense ship collision" is so slow-paced, you can almost go to sleep watching it... Premiering in direct competition with "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" probably didn't help either...


I feel just the same way about this project as I did about the Enterprise show - I don't like the premise, and I expect and almost hope that it fails, so that Trek can move on to new ground where it belongs instead of lingering in the past. To quote Kreia, "apathy is death".


Well, at least I hear the budget is greater this time. Good. At least that means we only have to watch it crash and burn once before they'll have to finally let Trek "boldy go where no one has gone before" again. Heck, I'd rather see Picard and his people or the DS9 crew again rather than revisit Kirk and Spock. I just can't understand why Paramount don't see that this "return to old times" and "nostalgia Trek" sort of approach simply isn't working. It didn't work for "Insurrection". It didn't work for Voyager. It didn't work for "Nemesis", and it sure didn't work for Enterprise. It won't work for this prequel movie either...


I suppose the reason for it is that they look to Ron Moore (ex-Trek writer) and what he is doing with Battlestar Galactica. "Ooh, reimagined and it works," they seem to think. Well, it does for BSG because Moore did a reboot AND made the show topical, even controversial. That won't work on Trek for two reasons. First, there is no reason to reboot - BSG needs to have humans against cylons, but Trek can just jump X years ahead and follow and new ship with a new crew exploring strange new worlds. And second, the powers that be at Paramount would NEVER allow Trek to become controversial today. The show is hailed for being the first to show a white male (Kirk) kiss a black woman (Uhura), which was an outrage in its time, but those days are over. I still remember all the fuss over the DS9 episode "Rejoined". That's Trek's problem today - it has no nerve to tell the morality tales that Roddenberry made the very foundation of the show. And so we get recycled, "nostalgia" Trek again...


This project is derivative, retreading old grounds, unoriginal, done to death and, well, doomed from the beginning IMHO. I don't feel much like watching it, though I might not be able to resist doing so. But even if I do, it won't change anything. Trek is old today and is kept so with the ideas I hear. It will remain so and have little or no audience until it dares to once again try something new. And naturally a return to Kirk and Spock does not meet that requirement.

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This project is derivative, retreading old grounds, unoriginal, done to death and, well, doomed from the beginning IMHO. I don't feel much like watching it, though I might not be able to resist doing so. But even if I do, it won't change anything. Trek is old today and is kept so with the ideas I hear. It will remain so and have little or no audience until it dares to once again try something new. And naturally a return to Kirk and Spock does not meet that requirement.


They hav'nt even released the plot yet and your already saying all that. From what you have written, you were unpleased with the recent incarnations of Trek so you are convinced this will be one of them and doomed to fail. I however am convinced that JJ has an ace up his sleeve. Everyone knows re-casting the original crew was a dramatic move so banking on this, i am sure this film will have a strong element that will explain why this is a story that has to be told in the original series era. Otherwise they would have picked a random group of starfleet cadets and a completely new ship. There is definately a big plot and im willing to bet its connected into one of the later films. I think it is just way too early to slate the thing before they have even started shooting it.

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I'll wait to start seeing the trailers before I pass judgment on the new James T. Kirk.


After the watching the first 5 Star Trek movies and the first two TNG movies I lost a lot of interest in Trek movies. The trailers will have to be pretty good to pique my interest enough to see the show in a movie theatre.

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He's also the one on the far left here:





Well, what do you think? Happy? Sad? Indifferent? I was still pulling for Matt Damon but I think this guy could pull it off quite nicely. :)


Has anyone actually seen Smokin Aces?

Okay now, let's look at this again...

Kirk is now a white trash nazi redneck?


KIRK = KHAN!!!! zOMGumdrops!!!


think about it...

living in trailers way out in the backplanets...

a bunch of sidekicks who love nothing more than chest exposure...


Definitely Khan!

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McCoy has now been cast. He's being played by none other than...









First off: ... Shwaaaaaaaa? Ok, I guess so.


Secondly: You may remember him from his roles in LOTR, DOOM, and Pathfinder.

That seems odd. I remember him as a big powerful guy. Nothing like the slight McCoy...
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They hav'nt even released the plot yet and your already saying all that. From what you have written, you were unpleased with the recent incarnations of Trek so you are convinced this will be one of them and doomed to fail. I however am convinced that JJ has an ace up his sleeve. Everyone knows re-casting the original crew was a dramatic move so banking on this, i am sure this film will have a strong element that will explain why this is a story that has to be told in the original series era. Otherwise they would have picked a random group of starfleet cadets and a completely new ship. There is definately a big plot and im willing to bet its connected into one of the later films. I think it is just way too early to slate the thing before they have even started shooting it.


The problem is that this is exactly the same reason that was given for why it was necessary to place Enterprise in the past, so that the franchise could be "reenvigorated".


Could I be wrong?


Certainly. I hope I am, even though I still think the idea of turning the clock backwards blows.


And naturally you could argue that J.J. Abrams has a good track record and done decent shows in the past. However, John Logan also had a good track record until he did Nemesis...


No, I fear my conclusion is that Trek is still backpedaling and that it will stay in limbo until it stops doing so. Besides, doing the original crew in the past means you've tied yourself down plotwise from the beginning, since you cannot kill major characters and cannot let things happen to them that change how they are already established. Or in other words, exactly the same reason why a prequel KotOR-game, where you play Revan during the Mandalorian Wars is a bad idea for a CRPG...

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Besides, doing the original crew in the past means you've tied yourself down plotwise from the beginning, since you cannot kill major characters and cannot let things happen to them that change how they are already established.
Could not agree more with this statement. I’m not a huge Trek fan, but I did watch every series and movie. I’m also a bit strange in I liked Enterprise and Voyager, even more than DS9 or TNG. I just don’t like the idea of them messing with beloved and such well established characters, characters I grew up watching.


I hope it is amazing, but William Shatner is James T. Kirk, Lenonard Nimoy is Mr. Spock and DeForest Kelly is Dr. McCoy these new guys will never surpass the originals. Just hope they can keep the legendary shoes warm, because they will never fill them.

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