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2008 preview...


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Fallout 3 - Time to fire up the old Pipboy!


Star Trek Online - I must admit, I'm worried about this one. Still, I'm definitely going to try it.


Stargate Worlds - Not sure of the release date, or if it will even be this year, but it's another game I'm going to try.

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Splinter Cell Conviction - though it won't be the Splinter Cell we knew, I'm still looking forward to Fisher's new adventures.


GTA IV - I know it currently isn't planned for PC, but I also know that regardless of this it will come out for PC, just maybe a little later.


Dawn of War Soulstorm - I stumbled across this by accident and after Dark Crusade I can't wait to see this one (we get two more races the Dark Eldar and the Sisters of Battle).


C&C Kane's Wrath - the new C&C was a huge improvement after Generals (which I don't even count as a C&C game) and I'd like to see what they've come up with in this expansion. Supposedly it will link Tiberian Sun Firestorm and Tiberium Wars and then show us what happens next.


Assassin's Creed (for PC) - I've heard some good things about this game and I'd really like to give it a try and since the PC version is coming up in a month or so I won't have to wait too long.

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Far Cry 2



Mass Effect for PC

Halo 3 for PC

Jade Empire II would be wonderful to see

Ditto KOTR III but little chance of that i fear

Force Unleashed (hopefully will have a crisper graphics engine than Battlefront II)

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