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Mars is too far away to send a manned mission - space technology still hasn't advanced all that far since 1969. That's about the furthest we've sent anyone - the only other times we've sent people has been into orbit.


I would very much like to see a man on Mars, and we may in our lifetimes, but not any time soon.

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Does anyone know why man has not returned to the moon again or travelled to mars yet ?
Just a guess -- We depend on one company for space exploration. NASA. Our limitation is from the lack of vision, funds, and risk taking. We also stoped believing in the science; thus, it has prevented a full blown push for exploration. We may need another visionary to inspire and rejuvinate human curiosity.
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Just a guess -- We depend on one company for space exploration. NASA. Our limitation is from the lack of vision, funds, and risk taking. We also stoped believing in the science; thus, it has prevented a full blown push for exploration. We may need another visionary to inspire and rejuvinate human curiosity.


Technically, no we don't. The fact is simply that nobody's bothered to compete with NASA 'cause the budget was HUGE. But now their budget sucks.


Anyway, there are some guys, like Scaled Composites with their Spaceship One who have gone into space.


But yeah, I generally agree that if there's more serious competition, we'll get into space faster and better. I mean, competition was the only reason we did it in the first place, albiet with Russia instead of with another corporation.

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Does anyone know why man has not returned to the moon again or travelled to mars yet ?


Can you even prove we were on the moon to begin with?! :D lol, j/k


Anyway...seems it would be multiple reasons, most of which are in this thread...


  1. Lack of funding
  2. The U.S. is reliant on NASA as opposed to private companies
  3. Lack of vision
  4. We have no goals really that would require these two things to happen
  5. Regarding Mars...we need better technology first for a manned mission


Off the top of my head anyway...

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Does anyone know why man has not returned to the moon again or travelled to mars yet ?

Budget cuts, probably. It all comes down to money in the end.


I, for one would like to see more space exploration, but I also understand that while it is an exciting and ambitious project there are other more important issues that require our attention.

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Can I have dibs on the position? :D

:lol: What are your long term plans for the human species?


Anyways... I think that first we need to solve the problems here before we go messing everything up out there...
We can send our junk into the sun. :D That may increase solar flares, so that may be a bad idea. OIL IN SPACE! Future government officials fighting over the rights to drill on Saturn. :migraine:


Pres. George Bush VI, "Mars has the capability for weapons of mass destruction. It is now a terrorist threat."


DOD official interupts, "Sir, no one lives on Mars."


Pres. George Bush VI replies, "Oky, how about Venus?"


DOD official returns, "You would think after so many generations intelligence would finally kick in."

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Pres. George Bush VI


Assuming of course that the people are letting him in office...


As for the moon, that's also bugged me big time. It seems that we did it backwards, first we build these giant Saturn V rockets that send the LEM and Command Capsule to the moon... then we build these grossly limited space shuttles...


Shouldn't we have explored LEO and GEO before sending people to the moon... and I don't mean explore like we did with Mercury and Gemini, but actual exploration like we were doing the past... 20 years or so?


Yes, as I say we I am referring to the US. Mainly because I haven't seen much of the European, Chinese, Russian... you name it, Space Programs.


But, anyway, I figure if we try to solve our problems on Earth before we leave it, then we're never going to leave. The best way to 'solve' the problems of Earth, that I can see, is open up a new planet or three for colonization and just leave it. People will leave Earth if they want, and people will stay. You'll eventually have 2-4 planets populated by humans all of which have a strong identity as Humans, not as American/Canadian/English/German/Russian/etc.


But, that's all way, way, way, way into the future....

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Pres. George Bush VI, "Mars has the capability for weapons of mass destruction. It is now a terrorist threat."


DOD official interupts, "Sir, no one lives on Mars."


Pres. George Bush VI replies, "Oky, how about Venus?"


DOD official returns, "You would think after so many generations intelligence would finally kick in."


If we've got a Bush Dynasty running our government, I think the people would take matters into their own hand.


As for why we haven't done much, there was really no point to it after the USA beat the Soviets to the Moon. With America's motivation gone, the budget for NASA was deflated and reprioritized.


If there was some super-valuable resource in space, or another reason to go back into space, you can bet your country's national budget that we'd be back in space within the month of discovery. :xp:

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One of the major stumbling blocks has been the inefficiency of the space program itself. The Saturn rockets cost less to manufacture and launch than the relaunching of the shuttle. Drives me nuts.


Other planets in our solar system may have resources we want. mars has a lot of iron. one of the moons of Saturn has liquid propane oceans. There's a whole bunch of possibilities for finding any number of minerals that are either scarce or very useful. The moon makes a good jumping off point to outer areas. Lower gravity and lack of atmosphere would make it ideal for launching from.


Personally I want to see what we can do as a space faring society. I just understand that there isn't much in the way of real competition as of yet. It's not like we have a lot of corporate competition. I would love to see something like a gold rush take place in space. Or some kind of real competition with 30% of NASA's annual budget going to the winner.

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