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XWA one year thread IV: The Clown Wars


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had a ****ty run today....19:58, wtf. it was nice and rainy out, maybe that is reason? or cause i was out there alone. lol


going to walk to work today, first time i've done this up here...7 miles...i seriously got nothing better to do.

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run the 7 miles.


concrete isn't good to run on.... i've tried it a few times, and got signs of shin splints.


got some very nasty blisters now. i'm gonna go get some new shoes, and going to throw out those walmart boots i bought...those really hurt me, no heel support at all. also got some nasty underpants chafing which actually hurt worse than the foot blisters.


it took 2 hours to walk to work, and about 15 minutes longer to walk back. almost got ran into on the way back, 1 mile from my place, that pissed me off pretty bad.

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also got some nasty underpants chafing which actually hurt worse than the foot blisters.

Boxer-briefs are the only way to fly. They don't cut into the top of your legs when you are moving a lot. Cotton absorbs moisture and gets soggy,.. so going with non-natural fibers is usually your best-bet for clothes you are going to exercise in.

You may also want to consider using a body-powder with corn-starch in the areas where the worst chafing occurs. A lot of my jogger friends highly recommend it.

And there's also always... ahem... shaving or trimming any body hair in the areas that chafing occurs.

Or some combo of the 3...


Another slow one at work yesterday. Crappy weather again. Came home after work, ate leftovers, watched some TV, and did laundry.


Whoo! Excitement!




Congrats, LukA!!!!

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spandex are the best, but of course walmart didn't sell any. i had a pair of them once, but i lost them, i think kim has them.


my ankles are pissed at me. i can hardly walk. going down the stairs is gonna be interesting. need to get some tylenol or motrin, that'll take care of the pain.

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concrete isn't good to run on.... i've tried it a few times, and got signs of shin splints.


yeh i know what you mean, i usually run on my elliptical, but if you get a pair of good insoles (something a bit harder than gel though) for your sneakers and run on the side of the road on the asphalt it should help.

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spandex are the best, but of course walmart didn't sell any. i had a pair of them once, but i lost them, i think kim has them.


my ankles are pissed at me. i can hardly walk. going down the stairs is gonna be interesting. need to get some tylenol or motrin, that'll take care of the pain.


you should look into some ankle/calf tendon strenghtening excercises because you are obviously out running them.


and jmac, eliptical isnt running, its the eliptical

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Another slowish day. Kind of a crappy one, both weather-wise, and personally.


Nothing overly bad happened to me... but then nothing good happened either. So... nothing to get depressed about... but then nothing to remember fondly.


Just kind of a blah, nothing day. One that you wish you could have back as a do-over.

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rant time.... :(


i'm really starting to hate walmart. not the work i do or the people i work with, or even the customers.. just the fact that they think it's fair to give me less than 32 hours since we're not doing good in sales. next week i'm only scheduled for 27 and a half hours. what the **** is up with that ****? and the week after that i'm only scheduled for 11 hours, my manager said he'd try to get me more hours but in doing that, he'll have to pull hours away from other people. i don't think that's going to last long, so i may end up being forced to put in for secondary register. if i still don't get enough hours, i guess i'll check out the unemployment office.


on the bright side...i did get a very good raise, i make 10.60 an hour now, just wish i'd get scheduled enough hours to see it count.


I'm just hoping this crap works out to my benefit.


anyway...blisters suck!!!


nice pics, ed!

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you like the asians eh?
Well... there's one in particular... :D


And since most of her friends are also Asian... I tend get a lot of exposure.


Plus: both of my best friends are married to Japanese women.


And you've actually been to my town... you must know it has a pretty big Asian population.


So yeah... I guess. Though no more than any other ethnic group. I'm pretty open minded...

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Well... there's one in particular... :D


And since most of her friends are also Asian... I tend get a lot of exposure.


Plus: both of my best friends are married to Japanese women.


And you've actually been to my town... you must know it has a pretty big Asian population.


So yeah... I guess. Though no more than any other ethnic group. I'm pretty open minded...


I'm really used to a high asian population with the Univ of Illinois in town, so I didnt notice anything out of the ordinary.


I tend to notice a lack of 'minorities' more so than an increase in them.

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7 pounds was a depressing movie.


I am now E-mailing with 4 ladies and going ot be calling the one I met at the party tonight. She is coming on rather hard to me. I am being a bit superficial, but she is 42 and has a few more pounds then I find attractive.

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