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Marius Fett's W.I.P

Marius Fett

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  • 4 months later...

Ok, nothing massive to report at the moment, just a quick little message...


I've got a few mod ideas which i'll be starting work on ASAP, one of which i'd like the community's opinion on. Basically, it would consist of a sort of 'tweak pack' for K1 which would just alter little things in the game. Only trouble is, a lot of the things it would include (from what i've got written down) have already been done by other people. So would it be worth it?


Other than that, the mod I posted screenshots of above with the Mandalorian in them went tits up, so i'm due to restart that again later tonight. I've got some files left over, so it shouldn't be too bad. :D


OOH! Last thing. :D


I was fiddling about with the Jedi Malak body earlier trying to get it fully animated...


I succeeded...








Can aaaaanyone tell me what's not quite right with this image?

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Well, after that little display of ineptitude and after some hormone therapy on Malak's part, he's now once again a man. :D


He's also fully animated:


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I realize I only showed the melee animations there, but he has the rest too. :)




Anyway, just incase whoever comes next doesn't look at the previous page:


  Yours truly said:
I've got a few mod ideas which i'll be starting work on ASAP, one of which i'd like the community's opinion on. Basically, it would consist of a sort of 'tweak pack' for K1 which would just alter little things in the game. Only trouble is, a lot of the things it would include (from what i've got written down) have already been done by other people. So would it be worth it?


Other than that, the mod I posted screenshots of above with the Mandalorian in them went tits up, so i'm due to restart that again later tonight. I've got some files left over, so it shouldn't be too bad.

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Very nice job. I think you should get back on that Ninden Vork mod, it looked very good and it already has a lot of work put into it. But, regardless, all of your mods looke very nice. Keep up the good work. :)

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^Cheers all.


I'll probably release Jedi Malak as a PC head or something. I know he won't be able to wear armours or anything, but his clothing looks cool enough, I think. :p


Before I even think of going back to the tomb mod for TSL though, I want to get my Tatooine expansion for KotOR I out of the way. Not making the mistake of getting involved with too many projects again, it's too draining.


Watch this space!

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  • 4 months later...

Just had a thought... I've just begun working on that tweak mod pack thing I mentioned a while back and I had the idea that instead of making it so that you had to put a load of stuff in your Override folder etc, would anyone download a mod where i'd just re-packed the .bif and .rim files with my modded stuff?


I'm guessing there may be mixed views on this, but I just thought i'd ask to I know whether to carry on as I am or start changing things around a bit...

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