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Mass Effect 2 [thread contains spoilers]


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If you side with one person in either of the two confrontations (Miranda vs Jack, Tali vs Legion) the other person will no longer be loyal. However, you can attempt to persuade them via a conversation afterwards to regain their loyalty.


Yes i know, but i guess i never got enough paragon to rebuild the trust with her... I cant remember what exactly happened in each of my playthroughs :xp:

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I think I royally messed up my game. I gave Legion to Cerberus (yeah, I'm a wastard) and now the IFF Installation won't trigger at all!!! I've done 4 loyalty missions:


Garrus: An Eye for an Eye

Grunt: Rite of Passage

Tali: Treason

Thane: Sins of the Father


I've also done 2 N7 missions:


N7: Lost Operative

N7: Endangered Research Station


The installation should have triggered. What's wrong?!?

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You mustn't have any points then, as the requirement is much less than for talking both parties down in the confrontations from what I understand.


I think it scales itself depending on the level of Shep, and that was the playthrough i did with a character that had already finished ME2 once. I didnt get any moral points in the beginning, even though it said they would be therel.

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I think I royally messed up my game. I gave Legion to Cerberus (yeah, I'm a wastard) and now the IFF Installation won't trigger at all!!! I've done 4 loyalty missions:


Garrus: An Eye for an Eye

Grunt: Rite of Passage

Tali: Treason

Thane: Sins of the Father


I've also done 2 N7 missions:


N7: Lost Operative

N7: Endangered Research Station


The installation should have triggered. What's wrong?!?


Might just be a timed thing. Usually wait for IFF mission till I've nailed down most of the loyalty missions. Then I'm reasonably sure the wait won't be very long at all....and it isn't. Usually shows up after my last 2 loyalty missions (Tali's and Legion's) post-IFF pickup.

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Yeah, they've been speculating about it on Bioware's forums for the last few days. As far as I know there's no official info on it yet, other than the one that it is indeed a DLC in the works. As for the speculations - I haven't been thrilled by any of them.

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Hmmm... Sounds interesting, but to be honest at this point I would gladly hoover up even the most miniscule morsel of ME2/3 data. Could do with more info, otherwise my imagination goes wild, starts dreaming up wild, fantastic scenarios. The reality, however good it ends up, is never as good as this feverish imagination.

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As for the speculations - I haven't been thrilled by any of them.
You haven't been thrilled by the speculation or the DLC?


I really liked the LotSB and Overlord, Firewalker not so much. Although I’m giving it another shot right now. As to this DLC, I'll buy it, I bought everything else.

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I am extremely wary of DLC--most of it sounds pretty lame. GameSpot, which I trust with my possible gaming purchases, gave "Stolen Memory" a "Fair" rating and the Morrigan expansion for Dragon Age a pathetic "Mediocre" score. I've bought neither. My main concern with DLC is, "Is this merely a vamped-up, but yet highly unsatisfying, N7-type mission?" (Description below...)


"N7-type mission" (n.) 1. Go to (place). 2. Shoot the (enemies). 3. (Optional) Find the (MacGuffin). 4. Roleplay character and get morality points (special instances only).


I'm not wasting my money on ANY DLC if it's not akin to the REAL missions in ME1 and ME2. I want backstory, deep dialogue, hidden secrets, and hard decisions to make.


That said, which DLC do YOU think I should purchase (and skip)?

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Which is exactly the reason I dislike Firewalker and like LotSB. Firewalker is just a few missions, nothing special to me. LotSB gives you some new information and continues Shepard’s relationship with Liara. I like it if Shepard cheated on Liara or not, but it is slightly better should Shepard remain true.


Overlord is more of a mission, but I thought it was well written and disturbing at least to me. It reminded me somewhat of Noveria in ME in that it is a experiment gone wrong. Nothing earth shattering, but surprisingly deep at least for a BioWare game.


I would recommend LotSB and Overlord.


I would recommend pass on Firewalker.

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Overlord is more of a mission, but I thought it was well written and disturbing at least to me.
Seconded. I played this DLC for the first time about 2 days ago and still have the ending rattling around in my head.


It reminded me somewhat of Noveria in ME in that it is a experiment gone wrong. Nothing earth shattering, but surprisingly deep at least for a BioWare game.


Written by: Not Drew Karpyshyn


I would recommend pass on Firewalker.
I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that this will have a tie-in to ME3



Some hidden Prothean clue as to how to beat the Reapers maybe



Also, Firewalker is not a purchase if you have a Cerberus account. All you have to lose is the time it takes to download and play (unless you bought the game used).

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You haven't been thrilled by the speculation or the DLC?


I really liked the LotSB and Overlord, Firewalker not so much. Although I’m giving it another shot right now. As to this DLC, I'll buy it, I bought everything else.


When it comes to this Arrival DLC, I haven't been thrilled by speculation surrounding it as it revolves around, well, the arrival of the Reapers to the galaxy. I hope the actual plot doesn't prove the speculators correct and the writers do not decide to waste an important potential plot point on a mere piece of DLC.


If we're talking about previous ME2 DLC, they are all more or less about over-the-top action. There are some interesting story bits in them too, but in the end they are just too short. Overlord was decent, but in the end it was just another N7 mission. Granted, it had more story and dialogue than your typical N7 mission, but it couldn't have hurt to put a bit more in.

LotSB was also decent, but I think it was a shame to waste an interesting and important character like the Shadow Broker on a single short DLC (thus my fear for the plot of Arrival).

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Also, Firewalker is not a purchase if you have a Cerberus account. All you have to lose is the time it takes to download and play (unless you bought the game used).
:argh: Forgot it wasn't a purchase. I change my recommendation based on being free. It is worth that price.
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...but in the end it was just another N7 mission.


My chief complaint with DLC is that it tends to stick out like a sore thumb. Where ME2 does an ok job is that there is enough variety to the standard N7 missions that the DLC doesn't stick out that much (if I feel like I'm playing a DLC, then there is no immersion - I'm too busy focusing on the fact that this thing or that thing isn't part of the 'normal' game).


Therefore, the things that you mentioned are actually a bonus for me (and perhaps others), rather than a draw back. My $0.02.

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Recently finished my first play-through's of Mass Effect and ME2. Preferred the first game, because it was initially much easier to play (more RPG), although the story in ME2 is quite good... just too much of a shooter to make me really happy, and had a lot of hack-n-slash to the game, IMO.


The new DLC sounds interesting, as I have enjoyed the other ME2 DLC quite a bit... I have downloaded Kasumi but not played that through yet, and am glad to know that some of you enjoyed Overlord enough to be satisfied with the price. I did get the Cerberus account, so I have the other DLC, including the entirely useless character Zaeed. Thanks for the total lack of conversation there... :( Not a big fan of being talked at and not to.

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Kasumi and Zaeed are the same while on the normandy, no conversations and they only really talk about some of the things in their rooms.
Not exactly the same, while he will only comments about things around his room, she will also comment about things happening on the ship and missions. Just not in the same matter as non-DLC squad members. I know it isn’t much different, but it is enough for me not to completely despise her and it keeps me walking into her room. Some of her comments are a little funny too.
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^Agree. Zaeed's not useless, though I understand the irritation at him not being more fully integrated into the conversation loop. Morinth, despite some limited conversation, was kind of disappointing in that regard as well. Kasumi seems decent enough (ie what mim said), too bad she was DLC.


Can only wonder what complaints we're going to have about the sequel. ;)

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Disruptor Ammo and fully evolved incendiary grenade = "entirely useless"? Ok.

Well, I only played through once, sadly not clicking Paragon during LotSB ruined my love affair with Liara, who was simply disinterested anytime I returned to the lair, breaking my Shepard's restructured heart.


As for usefulness of Zaeed - I will have to bring him with me on the party more often I guess. Because he was not interesting on the Normandy, he stayed on the shelf nearly the whole game. Your point is taken, I will let him kill for me next time through.


Question for you folks who have a few playthrough's in.... There are not enough party slots for everyone now that I have Kasumi available for my next playthrough. Do you have to choose someone to drop? How does that work? Hope that isn't too spoilerific....


As for Morinth, I am too much of a LS player to go that route, so I will never get the Black Widow treatment :|. I have the goal of maintaining my Liara relationship from ME1 through to ME3, so Morinth's momma is out as a love interest, although I found her, uh, intriguing. I have to do a new ME1 playthrough though, as I have downloaded Pinnacle station, and need to get a player transfer to ME2 with a higher PC level than my initial level 49 Shep.

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As for usefulness of Zaeed - I will have to bring him with me on the party more often I guess. Because he was not interesting on the Normandy, he stayed on the shelf nearly the whole game. Your point is taken, I will let him kill for me next time through.

I also find Zaeed very useful in combat. Also, he has a few amusingly stupid comments but it still doesn't make up for the lack of dialog.


Question for you folks who have a few playthrough's in.... There are not enough party slots for everyone now that I have Kasumi available for my next playthrough. Do you have to choose someone to drop? How does that work? Hope that isn't too spoilerific....
No, you get an extra party member. Too bad she doesn't have dialog...
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