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Favorite Star Trek show?

Rogue Nine

Favorite Star Trek show?  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Star Trek show?

    • The Original Series
    • The Next Generation
    • Deep Space Nine
    • Voyager
    • Enterprise

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Voyager was great because 7 of 9 was absolutely gorgeous!


TOS was great because that's what started it all!


TNG was great except I felt, from my perspective, that the last few seasons were dull and the music they used was lame. My favorite seasons were the first 2 (Paulaski was a good 'Bones McCoy') and they felt more upbeat. The funniest episode or moment I ever saw during its run was when Worf was eating the cake:

"It is a cellular peptide cake.....with mint frosh-ting" LOL


DS9 stank because it was it just mostly took place on a space station and dealt with Bajorans and Cardassians too much.


Enterprise stank because I'm so sick of all the Prequel bandwagon cr@p for ideas! We're supposed to be moving foward not backward!


Time travel was way overused as a plot tool!

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TOS: It had some great writing and was ahead of it's time.

TNG: Spent it's first 3 years on the coattails of the former before it found it's own rythum, yet it still sometimes became it's own cliche and had a hard time coming up with a reasonable antagonist

DS9: Tried too much to be Babylon 5 and failed. But was good when it tried ot be it's own show

Voyager: Great concept with poor execution. Would have been much better to spend some more time making the characters really spend 70 years traveling instead of all the hsortcuts

ENterprise: Flailed it so many ways when it's Pilot Episode tried to do T+A with a Vulcan.. kinda lost it

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Even though I think overall TNG was the best written and most memorable of the shows (yes, I grew up in the 80's), my personal favorite is still TOS. I also grew up watching reruns of Kirk & co. on my family's little black & white set. When we finally got our color TV I was shocked and amazed by the bright colors of the uniforms and set!


It's always been the most fun, even if the special effects are outdated and the 60's style a bit cheesy (not that the 80's style of TNG hasn't gotten cheesy by now already), and it's episodic, the characters are likable and there's always some action, imagination and fun to be had.


The "Star Trek Remastered" is a little jarring for some fans (see our own fandom's controversy with the "Special Editions") but overall I think most of the changes they've made are subtle enough that they don't ruin the show (since in each episode we got the same half dozen shots of the Enterprise orbiting a generic planet that was just a different color... and now with CGI they're all unique)... and the new Blu-Ray sets apparently have both versions so you aren't missing anything.


DS9 didn't feel much like Trek for me, but got better in its 3rd season. The final season (7th) felt rushed and a lot of people didn't like it, but overall it wasn't a bad series, once you got into it.


Voyager was just as bad as everyone said, though it started out pretty promising (the first season wasn't that bad, and had a lot of cool ideas though Janeway seemed like an awful captain). A lot of people thought the show got better once Seven-of-Nine was introduced, but sadly this felt more like an act of desperation (get an attractive woman into a skin touch outfit to strut around to distract you from the bad writing and cheap effects). The show really went downhill by season 4 and the finale was utterly awful.


Enterprise started out with a lot of promise (though we all wondered what the point of making a Prequel is if you're going to run roughshod over the established continuity... right George? sorry, wrong topic), and I actually was enjoying it at first, but part way through season 1, when they got that episode called "Dear Doctor" (I think it was the 12th episode) I really started to hate the show. The "moral" of that episode was frankly offensive, and just seemed totally out of character and just plain stupid. The third season had a radical change, but it just didn't feel like it was going anywhere worthwhile and the climax was completely unsatisfying. The characters were dumb, and it just felt too much like a copy of Voyager, sharing many of the same failings. I probably liked Enterprise more then than I did after watching Voyager, and seeing how one show cribbed off of the other. In the final season, after the first two episodes (which clumsily wrapped up the stupid "Temporal Cold War" plot in an unsatisfying manner, with the laziest plot device ever... SPACE NAZIS!), it started to get better, and I actually thought the rest of Season 4 was pretty enjoyable, compared to what we'd been seeing in Trek for the last several years. But the season finale? Utterly abominable.


I blame Rick Berman and Brannon Braga for running the franchise into the ground! By the time they handed Enterprise over to Manny Coto in its final season, it was too late to save the show, but he did the best he could with the scraps that were left. Of course B&B insisted on ruining the finale.


The last two Trek movies have been disappointments... Insurrection had a very questionable "moral" to it and just pretty annoying overall, then Nemesis was more of a really bad ripoff of "The Wrath of Khan" that made very little sense.


My expectations for the new movie are low, but I still want to see it. I figure if nothing else, it'll be a SFX summer movie that I can enjoy for a couple hours of escapism at the IMAX.



Sorry for the rant. I'm a fan of both franchises and I just can't stand to see good sci fi wasted like this by the people who ought to care the most about it succeeding (the owners and producers). :p

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I blame Rick Berman and Brannon Braga for running the franchise into the ground!

So do I. :carms:

Sorry for the rant. I'm a fan of both franchises and I just can't stand to see good sci fi wasted like this by the people who ought to care the most about it succeeding (the owners and producers). :p

Same here. Maybe this new movie will be better. AFAIK, B&B have been kept away from it because they are now generally recognized as poisonous to the Star Trek franchise.

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Voyager. Janeway is my favorite captain. She doesn't go off into a philosophical speech every five minutes like Picard, she's not ruled by her temper like Archer, she can accept the death of a security guard (unlike Kirk), and she doesn't start crying every other episode like Sisko. And, on top of that, she manages to balance the Prime Directive and helping aliens very well. Besides having Janeway, Voyager has Seven of Nine, the Doctor, and the Borg.


TNG is a close second, if for no other reason than Data.


Enterprise and TOS are on the same level. I'll watch the originals for a good laugh, and Enterprise when I just want to be annoyed.


DS9 was an okay series for a little while after the first season, but the character were really...static. Whenever Kira stopped hating the Cardassians as much, she went full reverse a few episodes later. Sisko never really got over his wife dying, and I swear, if he went on a search for 'The Prophets' once more--! Sheesh! Odo was pretty good for a while, but then he went and got evil for a few episodes, which ruined everything I liked about him. Jadzia was great--she was what kept me watching the series--but then that whole thing with Dukat happened, and that ruined everything. Jake was okay at first, but as he got older, he turned into a lazy bum. Nog was annoying. Quark was annoying. Don't even get me started on Bashir. The Dominion never really struck me as a great threat. The ending to the series was lame (worse than Enterprise's, IMO. The only good thing about it was that it ended the series).




But, yea. I voted for Voyager. :p

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DS9 was an okay series for a little while after the first season, but the character were really...static. Whenever Kira stopped hating the Cardassians as much, she went full reverse a few episodes later. Sisko never really got over his wife dying, and I swear, if he went on a search for 'The Prophets' once more--! Sheesh! Odo was pretty good for a while, but then he went and got evil for a few episodes, which ruined everything I liked about him. Jadzia was great--she was what kept me watching the series--but then that whole thing with Dukat happened, and that ruined everything. Jake was okay at first, but as he got older, he turned into a lazy bum. Nog was annoying. Quark was annoying. Don't even get me started on Bashir. The Dominion never really struck me as a great threat. The ending to the series was lame (worse than Enterprise's, IMO. The only good thing about it was that it ended the series).


Agree w/Kinnison. Actually, after starting to watch B5 I pretty much stopped following DS9 even sporadically. Garak was the best charachter in the whole series.

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Time travel was way overused as a plot tool!


{After seeing new "reboot" Star Trek movie}:


_______ :hang1:





Please kill me.........


...............time travel and alternate realities........

This "reboot" ST franchise has nowhere to go and will hang in limbo...much like Superman Returns.... <----I know its comparing apples to oranges but if you understand and take my comprehension of the whole situation from my standpoint.

Granted the characters were marvelous and story took some direction sideturns, but I don't see this going anywhere...it made its $millions$ as a one way trip.


As of right now, a circle group of sith people in the wings are just itching for George Lucas to kick the bucket so they can do a "rehash", "reimagining", or "reboot" of

Star Wars...


.......We will see it in our lifetime. Mark my words.


I know this isn't the truest place to debate all this here but I just had to vent and express.


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