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Quanons Crazy Projects!


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Work continues on the big city, been hunting down the little bugs in my model.

Most of them are kicked out; though, as usual, just a very few are hard to get rid off.


No pictures yet of the city, it's just to small and rather boring to show that.

Instead more love for Juhani :lol:


This time, showing the 'avatar' skin Redrob did for her. Did I tell you how good RRs stuff is? :p

He should write a book about it!



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Nice renders Q. The shots of yellow tabby Juhani look very sophisticated and contemplative.


Is it just me, or is that one blue low angle shot of just a little bit ... gynaecological? :lol:


Seeing these, I think I might have to tweak the blue skin, so that her neck doesn't glow so much :xp:


I'll have to get you copies of the Tigress, because that'll look awesome when rendered.

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You could still give her panties :xp:

I wanted to do a standing pose, sort of leaning a bit.

I do love the little smile I gave her. Things might look a bit brighter. I messed around with glass materials and plastic reflection stuff. It didn't turn out fully how I intended. But experimenting is so much fun!


Oh, could you make a grey scale, with a bit of contrast added of the fur. I think adding a bump map might even make it prettier :p


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  • 2 weeks later...

Back, with a minor teaser on what I'm working on.

I got Terragen 2 working, the program renders out breathtaking landscapes and skies. If you know how to use the thing :lol:


I've been peeking at some tutorials and trying out some stuff. Terragen 1 was easier and quicker to learn. This Nr2 is seriously powerfull. So far I've used it to make me a nice light clouded sky for my big area.


It's not perfect though, the textures don't line up like they should. So the seam is very obvious. I'll have to ponder on the camera controles some more. Then have another 150min of patience to render out 4 textures >_>


But it's all fun... this modding thing... Ahum pictures!!!


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  • 1 month later...



Back with an update; what's cooking in Q's modding pot. :lol:

Well, 3D is a bit less the last few months. I'm working on a second city area, but it's going slowly. Not much yet to show.


On the other hand; I've been playing K1 a lot and I feel that the Jedi lack a heavy robe armour. My Jedi character was seriously jealous that Darth Bandon had such an outfit! So that kickstarted a reskinning project of the Darth Bandon body. To convert it to a robe more suited for a light-sided Jedi.


Here's how it looks so far.


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Very pleasing to the eye. The under-robes have a tunic-like look that I really like.


I'm assuming you don't mean a "psychedelic" 70's vibe.


Hehehehe... no, not that '70s vibe. I kinda meant more the Cloud City sleazy/posh stately/Roman Cinemascope Ben-Hur kinda vibe. Y'know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Small heads up on my various projects!


I finished the armour reskin of Darth Bandons body. Adjusted a few details and little faults here and there. Though I was pleased with the result there was one thing still missing. Some fancy headgear; in the past I made some masks for J7 to match with, yes, darth bandons armour. So I wanted something a bit more heavy and menacing, though still have a Jedi LS feel to it.


Took some time and pondering to get something pleasing on paper, then I set out to get that same feel in 3D. Well, here's how far I already got with it all.


Have peek and feel free to leave some comments!



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The 'punk' helmet got UVWmapped! Did a quick preview in the modelviewer tool, the UVWmap seems to work OK in there. So I'm pretty sure it'll turn out OK in the game aswell.


After mapping, it was time to open up photoshop to start work on the skin/ texture of this model. Just did some very basic blocking of what I've got in mind for this thing.



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