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XWA one year thread V: A Slightly Better, but Used Hope

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  GUNNER said:
I heard that the dual cores were plenty fast and maybe even better then the quad cores... forgot where I read that... Maybe Anandtech..


So the i5 and dual core looks like it might work ok..




dude. go quad.


the frostbite engine is multithread optimized. it SLAYS dual cores. What you said/read was probably on AT and Toms


because in the fall, no games were really optimized for more than 2 cores


thats changing now!!

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  GUNNER said:
What is a frostbite engine? is it anything like a 1969 ZL-1 all aluminum 427


Battlefield Bad Company 2 uses it. Its DICE's engine.


supposedly everything they learn from this game experience engine wise will go into Battlefield 3 thats due out in winter I think?

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  Scar Da Kookee said:
fraps SS?


*wheels out his dented used Protocal droid and switches it on*


"Hello, I am Cee-three-Em-Oh, human cy-cy-cy-cyborg relations, I am fluent in over 3 Mi-Mi-Mi-Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-"


*Slaps the Droid on the head*


"-illion forms of communication, how may I be of serrrrrrrvice?"


*points to quote*


"Oh... what Mister Zargon was saying is you should go to http://www.fraps.com and download the program and take a SCREEN SHOT"


*turns off protocal droid*


"But wa- -click-"

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  Scar Da Kookee said:
fraps SS?




what KK said....


  Scar Da Kookee said:

AMD Phen...



WAIT I already posted these specs!!! *shakes fist*


oops! repost it :D


fraps will tell us what actul frame rates you get in crysis preferably when it gets down and dirty with lots of action.

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Oh well... life keeps getting better and better.


Haven't had much contact with M. for the last few weeks. She's said she's "busy."


Just learned she's seeing someone.


Oh well.


It is what it is.


Stings a bit... but not as much as I would have thought. I guess I was prepared for this eventuality for a while now.


I guess I can take some comfort in knowing that at least I tried...


Back to the old drawing board...

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That sucks. Yeah, she was more than happy to spend time with you when she wanted some attention and some help moving her crap around, but now she's "busy." And all that B.S. about not wanting to get into a relationship before? Obviously a lie. If I were you, I would have told her off, because that's really, really low. If she just didn't like you, fine, she could have said so a LONG time ago instead of stringing you along like this. And no, don't defend her, because that is EXACTLY what she did, and there's no excuse for it.

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No. I won't defend her.


In fact: I'm going to try to extricate contact with her.


I agreed to help with the technical details of this play she's doing a few months ago... so I'll reluctantly honor my commitment to that...


But as soon as that's past, I doubt I'll see her much anymore. No more borrowing the car... that's for sure. She has a guy: let him chauffeur her around and let him take care of her.


I had a feeling in my gut for the last few weeks she was with someone. A couple of the things she said hinted at it. It gave me time to wrap my mind around the concept before I saw the "In A Relationship" status come up on Facebook this morning. Softened the blow.


Still doesn't make me feel any less the fool for playing along for as long as I did, though... but I do have to admit that my social life WAS a bit more interesting while it lasted.

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  Zargon said:
what KK said....




oops! repost it :D


fraps will tell us what actul frame rates you get in crysis preferably when it gets down and dirty with lots of action.


I'm.... not waiting the 10hours for it to redownload...

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  Keyan Farlander said:
Wow, she didn't have the damn common courtesy to tell you about this before letting you read it on Facebook? How cruel.
Well... we were never really dating. Just platonic friends who always kinda appeared as a couple in public.


If I had dated someone else in the last couple of months, I doubt I'd have made a point to tell her.


It was all just me striving to make it more... but it never happened. I just got my hopes up once again... and once again, I have to pay the price.


But whatever... it is what it is. Doesn't exactly feel great... but I'll live. I should have admitted to myself a long time ago it would never be more... but I kept the dream alive far longer than I should have.


I always did try to play it down to anybody who tried to read more into it than I could truthfully say was there.


And I have to admit that I had a good time for a couple of months.

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ed: that really really sucks.


im going running on the nearest mountain. looks like it'll start raining soon. should be interesting...


xbox live automatically renewed on me. -_- i need to find the ****ing 50' ethernet cable now...

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  Rogue15 said:
ed: that really really sucks.
Eh... It does, but I kinda knew in my heart it was coming.


Now I just need to decide my next move(s).


Take some time to rethink my situation and strategize... or just go nuts and throw myself at anything in desperation... or just give up on all hope forever.

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  edlib said:

I agreed to help with the technical details of this play she's doing a few months ago... so I'll reluctantly honor my commitment to that...


Some advice? don't bother. She showed her true colors by only being nice and stringing you along to use your vehicle, skills, etc. She doesn't deserve a Mr. Nice guy. It is only going to make it hurt more.


Leave her a message, e-mail, text, DON'T CALL OR TALK TO HER SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THAT. Use one of her excuses why back at her. (i.e. speak her same language) saying you can no longer help her.


If she really wants your help she will ask what is wrong or apologize for what she did and try to make amends. But you will still be stuck in friendsville.

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As far as the play goes: I consider that a buisness agreement, and I always honor those.


Plus: there are several other people (read: actresses...) in the production I don't want to burn all bridges with at this point.


As far as breaking contacts with her: don't worry, I'm already on it. I haven't let her use my car the last 4 or 5 times she's asked... And I had already pretty much decided it wasn't going to happen again anyway before today.


I'll be OK. Really.


This type of situation has been a long recurring trend in my life,.. so I have developed pretty good coping mechanisms.


Though a big part of me is questioning if I am destined to be anything other than single and completely unattached in my life, though. I'm really doubting I have the skills to ever get anywhere else. My best is apparently just not good enough.


Either that: Or I've had the longest and worst run of bad luck in the history of history. :dozey:

But I suspect it must be me...


Another thought before the concert starts:

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ran the mountain. it was fun. my legs are sore. my drinking buddy kept trying to call me today i finally picked up the phone, i was considering going out tonight but i'm too tired, and tomorrow i might but idk i think next week will be better. i don't really wanna go because i have a ****ing tail light out and i will be at a bar so i might drink one too many or whatever and get pulled over cause of the stupid light. (it's not the bulb unfortunately, its a ****ing wire and last time i had wire fixing it cost me about 2 weeks pay)

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