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Star Wars the Clone Wars (Official Thread)

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Since your opinion thread got closed, I'll go ahead and express my opinion on the -series- in this thread:


The series is hit or miss, and I mean that in both love and hate. I cannot say that is overall sucks, but it definitely hits some highs and lows.


The highs of the series focus primarily on episodes that focus entirely on the clones. This is what the series should of always been about. The clones are interesting, and have some of the better dialogue out of LucasArts in awhile. They can be funny, the tactics aren't bad, and watching them doesn't make me lose complete hope.


On the other hand, you have Asoka.




Why does she exist?


It makes no sense at all for her to be there. She is young, brash, untrained, and worst of all she is Anakin's padawan. PADAWAN?! This is the boy who the Council disagreed on training, whom proved in the Clone Wars to be irresponsible, brash, and untrained as well as severely immature. Why the heck would the council hand this boy a padawan learner in the middle of a war?


This doesn't even begin to hit the fact that Anakin is barely a Knight, and learner are often only handed to highly trained Knights or Masters. Sure, Obi-wan had one handed to him but he did so upon continued request to the council. Anakin got his Knight status so that it would give him power in war, but this is he same boy whom the Council originally did not ever intend to train.


Anakin's plot hole aside, why does Asoka exist? She continuously manages to disobey Anakin and Obi-wan, shows incredible immaturely, and gets out of every episode by the skin of her teeth. At the end of episodes it is showed that Anakin tries to teach her a lesson. This is obviously to make Anakin look better by comparison, but if this was the case he wouldn't be needing to punish her in the first place. There is a particular episode when Asoka meet another Padawan whom is actually well trained and respectful, and she cringes at the sight of her. Why? Didn't they train in the same place?


This also puts the Council in question for putting an under trained 12 year old on the front lines of war. It was already shown in Kotor and even the 6 movie EU that the Council would rather revoke a child's training than send someone under trained into War, or under a learner but... well, another point for the prequel Council being the absolute worst to date.


Asoka should have been Anakins age, well trained yet still fun, and should have been there to sort of take over for Obi-wan as a compass for Anakin. She could have been a fold for Anakin, and taught him much that Obi-wan just didn't have the heart to. This would fix the hole of Anakin being far more mature in Clone Wars than he ever has been in any other media.


Overall the series didn't need to exist considering we already had the animated cartoon a few years back that, honestly, treated the characters with more respect than this has done. Overall its rubbish.

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^I agree on many parts, but on the Anakin lesson at the end remember it is a kids show. Many kids shows have lessons at the end. Personally I haven't watched the show since the middle of the 1st season.

Indeed, but like I said the lesson is odd coming from Anakin. Asoka should have been his age or slightly older, teaching him lessons as he, in character, went out and did brash and dangerous things. Perhaps leave Asoka out, and have Obi-wan teaching Anakin lessons like he should have from the beginning.


I do not dispute the lesson idea. I dispute the idea that any good lesson would come from Anakin himself.

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Just out of curiosity, how many people on here over the age of 13 watch this show regularly?


I watch it when I have time, but it's not something I'll make a point of watching every time it's on.


I agree with pretty much everything Avery said - the series has had some really great episodes, but then it goes and destroys that with some real stinkers.


I haven't watched a single episode of this second season in its entirety yet, mostly because after five minutes i've lost interest.


I still like it the show for the most part, however.

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I'm over 13 and the best I can say is I've caught episodes here and there but never really found it anything to write home about to be honest. The only reason I was really interested is to see what kind of stuff they would do with stories and characters with the kind of freedom they have given the ambiguity of the Clone Wars time period.


I'm sure the show has its merits, but if they were hoping to draw in an audience other than children I'm sure they've failed.

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The most interesting thing to come out of this series is going to be how they write Asoka out of Star Wars Canon when the series is over. It is a children's show, but we all already know that Anakin kills everyone in the temple and hunts the rest of the Jedi down to Obi-wan, Yoda, Luke, and a handful of others in the EU.


This essentially means they will need to find a clever way to kill her or make her disappear permanently, otherwise it is essentially Canon that he kills her in the Jedi purge at the end of the Clone Wars.


Considering she is not anywhere in the third movie, she'll at least have to disappear before Palpatine gets kidnapped. After her disappearance it is seemingly never mentioned again that he had a Padawan at any time, which is why I hate her character at face value regardless of her qualities. Even if she was killed or disappeared, it is odd that something as important as a Padawan would never be mentioned again or that she wouldn't confront him as Vader since she would have a connection to him almost as close as Obi-wan.

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I watch it, but i think Anakin is just the same jerk he always was. Heres my input: LucasFilm was so embarrased when Emo whiny skywalker was criticized, so they wanted to make him seem not that way. By making him seem less emo, it just elevates the fact that he was emo. Even if LF tries to make him seem less whiny, the fact still remains. He may not be as whiny in the Clone Wars, but he still a prissy little jerk.


Now Ahsoka on the other hand should have been older, but still have the same personality. Now that I can see. The only good clone wars episodes were the ones which focused entirely or almost entirely on clones. Why? Because they are the only ones which seem to go into the action. They are like Mandalorians. Look at Rex, he is tough, and plus he acts and looks like Bruce Willis. Not the Armageddon Willlis, but Die Hard, the action series.


The clone wars is okay, but it is just the same story: Save the Galaxy from the Evil Seperatists. If the series were darker, and for teenagers and up, that would apply to my taste

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Just out of curiosity, how many people on here over the age of 13 watch this show regularly?

:wavey: I DVR it. I've seen all of them so far.


{snip}The highs of the series focus primarily on episodes that focus entirely on the clones.{snip}


These are definitely the best episodes. "Rookies" comes to mind. I still enjoy the series overall. As far as Canon goes, continuity has been forsaken in favor of creating new stories as evident in the EU. :indif:


I would imagine Ahsoka will end up sacrificing herself. IMO the best way for her to go out.

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I watch the show regularly as well and I do it mostly for the stories told. It really doesn't make a difference that it's mostly focused on a younger audience. I mean that should have been a clue to anyone since it is broadcasted on the Cartoon Network of all places.


I'm not going to say specially who, and not necessarily in this thread at all, but it would seem like shows that are more focused on a younger audience gets on other people's nerves as if they will be looked at as immature people if they like it, as if they won't be view as grownups if they admit they like a show like this one. So they nit pick at it to try to prove their maturity. I know that is something that would happen if you're a teenager when everybody is going through so many changes and most everybody is insecure about themselves, but we're you become grownups, you have to remember that most anybody who is secure in themselves won't care anymore.


I can actually go and watch a kids movie with some of my younger nieces and nephews and totally enjoy it. But that's me. Mostly because there is an innocence about it that you don't get in an adult show that is actually refreshing.

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I watch the show regularly as well and I do it mostly for the stories told. It really doesn't make a difference that it's mostly focused on a younger audience. I mean that should have been a clue to anyone since it is broadcasted on the Cartoon Network of all places.


I'm not going to say specially who, and not necessarily in this thread at all, but it would seem like shows that are more focused on a younger audience gets on other people's nerves as if they will be looked at as immature people if they like it, as if they won't be view as grownups if they admit they like a show like this one. So they nit pick at it to try to prove their maturity. I know that is something that would happen if you're a teenager when everybody is going through so many changes and most everybody is insecure about themselves, but we're you become grownups, you have to remember that most anybody who is secure in themselves won't care anymore.


I can actually go and watch a kids movie with some of my younger nieces and nephews and totally enjoy it. But that's me. Mostly because there is an innocence about it that you don't get in an adult show that is actually refreshing.

Shem, you are like the god of making arguments that can't be defeated.


OT:I watch it, but only sparingly.

I wouldn't DVR it, and usually only watch it on youtube if the video hasn't been closed down yet.

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I find it more political than art to conjure entirely different worlds for children than for adults when dealing with the same subject. That is my distaste for most EU and like some I'll only be interested in those written for the mid-teen demographic rather than 8-12 market or younger.


What I consider art is to render different presentations of the same thing, given younger people have different perceptions and celebrations of perception. A good example of this multidimensional flexibility are various childrens movies like Shrek and their ilk, which are as entertaining for adults as they are children without belittling either.


I think to conjure an entirely different world for children is born of the politics which belittle them, and makes no account for remarkable or noteworthy individuals among any demographic.

So then this politic becomes less about the perceptions of children and adults in the long run, and seeks only to enforce particular falsehoods upon all children. To define them where it is better to provide the freedom for them to define themselves.


Given that an existential average to begin questioning Santa Claus is 8-10yrs I think it counterproductive to use a patronising form of childrens writing for the 8-12 market where good intelligent writing would be of much greater value to their self development, and quite usable by this age.


LucasFilm has become quite childish in its writing/agents since Star Wars, imho has well and truly dropped the ball and lost the plot. The one and only SW writing I've been able to tolerate is the Dark Horse Comics efforts, who conceptualised the Old Republic era and did the Dark Empire/Red Empire OT sequels. Nobody else has captured the initial themes of Star Wars, everyone else has just fiddled with themselves on paper or screen over it.


Most of EU, the prequels, even by RotJ the simple fact is GL changed his target market from "young teen" to "children" and the shame of it is the belittling involved. I get along with toddlers and little kids famously because I don't run around pinching their cheeks and patronising them.

I think belittling children is an extremely unintelligent manner of parenting and quite counterproductive. A smart child is far more logical and aware than a dumb adult, the last thing I'd want to teach them is everybody thinks they're stupid and is only entertained by their malicious behaviour. All that really says is that adults are so stupid you may as well be malicious for funzies.


So treat them like little adults (albeit protectively), with intelligent and logical SW canonising of EU.

WTF GL proved he was an idiot the instant he Ewoked. That whole writers kick is mastubatory belittlement of children that are really into fantasy genre. They're just not that dumb, they want to know things like what components did Luke use to make his new green lightsabre and why was it green. 6-8yo's wanted to know that. GL puts bloody teddy bears on the screen. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


That's how I feel about Clone Wars.

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I watch the show regularly as well and I do it mostly for the stories told. It really doesn't make a difference that it's mostly focused on a younger audience. I mean that should have been a clue to anyone since it is broadcasted on the Cartoon Network of all places.


I'm not going to say specially who, and not necessarily in this thread at all, but it would seem like shows that are more focused on a younger audience gets on other people's nerves as if they will be looked at as immature people if they like it, as if they won't be view as grownups if they admit they like a show like this one. So they nit pick at it to try to prove their maturity. I know that is something that would happen if you're a teenager when everybody is going through so many changes and most everybody is insecure about themselves, but we're you become grownups, you have to remember that most anybody who is secure in themselves won't care anymore.


I can actually go and watch a kids movie with some of my younger nieces and nephews and totally enjoy it. But that's me. Mostly because there is an innocence about it that you don't get in an adult show that is actually refreshing.

Just in case any light is on me, let me say that me and friends pop onto Cartoon Network quite a bit. I don't hate nor am ashamed of its contents; I'm just not really in the age group it was aimed at. I used to watch Cartoon Network when Toonami was still around and had a ton of fun, and was glued to Nick as well. I'm not a fan of their modern day incarnations, but hey; what can you do.


As far as nitpicking goes:


I could nitpick the hell out of the series, but I do understand that it is aimed at kids. Regardless, however, as a Star Wars fan I think I'm justified in asking why Anakin has a Padawan in a story context. He, of course, has one to make someone the younger audience can relate to but as far a continuity goes it makes no sense. Her age also conflicts, and this all could really be settled if she was a few years older and was, well, not Anakin's Padawan.

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A show is either good or it isn't, regardless of its intended audience. I've seen plenty of children's programming that was just as entertaining for adults. Pixar's films come to mind, as they are first-rate productions that are entertaining for people of all ages while being aimed predominantly at kids. Therefore I can't agree that adults should cut a show some slack because it is intended for children. Either it sucks or it doesn't.

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Exactly Evil! You look at the movie Up or Walle for example, and they are geared toward children. (They are disney so, of coarse) Kids enjoy these movies, but audults find them touching sometimes. When my mother finaly saw Up, it brought tears to her eyes, Clone Wars just isn't like that. It is a very good show and I DVR it too. I also like that a majority of the episodes are about the clones. (Ambush, rookies, duel of the droids, innocents of ryloth, freedom on ryloth, clone deserter and a number of others) It should also have an opening crawl instead of "The Galaxy Divided" thing. Oh yeah, I'm 13 1/2

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Anyone remember Batman of the Future? (/Batman Beyond, iirc)


Man, that used to be one of my favorite shows. It was dark, and mature. If they

made a clone wars cartoon like that, imo it could have really become big.


But what i really wanted was more of Gendy Tartakovsky's Clone wars.














I haven't really watched the new clone wars series, so i can't comment too much. But as i have said before, shooting for the younger demographic is a sound idea. Theyre building a new fanbase that will grow up and still want more. IMO wait a couple years and we'll see a lot more of mature SW, aimed at the kids who used to watch Clone Wars, but now want more mature stuff. Its keeping SW rolling.


If i was 12, i think i'd probably love the clone wars.


The most interesting thing to come out of this series is going to be how they write Asoka out of Star Wars Canon when the series is over. It is a children's show, but we all already know that Anakin kills everyone in the temple and hunts the rest of the Jedi down to Obi-wan, Yoda, Luke, and a handful of others in the EU.


This essentially means they will need to find a clever way to kill her or make her disappear permanently, otherwise it is essentially Canon that he kills her in the Jedi purge at the end of the Clone Wars.


Considering she is not anywhere in the third movie, she'll at least have to disappear before Palpatine gets kidnapped. After her disappearance it is seemingly never mentioned again that he had a Padawan at any time, which is why I hate her character at face value regardless of her qualities. Even if she was killed or disappeared, it is odd that something as important as a Padawan would never be mentioned again or that she wouldn't confront him as Vader since she would have a connection to him almost as close as Obi-wan.


yeah, bad writing IMO. I don't hate her, but i am curious as to what theyre going to do with her. I though that maybe she''ll turn to the dark side, but decided that'll never happen, since this is a kid's show.

IMO she'll probably survive. It can provide a base for that mature stuff thats sure to be coming in a few years. Ashoka, by herself, perhaps on some mission to turn Anakin back to the light, also dealing with issues (anger, betrayal, fighting slipping to the dark side herself).

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Now that Clone Wars is out, they may add her in FU2.


............. :dozey:


Do you really think that developers would put in an immature kid in TFU 2? Really, a game which is made for teens and up.


I though that maybe she''ll turn to the dark side, but decided that'll never happen, since this is a kid's show.


Now that would be interesting. Skywalker keeps bereting Ahsoka in the CW series, and is put down a lot, people think she is immature, and unwise. And always cuts her off and thinks "Oh shes just a padawan" All the more a reason for her to go DS. But no, LucasFilm wants to stay with the same plot as always, never changing.

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