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I, Fanficcer

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I, Fanficcer


Long time ago in the far away galaxy...


A prophecy was foreseen: "A thing will happen, and then another thing, yea a third thing also."


And it did.


"And now you will die Lord Darth Malak, Ruler of the Sith!!!!!!" screamed Revan at the top of his voice and very loudly.

"Noooooooo!" said Malak very slowly.


Then Revan kiled him with his great big purple lightsaber and stabbed him through the chest. Then Malak died.


"You were a foal, Malak. Good always truants over evil."


"Oh, Revan I love you, but we must escape before the Star Fodge explodes!" said Bastilla.

"I love you too let's run quickly." Revan said.


And run they did.


They got to the Ebony Hawk just, in time.


"About time" said Crath "I was about to leave without you too."


"Let's go then quickly" said Raven.


Then Revan and Bastilla went to the back and made sacks noisily.


Then The Enob Hawk landed on the plant and everyone shouted hooray.


"You have savde the galaxy" said Master Vendor and everyone shouted hooray again and he put a medal on Raven's chest.


"STOP" shouted a being who pulled out a gun. He looked almost exactly like a Twi'lek except his skin was pinky-white and he didn't have lekku and he had hair and flat teeth instead of pointy ones. "That's Darth Revan. I'll kill you Revan!"


And he shot at Revan.

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