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Monkey Island 2 Remake


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  Jake said:
Actually uses 128 colors (even fewer than your conservative 150 colors), and probably reduced down to that limited palette with a dithering routine which sucks more than modern ones.


But yeah even so, the old MI2 stuff seems to have a fair bit of grit to it.


Here's the 128 colour version:



You were right... it made surprisingly little difference.


Also, comparing other artwork we've got shows that the dithering routines have hardly improved at all. (There actually isn't any dithering on the above image at all in this instance.)


But yeah, you're right, there's definitely a fair bit of "grit" that was added in some screens.

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Yes, it is wistful thinking. Ron Gilbert did not leave Hothead to make the 'real' Monkey Island 3 at LucasArts.


Or did he??


No. Bear in mind the SE will probably have a hint system to help with puzzles you find difficult.

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I maintain that they didn't change the rebars to roots like everyone says. There's lots of evidence to suggest that they're rebars, but the only thing suggesting that they're roots is that they kind of look a bit like roots.


I doubt they're removing anachronisms on purpose, at any rate, but you could well be correct.

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  ThunderPeel2001 said:
MI2 was flawed, as Gilbert has acknowledged, because they decided to ditch the medium mode and keep easy and hard. Nobody (to my knowledge) played Easy. I never did, and later versions of the game didn't even bother to include it. It was designed to make adventure games more accessible, but anyone who'd bought MI2 wasn't really thinking "I've never played an adventure before, I'm scared"... so that left hard - aka "****ing evil mode"


What?! You've never played easy? I've played MI2 and CMI on both modes. I remember as a kid starting with hard mode but switching to easy and finishing when I got too stuck on one part. I then used that knowledge to finish hard mode. No hints needed!


Also if you don't play Monkey Lite mode, you can't witness Wally peeing out the candle. How he aims with no free hands is amazing!

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  ThunderPeel2001 said:
Another one that looks really good, wow. Here's the original to compare.





I think that this is the main flaw in some people's logic, where "good" is synonymous with "the same as the original". Each to their own, obviously, but in my opinion, we should allow the art to be slightly different. This is a special edition, not a less pixelated edition.

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The art looks good, but there is a direction to make it a bit more stylised, and also a bit brighter and with less contrast. I can see the logic in making it more stylised, because it brings the SE in line with the later games (e.g. the clouds), but I wonder what the thinking was in terms of the colour palette and brightness? Perhaps it is a more accurate way of portraying light, or maybe it was just the artists' personal techniques and style that were different?

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  ThunderPeel2001 said:
So now you people are complaining because others don't like the Special Edition in THE RIGHT WAY?!?


You all need your heads examining!

It's not that at all. At least that's not what I was talking about.


All I'm saying is that you're expecting something that they aren't even trying to deliver, so you're obviously going to be disappointed. It's fair enough if you're criticizing it because it's not what you wanted, but bear in mind that what you want isn't in line with what they were going for (not that this makes your criticisms any less valid, of course :p)

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Not sure why the ship's mast looks so... wonky. Also, the bit of Booty that's visible in the distance looks a bit wishy washy. (The original always suggested a sense of scale to me.) Otherwise more great improvements over the Scabb shots! (I'm still annoyed by the blandness of the of Inn where Largo is staying, especially when these other graphics show the team can do some really really nice stuff.)


Overall: Mood = hopeful.

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Despite all our complaints there a big difference between the first SE and this one. If I had lots of money and decided to pay an artist to paint every scene from MI2 so that I could hang them on the wall, and he presented me with these screenshots, would I be happy.


Hell yes.


BUT... I didn't notice all the patheticness in the first SE until I played it so who knows...

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