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7 hours ago, Torbjörn Andersson said:

I'm always amazed by people who can draw. I had this picture in my head of Ron Gilbert (or at least his "grumpy gamer" avatar) and Guybrush in a Lucy/Charlie Brown style "football gag"... and this was the only bit of it that came within a country mile of what I imagined:



with love 


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I've finally gotten around to gathering all the memo's and letters from Monkey Island™ and I've collected my paper crafted replicas too.


I wrote the "legalese" for the rest of the letter.


To: Herman Toothrot
From: Yammer, Hem, and Haw, attorneys at law
Re: Suit against cannibal tribe over malicious tossing of your oars into a chasm. I think we have a case here.
We can probably soak them for emotional distress and possibly punitive damages as well.
“Hmm. Sounds like Legalese. I don't think I can translate the rest.”

Casus contra anthropophagos difficile est probare sine causa adducendi ad iudicium.

Ex nostris monumentis monstraris in insula remota vivere solum cum anthropophagis et pirata larvae Lechuck loqui.

Cum hic progreditur casus, vehementer commendamus ut omnes verbales et scriptae communicationes cum Anthropophagis desineres.

Opus est ut artissimum iudicium de altero iudiciorum trium insularum interesse debeas;

Judex PLANK.



Should you require an inter-island visit pre case, please inform our office. Any return mail should be sent in the accompanying bottle.


Yammer, Hem and Haw

P.S. Please allow 3-5 years for reply, the tides between here and Monkey Island™ can be unpredictable.

Latin Translation:
The case against the cannibals may be difficult to prove without the case being brought before a court of law.

From our records you are shown to live on a remote island with only the cannibals and the ghost pirate Lechuck to speak with. 

Whilst this case progresses we would heartly recommend that you cease all verbal and written communications with the cannibals.

You may need to attend the closest court for judgement on another of the Tri-Island courts,

Judge PLANK.
will preside.






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On 9/17/2022 at 11:02 AM, MichaelSon said:

These letters look awesome.


But can you tell me how you did the 3 Islands map and what size you used?


I used my thumbs as reference for where Guybrush holds the map on the screenshot and went from there.

The Tri-isalnd map measures, 35.5cm x 26cm (roughly 14inch by 10.25inch on 190gsm watercolour paper. Tea stained and "roasted" dry then most of it was free hand drawn. Luckily there's scaling markers on the maps, I started with them first and went from there.




Edited by El_Pollo_Diablo
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