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How did you find out Santa was a.......

Guardian Omega

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I don't know....I think there just may be some ppl around here that still believe........just a guess though.



Anywho, when I was about 14 and I just figured it out on my own......*shrugs*




Originally posted by Guardian Omega

I found out when I was coming down for a midnight snack and spotted my parents.:D



A midnight snack on Christmas.......my parents would never let me do that......which is how/why I was able to put two and two together.

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An older friend told me one day...just in passing. I think I was about 8 years old or something (he was 2 or 3 years older than me)...anyway, it came down to fisticuffs. I did my bit to defend Santa's honour that day, I can tell you. :D


I chose not to believe it for another couple of years, but it was never really the same after that. :(


Thankfully, I don't think I'll have much problem letting my kids down easy...they're pretty smart already. :)

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I caught my parents putting presents from Santa under the tree at around 1am in the morning on Christmas Eve when I was 11. They said that Santa had just come and they were organizing the gifts so I could find my gifts together in the morning. I bought that for about 1 week and then I came to my senses. I was also growing suspicious that the Santa's notes to me were always looked very familiar to my mom's writing. I put 2 and 2 together and figured it out.:D

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Originally posted by Dark Warrior

I was also growing suspicious that the Santa's notes to me were always looked very familiar to my mom's writing. I put 2 and 2 together and figured it out.:D


Exactly how I found out.


At around age 8, I sorta realized my gifts said they were from Santa when it looked like my mom's handwriting. Also, when I was 7, when we left food out for Santa, it was still there the next morning :p

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Originally posted by Gorgan

I found out when I saw that Santas and my parents wrapping paper and tag thingys were the same.


yup. I found presents before Christmas, and on Christmas, the tag said, form santa. I was 9 when I found out. Eh, Christmas isn't as fun anymore.... :(

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Personally, I'm not going to let my kids believe in santa. I'm going to tell them the truth from the start.


Letting them know that it's the parents who are buying all the gifts and not some magical fat man would probably teach them to respect us a little more for all we do.


Plus, the whole letting down thing a few years down the track. Why exactly do we have a santa?


Sure, people might argue he's iconic of christmas, but dont we have xmas trees and presents and family togetherness to remind us that it's christmas again..... And if you want to take a christian view on christmas, shouldnt jesus be the icon?



I did believe in santa.... and I was so angry at my parents when I found out. I think taking advantage of childhood blissful ignorance only to have that bliss destroyed a few years later is terrible :)


Down with santa! :D

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lol, this thread brings back memories. believe it or not i found out by asking questions that they couldnt answer. they'd answer that he was magical, then when id do something stupid like break a lamp id say it was by magic and they'd tell me that theres no such thing. by the time i was 7 i had figured it out, though i suspected from a year or two before. i was very sneaky and id always find all my presents in the closet, or in the crawlspace or behind the radiators etc. on christmas it'd say from santa and that got me wondering. i think for a day or two i thought my dad was santa.......

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I never was brought up to belive that there was a Santa. I saw other kids talk about it but I didn't say a word. I never really got many present's at home and we have never had a Christmas tree at our house cause of money and my parent's saying it was a waste of money getting a tree and then throwing it away.

I still am not sure if I am going to make my children believe in Santa. I'll by the tree so that my children can have what I didn't but as for making them belive in Santa I am not sure.


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I was 8, still living in a tiny flat in Prague, the Czech Republic; now I live in Vienna, Austria.

My father had a whisky newsletter collection under the TV. I was just looking in there... And I found the letters we put on the window for "santa".

Then my parents could not simulate Santa anymore ;)


Now I am constantly asking them what E-Mail does Santa have...

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I was in first grade (7 years old or so), and we were looking at pre-made Easter baskets in the supermarket. It kind of hit me then - why would there be pre-made Easter baskets if the Easter Bunny made them and brought them himself?


So I asked my mother, who denied it at first. Deep down, I knew the truth, so I kept pestering her all that night until she admitted it. Then I just applied that to Christmas time and the Tooth Fairy. I'm pretty sure I cried. ;)

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Interesting thread :p


My parents were very tricky about the whole Santa thing, my Mother could write in many different ways, such as Calligraphy, etc, so I couldn't put that together. Somehow they always got the presents under the tree when I wasn't looking (I would sneak downstairs and they wouldnt be there at say, 2 in the morning or 3, or 4, heh.)


But even as a really little kid I was skeptical of the whole ordeal, so one day I just asked them, "Hey, is Santa not real?"


And they said, "We don't want to lie to you, yeah he's fake."


So, it pretty much reinforced my theory, heh. And also, I remember they told me to make sure not to say anything to the kids at school about it, considering they all still believed. :p

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hehehe i saw some stuff my parents got (accidentally opened a cardboard box and found alot of stuff, but didn't know who it belonged to) and on christmas i said 'hey i saw that in a box' i think i was 7, and they told me and i wasn't emotional about it. :D



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