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Worst. Review. Ever. (Of LotR No Less!)

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by -=Chi3f=-



Thatsums it all up. I'm not going to flame this guy because he's an idiot, pure and simple. :cool:




Well, the goal of the film should be to appeal to people who haven't read the book it's based on, as well.


He is inclined to his opinion, and he does a raise few minor problems with it (WTF is Cate Blanchett doing?) - but it is drowned out by his other, stupid, near-sighted and completely inane, unbased opinions on it. That guy should find himself another job.

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well i'm having a bad day - but rhett knows how i feel about LOTR. basically i was bored throughout the entire movie...thought it could have been shortened in parts. i liked the special fx but as far as boredom goes... i know everyone LOVES the lord of the rings and then bashes anyone who has a different opinion. I have an open mind about the trilogy and hope that the fellowship, while it may have been boring, will start to become more interesting to me as the story unfolds. I have never read the book and I fully understand when you want the book to reflect the og story. So i give props to the director for that. I just felt like for 3 hours of sitting down I felt like a got barely anything. I am looking forward to seeing the TTT with hopes that it will get better.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

The first fight scene, in which Christopher Lee and Ian McKellen toss spear-like objects at each other, is edited so poorly that we never get a clear shot of a spear flying from point A to point B. But the last battle is spectacular. Plenty of the action occurs in unbroken shots.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! LMFAO!:lol::rofl::lol::rofl::lol:

it's a good thing you told us it wasn't a joke because that comment right there would have convinced me otherwise:D

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its not reallt the worst review of FOTR ever. although i dont agree with him, he managed to use examples to back up his points. this is just the typical "i havent actually read LOTR but here's my (misguided) opinion..." statement that people make.


one person in my year at school said:


"it was an ok film, the ending wasnt very good though"





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The critic is entitled to his opinion, even though after the first 3 lines, I couldn't be bothered to read the rest :D


Throwing spears? What the.. I thought they were using those funky staff-thingies :p


I don't usually read reviews; but I'm not going to read any of that one again :)

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In case anyone wants to know, Ebert and Roeper both gave it a thumbs up. Roeper gave LotR a thumbs down last year. I wonder what made him like this one more.


Oh, and I found a pretty poorly written review of TTT that completely bombs it. Not even for good reasons. He just bitches about stuff. It's blatantly obvious that he walked in with his mind already made up and that he has no use for any of tolkien's work. I mean, read just the first two paragraphs and you'll already be able to tell what he's like.


It proceeds under the portentous title of "The Two Towers" but let's not kid ourselves - this is a example of that blight of Hollywood, the sequel. It is neither more nor less than "The Lord of the Rings Part Bloody Two". Rushed out in unseemly haste, barely a year after the first instalment smacked box office records roundly in the face, despite an ending blatantly left open for this cynical marketing exercise...


How could you possibly take a reviewer seriously after statements like that. :eek: He first bitches about the title being close to the name of the 9/11 event. Gee, how dare they use the words "towers" and "two" again? :rolleyes: Even though it was name so years and years ago. Then he claims the second part was just rushed out because the studio wants money and then he complains that it's a trilogy and that they made that blatantly obvious in the first. :rolleyes: Umm.. duh?! He obviously has no business reviewing such a movie, I mean, you're supposed to have at least part of a clue when doing so, right?


Here's a link to the whole thing.


Click Me




In case you don't catch the top of what their website says, it's a joke. The guy isn't really that stupid. :p Got ya worked up, didn't it.


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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

The first fight scene, in which Christopher Lee and Ian McKellen toss spear-like objects at each other, is edited so poorly that we never get a clear shot of a spear flying from point A to point B.

could this man have more not gotten what a wizard is i mean i never in a million years haveing wactched that movie a million times would think that they were shooting spear like objects at eachother :confused::eyeraise:

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Originally posted by Clem

right people .... face up to reality


this film isnt that good .... not on its own ... and not if u dont know LOTR .... but we do ... so its BLOOMIN GOOD :)


or maybe it is .... i dunno ... im not a critic


I have an awful confession to make, i had never read the lord of the rings before the movie came out. But i saw the previews and thought it could be a darn good movie so i went and saw it and fell immediately in love. Next day i bought all 3 books and read them.


So this movie can easily appeal to people who have no knowledge of lord of the rings.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Here's a link to the whole thing.


Click Me




In case you don't catch the top of what their website says, it's a joke. The guy isn't really that stupid. :p Got ya worked up, didn't it.



LoL. You almost had me:D :D :D





The thing is LotR was written by Tolkien to fit into a greater epic. It's the mythology he wanted the anglosaxon britain to have. So alot of things in LotR seem to have no purpose, or only having a brief role, like tom bombadil and glorfindel who were omitted in the movie and galadriel played by cate blanchett, whose role were questioned by several ppl. However there presence is due to their part in the entire Tolkien World/History. Their place in the LotR would be satisfied if not glorified once the greater context is taken in2 account.

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Originally posted by teutonicknight

I know whitedragon:

I can't beleive that he was stupid enough to think that the wizards where throwing spears at each other. Did he stop once to releise that, gee, they were wizards? :confused:

i whatched the whole fight 2 times last nite and i cant see a spear in the whole damn tower of orthank

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