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What is your pet-peeve?

Dark Warrior

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it's a dutch thing, but people that saw "wou" instead of "wilde" (it means would) and the second thing dark warrior said, those people can get so f*cking arrogant, like " yeah i may be stupid, but at least i'm good looking" STFU you ain't getting nothing with looking good!:mad:

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Yea it really disturbs me that people can only be cool if they are good-looking.


Eg: "Oh look at that guy. He is such a fat ass."


But this overweight person actually has a great personality that noone can see because of his looks.


I hate how this occurs consistently at my school where people are put down for their looks. It really pisses me off.

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Originally posted by Darth Simpson

People who refuse to spell properly, and use extensive abbreviations. I hate it.


I agree. Especially when they call you stupid for not knowing the abbreviation afterward.


Eg: When I was first using online chat programs, someone said ttyl. I had no idea what it meant so I asked. Simple answer right? Not for them. They went on to swear saying I would go nowhere in life and that I was a dumbass and too stupid for this world.


Funny thing is, they never told me what it was.


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Anyone who bullies someone should be shot, have his nuts ripped off and sent to hell on a one way trip.


Going to school and seeing all these idiots makes me seethe with anger.


There's one thing that's worse though: A person that lacks empathy.


At least the bullies have a choice.

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Some of my pet peeves have already been said by Dark Warrior, so I don't need to say more at all. :)


People who are intolerant of other countries. (Cultures, etc.)


I hate it when people just act like there trying to be friends when all they want is something from you and nothing more.


When certain people use you as a scapegoat for problems you didn't cause in the first place or on purpose...

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Originally posted by whitedragon

my pet-peeve is people who hate a book or a movie and they havent even seen them.


Yea I agree or someone that argues about a book or movie and then you question them about the book/movie and they don't know what your talking. Then you realize they never saw the book/movie and are just trying to be a know-it-all and try to appear to know everything.

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I'd say my pet peeve is people who have no comprehension of other peoples feelings, and just do what they want and say what they want without so much as a thought for how it might affect others.


Another pet peeve: tailgaters. AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!


Worse pet peeve: tailgaters in the middle of a snow storm. AAAAAAAAARGH! How dumb can you get? Cmon, I dont care how great your brakes are. If I have to slow down fast, you gonna hit me!!! I'd let em hit me too, but I dont have the guts yet....

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Originally posted by Darth Simpson

People who refuse to spell properly, and use extensive abbreviations. I hate it.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Is the online society today so lazy as to spell "your" as "ur". It drives me nuts.


Another thing. People who say "should of" instead of "should have". These people need to go back to elementary school and re-learn their English.

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