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Windows XP - Your opinions


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I have tested out most of the Windows operating systems, and IMO, XP is the best there is out there. The new snazzy interface works really well (takes a little getting used to, but it's great). You get a lot of cool extra features with it, including an incredibly useful CD recording program built into Windows Explorer. I just love the whole thing, it's great:)

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Most of the people that say it crashes, or isn't very good, don't actually use it....


And if they do, they are attempting to run badly written programs, games, that "cheat" with the Win9x OS to get things done. It's a sign of "bad" programming that the games had to use OS specific commands to make it run faster....


It is very stable, the more RAM you chuck at it the better - 256 MB is a bare minimum, try for at least 512 MB.


Make sure it is done as a clean, or fresh install, reformat the disc in setup if needed. Buy a new HDD to do this the easist if you don't want to have to back up all your data.

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*Looks around for an Official Swamp Welcomer

*Sneaks into the room and grabs an Official Swamp Welcome Basket ™ and hands it to Trice


Welcome to the Swamp

The basket is full of tasty cookies to munch on whilst looking over the forums.

It even has some complementary tickets to ClemLand!!

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I upgraded to XP from ME, I have had a lot of problems with the changeover. Ie. Nortons 2001 is not compatable and makes it highly unstable. Once I figure out what programs are causing my problems, everythign else seems great. MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THE COMPATABILTY OF YOUR CURRENT SOFTWARE!

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XP is easily the best of the Windows OSes. I've had it crash under rare and unusual circumstances, and has only happened like 5 times so far. I originally upgraded from ME, and almost all of my programs and hardware worked. Get it now!



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XP is awesome. I've had it for 6 months and it has only crashed once (that was my fault too). I highly recommend it. However, make sure you get the full version, don't upgrade from your current OS. Format the hard drive and give it a nice clean install. Also, you need a pretty good computer to run it smoothly. I would suggest that the pc be in excess of 1Ghz and at least 384MB of RAM. I have a 1.7Ghz and 512MB of RAM (probably will upgrade this soon, you never can have enough RAM) and it runs fine.

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