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Most Painful Experience?


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What is your most painful (physical, yes) experience of your life? Mine would be a tie between having a piece of fiberglass go through my pinky finger (pulled it out and didn't even have to go to the hospital :) ) and having my blood drawn. I don't know why having my blood drawn hurt so bad--everyone's always saying how painless it is--but it hurt like a bitch. Anyway, your turn...:)

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I was riding my scotter on rocky road in the rain and the front wheel came off i flipped hit the ground head first and split my eyebrow open. i had a rock in my eyebrow too. ouchhhh it hurt i didnt cry though:p . My face was half reb with rushing blood and it was funny to se the faces of the people in their cars go by. They looked like this when they saw me:freakout: :barf: . it was pretty nasty. I git 7 stitches and still have a scar.(this was last year when i was walking home with the girl i licked:p . Good thing she took her street like a minute before it happened. She would have been grossed out.

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Originally posted by Father Torque

I was riding my scotter on rocky road in the rain and the front wheel came off i flipped hit the ground head first and split my eyebrow open. i had a rock in my eyebrow too. ouchhhh it hurt i didnt cry though:p . My face was half reb with rushing blood and it was funny to se the faces of the people in their cars go by. They looked like this when they saw me:freakout: :barf: . it was pretty nasty. I git 7 stitches and still have a scar.(this was last year when i was walking home with the girl i licked:p . Good thing she took her street like a minute before it happened. She would have been grossed out.


you licked here? o.O


Yeh, something like that happened to me, except My friend collided into my bike, and my leg got caught in the chain. Man,. I skidded like 10 ft. :(. I haven't riden a bike much after that. :D

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Once, whem I was staying at a Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, I jumped from the patio balcony into the pool. I was on the 3rd floor. I almost made it in completly, except for my left leg, which smashed into the concrete next to the water. I broke my leg, and was in a cast for a long while.


This all happened about 3 years ago, and I'm proud to say that is probably the stupidist thing I've done.....so far.

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I've got a high tolerance for pain, but I guess it was the time someone cut down a tree and forgot to ask me to move.


I was content with a glass of soda, but no...I just had to go to the emergency room...thank you parents for wasting 4 hours of my life in that boring waiting room.

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doing a running swanton bomb off my garage, missing the ass I was goin for, and smacked my back on the concrete walkway going through our yard...i just kinda stared off into space for about 5 minutes



note: Swanton bomb is a 270 flip where your back hits there gut from the top rope in wrestlin

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Stepping on a nail......





HAHA that just happened to me last month...i first stepped on it with my shoe, then took it out, left it on the floor, forgot to throw it out, and later stepped on it barefoot. OUCH...:D

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Hmmm. I got three experiences:


1st was a car accident. It was relatively serious, whiplash, swelling on the brain, and something wrong with my stomach. It wasn't physically painful persay but it was miserable. Hospital for a few weeks, out of school for a month, and I threw up any solid food I ate for quite a while.


2nd, probably the most painful, but not entirely my fault. I got food poisoning (double chocolate chip cookie dough, big mistake) and that was insanely painful.


3rd, fell off my roof. Onto a stake. I was shoveling snow off my dad's workshop roof and I started slipping (it was tin) it was only about 12 feet to the ground so I dropped the shovel and jumped into the few feet of snow I had shoveled off. 'Course, this snow concealed the wooden stake my mom uses to help keep these little pine trees straight. End result, large scratch across my side/back and a bruised rib.

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Oh yeah, I dislocated a finger too.


Swung it against the corner or a desk (by accident) and it popped out and forward like and inch (exageratting (sp?)). I grabbed it and pushed it back into place which resulted in a rather sick grinding sound as well.


On a stupider note. It hurt, but wasn't one of my most painful experiences: I stapeled my thumbs together (yes, I am that talented) :D

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when i broke my right elbow while jumping around my sofa. i fell to the ground in the wrong way, arms first. i dislocated my bone and you can actually see my bones stickin out of my skin. blood everywhere, it was a very painful experience and i recieved 56 stitches cuz of it.

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skitzo, that just skeeves me out thinking about it.



Anyhow, my experience would have to be sitting in a half-flooded fighting hole for 14 hours and then having my boots freeze to my feet that night. Not an acute pain, but the long drawn out aspect would have to make it the suck day of my life.


For instant pain, I'd say the time I got a brand on my leg. That was pretty painful at first, then I think the heat killed the nerves or something, or I just went into shock.

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I was attacked by a huge pink rabbit.




Actually, it was when I was in school, and I was saying cya to this girl, and I turned around really fast. Unfortunatlly one off my legs stayed behind me. My knee turned completly around in a circle, and I fell, and it snapped back into place. It was all bloody and it took me like 2 hours to limp to the nurse's office in school, lol, and I refused to let anyone help me. My knee is still screwed up, heheheheh.

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I hope you got the girl. ;)


Just this season, I was snowboarding at Catamount in New York. I was trying the jumps for the first time. I took the first two real well, but on the third, I decided to try to dig in my back edge to get a more steady jump. Instead, I just sorta rolled backwards i midair. I landed with the edge of the jump against my lower back, and my upper body folding backwards at nearly a 90 degree angle. The only thing that kept me from folding further (and probably breaking my back) was my head bouncing off the hard packed know. Then I rolled for a few feet, slid a few, and came to a stop.


Needless to say, I was finished for the day (went back up the next day, though!).

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I usually recover from injuries quickly, and I havent gotten into any serious ones(besides breaking my leg, but after the first hour or so the pain stopped and all I had was a broken ankle.



But,the most painful(but not serious) injury I had was today. I was sitting at the benches,and one of my friends insulted me, so I tried to kicked him hard in the calf while sitting down. Unfortunately, there was an iron bar between us, and my calf slammed hard against it. I was in deep pain for 15 minutes,and moderate pain the rest of school. Got better when I went home,though.

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Making a chain of people from an electric fence to my friends dog.

It was really mean rotweiler and had to be chained before one coule enter their yard, so we decided on making a defensive chain, we were 4 ...one before 5 and two more than 2.

We had rubber shoes.

The first guy held the fence, then we grabbed arms and made a chain, out came the dog grrrrrrr.....grrrrrrrrr ...grrrrrr i reached out.......


and patted it on the back.....


It was launhed about a foot in the air.

We fell to the ground in spasms of laughter and pain.


From that day forth all that was needed to be done to keep the dog away was walk near the fence and reach an arm out towards the dog, it never came near me again.


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Hard to tell really what my most painful experience is....... well my lip was almost completely cut off by falling on the pesky corner of a chair when I was like 6.... but It didn't really hurt, which was wierd because the people around me were kind of freaking and then there was blood dripping all over and I started to freak a bit, the doc patched it up real good though, and there isn't even really a scar :) what really sucks though, is if I smack my arm or knee somehow, and there's a really really ridiculously painful throbbing for about two minutes :mad:

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uhm...I broke my finger...& then let it heal without getting it set properly....still can use it as normal and everything.....oh and then there was the time I was chasing a volleyball on gravel, slipped & skinned my entire left leg from ankle to upper-thigh (then there was also the gravel in the wounds to make it hurt more)....I guess I've been pretty lucky, never been impaled on anything.....one of my friends had a bottle rocket explode in his face...didn't even have to go to the emergency room, guy was fine....sat down for about 15 mins, all of us huddled around him, not even a scar or burn from it....I still don't believe it

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