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Weighing in at 7 pounds 7 ounces - Announcing Baby Matthew!


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Hey guys - sorry I've been gone. I do not have much time to type as it is right now. Just wanted to tell you guys that on March 1st at 11:25 pm my son Matthew was born. He is doing well. Unfortunately the event was an "interesting one". I went into labor at 6:30 am and there were some complications. I had to have an emergency c-section because I got a 102 fever. I even had to be knocked out. After 18 hours of Labor....almost made it but then everything went wrong. The baby developed an infection from me...and is now in NICU. Like the grownup ICU. He has been there all week and hopefully tomorrow we will be able to bring him home. I had to stay at the hosipital for 4 almost 5 days but still he is not done with his anti-biotics, and he has jaundice. So he had to stay to get better. Other than that he is a BEAUTIFUL baby. He is soooo darn cute. As soon as I can I will show you guys some pictures. Please keep Matthew in your prayers and hearts - I hope we can take him home tomorrow but I know that he is in the place where he needs to be. I'm doing fine...little sore...takes me awhile to get around. Trying to do a million things all at once. I can't believe he is finnaly here and its the greatest thing in the world to be a parent. Cya guys - Sttct!

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WOAH! It seemed like you were away longer than usual, Shan! I figured it had to be something like this. :D Congrats to you, your family and especially to little Matthew. Afterall, it's not every day that you're born. :D I can't believe you're already here posting after such a short time especially considering you had to have a C-section. :eek: Sorry to hear you had to have one. Those really suck. My mother had to have one when she had me because my brother did a backflip right before labor. :D


I'll be sure to keep Matthew and the rest of his family in my prayers. :rhett: Now you get off your feet and relax while you can. Remind your fiance that it's his child too and that birthing it at least earns you a few foot rubs! :D



*rejoices and passes out blue bubblegum cigars*

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Glad to hear that everything is turning out ok, let little Matthew know that he has an extended, rather odd family here.......on second thought, introduce us gradually so as not to scare him. ;) Just imagine all the things you'll get to show him...*cough*Star Wars*cough* :D

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This is such good news Shan! Your family has been and will continue to be in my prayers. I hope the best for your new family in the future.


And I think I can speak for the board when I say, bring on the pics! I wanna see da cute little boy!

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Congradulations Shan.


Your a mommy now :D (First one to say it on Forums)


Hope that everything goes alright and that you and your family do good. I'll keep you guys in my prayers. Just make sure to guide the kid down the right path.


1. God

2.Star Wars

3. Matrix

4. LucasForums



So what is the situation with that bonehead of a boss that you have?

Is he making you come back to work soon or are you going to get some more rest time?



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It's official, my wife envys you, shannon! All I hear is, "Why won't this baby get out of me?!!!", and, "Make them take it out!!!!" :D



I'm sure little Matthew is beautiful, and I will keep him and all of your family in my prayers. He's a lucky boy to have a mommy like you! :D

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Congrats!!! I'm glad he's ok, and I'm glad you could have one for GB. GUNNER taken care of XWA twice so far, and I know he's working on a third... He's a stallion. How could he not be?


Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in motherhood, and if he starts being a pain, just remember: Nitro was worse.

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check out the "Kings of Chaos Thread"



Congrats!!! I'm glad he's ok, and I'm glad you could have one for GB. GUNNER taken care of XWA twice so far, and I know he's working on a third... He's a stallion. How could he not be?


wow 2 kids already?

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Ever wonder why people say "Congrats"? Because they're too lazy to spell it out. Well while I would normally say "Congrats" to something minor or a normal festive occasion, but because of the importance of the occasion I'm going out of my way to spell it out. I hope you understand the hardship I went through to spell this word...and I expect a thank you note.;)



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