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In real life *gasp* do you...


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...look younger or older than your actual age? I look younger. I don't know why--must be my young, shining face. ;):) I'm a senior in high school, but everyone always asks if I'm a goddamn freshman LoL. But growing a "beard" has helped remedy that somewhat. OK, OK, shut the hell up. I don't care if it looks like I need to wash my face. ;):D :D

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Younger. Mistaken for Fresh sometimes... :mad:


That's why I always carry my drivers Ed book. :p


*** On the phone I am mistaken for 18-19 (LMAO) and am one of the younger ones in my class, should be a fresman I guess. July 6, 87... Still only 15, most my friends are 16 already.

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Whenever I talk to on the phone people think I'm 15 or 16...

The older students in my school always ask if i'm a sophmore...The ironic thing is that i'm probably one of the younger freshman in my grade : Born July 14th 1988, alot of my frosh friends are already 15..

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People think I look older because I used to be mistaken for Andy Dick from NewsRadio. :D But it really just depends upon how well you take care of your body.. Sure when You are young you want to look older, but when you are older, you want to look younger:)

By the way, I am 21.

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i'm 17 and i've been told i look 18 when i have hair, and when i shaved it off for state i've been told i look like a marine and **** like that (the motel lady told me that, she let me rent a room cuz of it :D:D) and about 19-20 w/o my hair, it's badass, and i'm gonna test it out real soon: tattoos (just gonna see if i can get one) cigars, porn, already got the motel room


funny thing is though, i can't really grow facial hair, i could only get the small goatee and sideburns, look at joe dirt and you'll see my facial hair, so i keep it shaved, but now it's starting to fill in

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Originally posted by matt-windu

I've been placed at 18+ since I was around 13.


i don't know ANYONE who has been mistaken for 18 OR older since they were 13, puberty starts that year or a year before that, so i don't believe that, if you said 15 i would cuz i was talkin to this girl while at a baseball tournament and she thought i was 18, i was only 15, it was cool cuz i told her in the middle of "stuff" happening between us and she was like "you're only 15?!?! wow, it doesn't seem like it" and she didn't care

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I guess you'd have to ask the people who have seen a picture of me, but I've always looked a lot younger than I am. It was quite annoying actually during my teens, I was constantly asked for some ID to get into clubs and even to buy ciggies.

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I look much younger then my age. I'm 26 now and I still regularly get carded when I go to bars or when I buy alcohol. The check-out lady tells me "you are so lucky to look so young, you will enjoy it later on in life." We'll see about that.....

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Originally posted by leXX

I was constantly asked for some ID to get into clubs and even to buy ciggies.


You need ID to buy ciggies? :eek:


Anyhow, I probably look my age - 17. Except when I had long hair, when I was mistaken for someone 19 or such.


BTW, I always thought you were about 20, Pedantic :D

Y'know, I get these mental pictures of people in here....

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