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WTF of the Week!

Boba Rhett

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We've done that for homecomming* two years straight...although we havn't hung anybody from the ceiling:eek:



* you can call it that if you want, but it's mainly a bunch of bored students sitting around at a wonderfully boring pep rally, you can tell our school has no school spirit.

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This is news to you guys? We've been doing that at my high school since before I got there, and they're still doing it now that I'm graduated. It's tradition. The first week of school, freshman beware.


I (with the help of some friends) duct-taped a guy by his arm to a flagpole. Here's the catch... He was about 2 feet off the ground. :D We backed him up to the flagpole in front of the school, told him to raise one arm while we wrapped the rest of him with about 12 rolls of duct tape, then once he was comletely unable to move anything but his head and that one arm, the boys lifted him up, I sat on Richard's shoulders, and used another 6 rolls on his upraised arm.


Then we slapped a few peices over his mouth for good measure.


Did we ever catch hell when they found him out there a couple of hours later... But it was worth the 2 day suspension. :D


I've got pictures somewhere, but unfortunatly my scanner's dead to the world.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Nothing will get you through the desert like a good canoe....





Hmmm, that reminds me of a non-sense joke I heard once...it goes:

"If you're canoeing through the desert and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes does it take to fix the shingles on a dog house?


Answer: None, because ice cream doesn't have bones."


Hey, I told you it was nonsense...

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

Hmmm, that reminds me of a non-sense joke I heard once...it goes:

"If you're canoeing through the desert and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes does it take to fix the shingles on a dog house?


Answer: None, because ice cream doesn't have bones."


Hey, I told you it was nonsense...


Your just making it up as you go aren't you?



Guess what is wrong with This Picture ?




Mousy? Here Mousy Mousy....




You can never have too much.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Your just making it up as you go aren't you?



Guess what is wrong with This Picture ?




Mousy? Here Mousy Mousy....




You can never have too much.....


ROFL! Those are hilarious.. especially the toilet paper one.. lol

What was that.. like a year supply of toilet paper in one roll?...

or not.. maybe it was like only a week supply of toilet paper.. heh..

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