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What news do you watch?


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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

I watch Fox News most of the time.


Same here. Sometimes when I watch CNN, they bash the crap out of the government. On Fox News, the ones doing the bashing usually have someone to debate with. Those are the sort of programs I like to watch most.

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Posted by Hèkx Nòxú

BBC1 News. :D


I'm too lazy to go watch all the other digital news shows.


Come to think of it, I oddly watch 'Newsround' too.


Good old British TV. ;)

What he said :)


Channel4 [uK] news too, as it seems to be almost unbiased, whereas the BBC has started to lean a bit towards the government line in recent years...


*goes back to lurking*

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It really depends, with my cable TV package here in Australia, I can choose from BBC, SkyNews and CNN. So it really depends on what each of them is showing at the time. Although CNN is usually my choice since it is closer to the free to air channels here in Australia...

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Same here. Sometimes when I watch CNN, they bash the crap out of the government. On Fox News, the ones doing the bashing usually have someone to debate with. Those are the sort of programs I like to watch most.



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I usually watch ABC and NBC or MSNBC.


The other channels are more about ratings than they are about what's going on. I depend on the people that I have seen deliver the news to me on other important event's like 9-11 and the Challenger accident.



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I watch MSNBC. They've got Chris Matthews, and he's a fabulous political commentator. He's had some priceless moments on his show. Like when Dick Army showed up on his show really really wasted (you could tell) and he was just saying all kinds of crazy stuff.


Good times... :D

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