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Load those cables in the back of your head, it's time to reload the matrix!


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I don't know about the other countries because of a nice large ocean, but the US is incredibly pumped for the Matrix: reloaded. It is going to be an absolutely insane movie! I'm counting down the time until I can see the movie! It's going to be incredible... I can't wait!!!! I hope my anticipation is not overdone :D

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I certianly hope not, about the pants-melting thing that is, cause even though it would have some benefits, the downside would really outweigh those few.


*raises hand for the group of people who are stoked*


I'll go see it, even if it melts my pants. :D

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I've been waiting four long years for this film. I'll be the one wearing a nappy in the cinema.


Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I'm even listening to the soundtrack this very minute.



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Originally posted by Admiral

Matrix Reloaded will either be great or suck. There is very little middle room since in the first movie they basically made Neo a god.



I'm very interested in seeing if they can pull this off.


I wholeheartedly agree...

I'm not even going to think about seeing it before grabbing reviews from a bunch of my friends who work at the movie theatre(they give me the heads up on the majority of the movies I see)


I wasn't thrilled with the trailer personally...so I do hope it will be much much better than that trailer.

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Wasn't thrilled wiht the trailer? WASN'T THRILLED WITH THE TRAILER?!



I think it was just so good that it overwhelmed your, "kick-ass-domiter" and caused your senses to default back to, "meh".


Or at least that better be the case. *shakes fists* :p

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I think this is actually pretty well known, but I'm not sure.

Reloaded is going to end at a climax. It going to get to a REALLY exciting point, your going to be sitting on the edge of your seat, in a cold sweat, "WHAT GOING TO HAPPEN NOW?!?!?!?!?"...and the movie ends... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


Now you have wait 6 months for the next movie.

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I hope not! I can't stand waiting for another four years for the next one.


Maybe I can get into the theaters without any ID...I look like a 17 year-old anyway so...:o I can't wait...1 week...just one week...just one week...*repeats it over and over again*

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If you purchase your tickets online...do you still need to show your id when you go? (I don't have to worry about that) but maybe its an option for you guys. I don't mind waiting six months to see the rest of the movie...but really....I hate this new money making scheme of spreading out the movies so that we have to go see the next movies in order to get some closure!

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