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"The Hulk" Falls Flat On It's Face!

Darth Groovy

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I been reading reviews all day, and most critics are unanimous, despite some decent acting, The Hulk looks silly, and the story is barely enough to hold the attention of another T.V. Pilot. Consider this Marvel's first flop since The Punisher. Hopefully, this will not hamper future releases like The Punisher.









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I am not trying to spread any anti- anything vibes around. I was hoping it would be good, I had bad feelings about X-Men, Spiderman,and Daredevil, but those all turned out to be pretty good films. The Hulk trailers have made him look pretty silly, (yes even sillier than Lou Ferigno in green make up and a fright wig...). And most critics are saying that is one of the worst things about the movie. One local critic refered to him as the "Unjolly Green Giant". I mean, it's cool that Hollywood is on a comic kick lately, but for Christ's sakes do it right!

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i must admit that when i first saw the trailer i thought that it looked really cartoony. and from seeing new trailers it really does look like thats the case. i had a feeling that critics would pick up on that.

as always i reserve jugdement until i've actually seen it. and i am still going to see it.

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I may just rent it. Nothing annoys me more than paying $7.50 for a movie and leaving with that discusted feeling. That pretty much sums up the way I felt when I saw Spawn, and even though critics panned that one too, I had to see it for myself being a fan and all.

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there's no way it won't be #1 in the box office and will probably make at least $150 mil altogether so I don't think it'll be a huge flop.


those reviews aren't exactly the most reliable sources either. it won't be another spider-man but i think it'll be good. ang lee kicks ass.

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Originally posted by RoguePhotonic

[edit:bill please dont mention things like that on our forums] only thing I thought was kinda stupid is how high and far he can jump....sure his muscles are more radical but ****...jump like 300 feet in the air and like 3 miles?


That's comic book Hulk Jumping. It's from the comics and put in the movie.........Complain to Stan Lee if you wish ;)


I am going to see it tomorrow night, at my theaters late show, and then I will leave the theater and head to Walmart and stake out a spot so I can buy HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHEONIX!!! ;)

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

I been reading reviews all day, and most critics are unanimous, despite some decent acting, The Hulk looks silly, and the story is barely enough to hold the attention of another T.V. Pilot. Consider this Marvel's first flop since The Punisher.[/i].


Calling it a flop suggests that it's been a commercial failure, and that isn't the case yet. Daredevil was a terrible, terrible film, and that did okay commercially.

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So, finally one movie that is based on a cartoon character that goes and stays true to the CARTOON, and not humanise the story in the movie, everyone wants to bag it....


If they want to try something original and keep it in the cartoon style for the movie, good for them, helps to distinguish it from the other movies out there. The Hulk will make plenty, but don't expect all of it to be from the Box Office, there is plenty of merchandising. Currently, according the the Marvel CEO it is doing better merchandise-wise that Spiderman at the same time....

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