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Sprite Invented The Remix


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What are your favorite beverages, alchoholic or non?


Personally, I pretty much stick to a coffee and water regimen. I reprezent to mother britain occasionally with some tea, especially Breakfast Tea, but it's more of a once in a while thing for me.


Ginger Ale, diet Coke and Mountain Dew are the only pop I touch.


Hanson's calorie free, all natural sodas are awesome, especially their Ginger Ale and Black Cherry flavours.

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Ummm water. I like to cleanse the system.


If I feel like it I prefer Root Beer or Grape. I like Fresca but I can never find it anymore. Don't look to hard but all the same. Also Cherry 7UP is the best cherry. I like bubbles.




Vendor: Would you like crab juice or Mountain Dew?

Homer: Uhhhhh eww yuck. Give the the Crab Juice.


Goes something like that.



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From what I understand, Hair Of The Dog is what you call the first alcoholic drink the day after......


My favourite drink, non-alcoholic is a Breaka Triple Choc flavoured milk. It is more than just chocolate, tastes like a very smooth chocolate.


I think my favourite alcoholiv beverage is bourbon, but that's only coz I can't be bothered trying too much else.

I do like the turkish Raki, and therefore probably Ouzo as well..

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