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I Guess It Was Bound To Happen...

Boba Rhett

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I have no sympathy…


Tigers aren’t performing animals or pets, they’re wild animals.


you mess with the bull, sooner or later you'll get the horns


The sad thing is the tiger will probably be put down for that

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Originally posted by Siv

I have no sympathy…


Tigers aren’t performing animals or pets, they’re wild animals.


you mess with the bull, sooner or later you'll get the horns


The sad thing is the tiger will probably be put down for that


Werd Siv


What did those "flamboyant (gaaaaay):p magicians" expect a huge 200 something pound tiger to do if it was taken out of it's home and forced to do tricks with flamboyant (gaaaaaay) magicians?

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Originally posted by Siv

I have no sympathy…


Tigers aren’t performing animals or pets, they’re wild animals.


you mess with the bull, sooner or later you'll get the horns


The sad thing is the tiger will probably be put down for that


You're right.

I hate when animals are getting closer to extinction.



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As others have already said, people should exhibit more respect for 'wild' animals. It's unfortunate this happened, but really, if you take those kinds of risks, you have to be aware of the consequences. And I agree that the tiger should not have to be put down simply because of a 'human' error...well...blind stupidity really...

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

Werd Siv


What did those "flamboyant (gaaaaay):p magicians" expect a huge 200 something pound tiger to do if it was taken out of it's home and forced to do tricks with flamboyant (gaaaaaay) magicians?


Nope, Tigers are about 350 pounds



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10 minutes before their show....


Siegfried: Okay Roy, I have a new trick, we show Holga's loalty and kindness by starving her for a week, then rub a stake all over your neck and let her loose!


Roy: Are you sure that is a good idea?


Siegfried: Hey, whos the boss?


Roy: You are.


Siegfried: Right, and if you want your pay check so you can spend all of it on your cute little hair-do and buy more gay clothes, I am gonna have to be the boss, becase you are incredably stupid!


Roy: Hey!


Stage Manager: Siegfried, Roy!! Show startin!!!






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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Roy is listed in critical condition.


No, actually he is listed as above critical condition:D


I never really been fond of sigfreid and roy. They arent exactly my favorite magicians. But I still hope he doesnt die. Because many other people like him. But thats what you get when you take a tiger out of the wild and put it in some freak show.


I heard it attacked him because Roy was like teasing him or something, anyone know why the tiger attacked?

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You know, some of you talk about wild animals and how they shouldn't be messed around with...but they've been performing for over 30 years with no accidents, that record implies sound skill with these animals. It also implies that these wild animals can in fact be controlled 99% of the time. However, all creatures, wild or domesticated (or even people) have their own thought processes, and can make their own 'choices.'


It's really not fair to suggest that this is an example of why they shouldn't have been doing it at all (if that's what you mean to say), 30 years and one fatality (or near fatality, it's hard to say still :() isn't half bad :p. I doubt they'll kill the tiger, but I also doubt it will be performed with ever again (and I somehow doubt that Siegfried or Roy will be performing with animals again, regardless of the outcome....)

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Originally posted by Vestril

It also implies that these wild animals can in fact be controlled 99% of the time.


That doesn't mean that they should be, though. It's all well and said that these wild animals can be controlled over a period of time, but the fact is that they had been taken from their natural habitats against their will. I mean, whatever the odds, they should know that an accident like this can happen when dealing with these sorts of animals. They were the ones who interfered, and they are the ones who will eventually pay the price. The tiger would have been much better just left alone in the first place ;__; That being said, I don't like to hear about people being injured in an accident like this:(I do hope he survives, and hopefully will learn a valuable lesson about performing with wild animals in the future.

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Nicly put.


This info hit very close to home as I live in las vegas. I accidentally went to sleep at 8:00 at night on a friday night, and then woke up at 3:00, adn went online, and since I have crappy-ass aol, it had that on the welcome screen. I was like, woah sh!t! I CAN believe it.

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Originally posted by Darklighter

That doesn't mean that they should be, though. It's all well and said that these wild animals can be controlled over a period of time, but the fact is that they had been taken from their natural habitats against their will. I mean, whatever the odds, they should know that an accident like this can happen when dealing with these sorts of animals. They were the ones who interfered, and they are the ones who will eventually pay the price. The tiger would have been much better just left alone in the first place ;__; That being said, I don't like to hear about people being injured in an accident like this:(I do hope he survives, and hopefully will learn a valuable lesson about performing with wild animals in the future.


Sometimes dogs go nuts and attack their owners, even when there doesn't appear (to us people) to be something wrong with them, but we haven't banned domestic dogs... Even cattle and horses can trample or attack people, any big animal is dangerous, and Roy would have had to be pretty stupid to not know the risks involved in dealing with big cats.


My point is just that people need to lay of the criticism, it's like when the 1/10,000,000 kids who plays violent video games does something horrific, there are a number of people who give the knee jerk reaction that violent video games turn kids into monsters. It seems fairly clear that accidents of this nature are fairly rare for seasoned performers, so maybe the performers aren't complete morons for using big animals.


On the other hand, I do agree that it degrades these animals who deserve a life offstage and out of cages :(

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Originally posted by Vestril

On the other hand, I do agree that it degrades these animals who deserve a life offstage and out of cages :(


That's what I was getting at really. I'm saying that the animal shouldn't be held fully responsible for the accident, since the tiger was a wild animal, and like you said, the performers knew the risks involved. It's not fair on the animals, but you're right, the performers aren't complete morons, and must know what things can happen. Just don't put the blame on the animals for it:(

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Well, I don't like them parading the animals on stage and I don't think they should be, but I do like that they were taken out of the area they were because since they began performing tiger poachings have steadily increased, even after the endangered species act was placed. I hope to see many tigers that were once performance creatures put in wild life centers. the sad thing is that because of the rise in poaching tigers and many other endangered species are going to be dead in 10 years if something isn't done about it. I think we should set up enviorment ranges in the natural habitat if possible, if not atleast make a large one that is fully funded to help save the soon to be extinct tigers and kangaroos and the many other endangered animals.


also back on the main topic. He should have known the risks, everyone should know the risks even in going to the shows, there is always a risk when dealing with any living, conscious creature. as said before even domesticated dogs have attacked their masters. often it is due to behavioural insticts not being met, such as large dogs being couped up inside a small apartment and not getting enough space to run around, dogs not getting social interaction, malnutrition, many other reasons are later found as to why animals attack. often it is human idiocy, but there are rare cases that aren't due to man.

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Originally posted by Darklighter

That's what I was getting at really. I'm saying that the animal shouldn't be held fully responsible for the accident, since the tiger was a wild animal, and like you said, the performers knew the risks involved. It's not fair on the animals, but you're right, the performers aren't complete morons, and must know what things can happen. Just don't put the blame on the animals for it:(


I agree, and I doubt they'll put the tiger down :). You can't blame a tiger for being a tiger. It's not like dogs, where there isn't anything else you can do with it, if it's prone to attacking people. Hopefully it will get sent to a zoo with a breeding program :D

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