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The Blondest Things...


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hey guyz,

i was just making myself some noodles

i opened the packet and i had a plate and a jug to cook them in

and for some reason i jus pured the noodles onto the plate and they went all over the floor


thats why i decided to make up a post about blonde things

so share your blonde moments with us

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Some of the stupid things I've done, huh? :D


Well, when I was younger I would sometimes put the milk in the cupboard instead of the cereal.


Back then, Chase and I also played this game where we would see how close we could throw metal darts at each other without hitting. We soon learned why that wasn't a good game to play.


Then there was the incident with the firecracker and the magnifying glass.


And the more recent, swimming into a wall.


OH! And trying to catch golf balls thrown very hard at each other in the pool. That one earned me a cracked clavicle. :D

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One of the stupidest things I've ever done was getting my foot trapped between the car and the car door while getting in, and dislocating my knee. I'd only been going out with my husband a couple of weeks, and it was very embarrassing. Of course, he found it hysterical. I'll never forget the pop sound it made when the doctor locked it back into place.

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i'm always doing things the wrong way round, like putting a yoghurt pot in the dishwasher and the spoon in the bin.

putting a lighter in my mouth and trying to light it with a cigarette. ( i've only done that once, and i was drunk at the time)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Some of the stupid things I've done, huh? :D


Well, when I was younger I would sometimes put the milk in the cupboard instead of the cereal.


Back then, Chase and I also played this game where we would see how close we could throw metal darts at each other without hitting. We soon learned why that wasn't a good game to play.


Then there was the incident with the firecracker and the magnifying glass.


And the more recent, swimming into a wall.


OH! And trying to catch golf balls thrown very hard at each other in the pool. That one earned me a cracked clavicle. :D


............................................................dude............................thats.............................stupid:D i'm curious of the outcome of the dart incident though

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As a blond I used to resent these sort of things....but the years are starting to give me a cynical sense of humor.


Usually just forgetting to save a game, or saving over a something I wanted to keep....also forgetting to get dressed in the morning. Ugh.


The other thing is using weird, rude or offensive terms completely innocently and unintentionally. That one is truly the bane of my existence.

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After I finish yogurts I put the spoon in the bin and put the Yogurt in the washing machine.


When playing Star Wars KotOR I accidently fried my characters over-loading a terminal.


When going to get a drink I accidently get a bowl out instead.

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Hmmm...let's see, ;et's see....

Going into the kitchen and getting a glass down instead of a bowl or vice versa.


Showing off on my bike to some friends and running smack into a pole.


Forgetting that it's monday and forgetting to get up for school(like today, 26th absence, a personal record:D)


Or forgetting that it's saturday and getting ready for school.


Tripping over my own feet, in every public place imaginable.


Those are my blondest moments:)

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heres sum about cars that i have done


stood on the side of the road and watched a van go past and the side window thing hit me in the face


when we were at the shop there was a car the same as my dads and when we left i got in that 1 instead of my dads


i walked into a car when i was reading a book


there was this same car as my friends coming down the car park so i thourght i would be cool and jump on his bonet and thats wat i did and i looked up at the window and saw it wasnt him and the car started speeding up then put on the breaks and i flew off it

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Putting porridge in a glass and water in a bowl for breakfast



sneezing on someones birthday cake :(



poking myself in the eye WITH A RULER!



putting a raw egg in the microwave



saying to my teacher "f*** off a sec, I'm doing something"



throwing a can of pop around, the opening it to drink it.



calling dominos pizza and asking for a chocolate bar :confused: (was distracted by the TV)

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okay, where could I start:


I talk with my friends for hours to organize going to the Sens game. First of the season so it would sell fast. So after one hour of organising everything for the Octobre 11th game I purchase the Novembre 15th tickets. I realised 5 days after i purchased them.


I accidentaly threw my boss's key inside a garbage compactor after he jokingly told me not to drop them inside.


i was standing around waiting for friends in a local video rental store. I was moving around my feet like everybody does when they are bored (you know, stand on your heels, side of the feet, etc). Somehow i lost my balance and feel into a whole display of videos pulling about 5 full shelves down onto me.


my drive way is in a small incline. when i placed the key into the ignition the radio and the heating starts automaticly even thought the engine isnt turned on. since there was so much noise from the CD player and the heating i thuoght the car was on. I was too distracted. I put the car in reverse. The car starts backing up. but when i want to slow down to turn a bit i keep going down and faster. breaks wouldnt work. i blocked the road for about 1 minute. i just stayed there starting at the wheel trying to figure out why my breaks weren't working. :p


This is just a sample of stupid things. I got a lot more. but its not the type I'd post on a forum rated G. :p

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well i'm a blonde, and i extremely resent this thread! Haha, i'm kidding. But I have done some of the most dumbest things ever. Just to some it up, I'll just list the six, yes SIX times i've gotten a taste of electricity.


1.) The first time: my old T.V. was acting fuzzy (it was an antenna). So I touched the antenna. BAM! My arm that touched the antenna was in seriously pain and went numb.


2.) The second time: I thought it was a one time thing so I touched it with my other arm. Same thing happened. I sat down and watched the fuzzy tv and waited to regain feeling in my arms. Now I got a new tv and CABLE! whoo hoo!


3.) This one was computer related. I put a floppy disk in my computer. When i took it out, the metal part just stayed in. I used my fingers to get it out. I touched it and I got a sharp, painful shock in my hand and wrist. I said "holy crap!" cause it hurt.


4.) I did that again. This time, since I couldn't get it out, I made a set of tweezers with a METAL paperclip. Yeah that pain was even worse. The shocks were messing with my brain i guess.


5.) This time, my step-dad handed me a power supply for the computer. I had to take it off. I noticed that the end where it plugs into the computer was a little hot, but not too hot. I put it in my mouth to cool down, and i guess there was electricity left over in it. My mouth was in terrible pain. I though my teeth would fall off!:D


6.) The last time was the most dangerous. I was swimming in my pool, and there was a light in it. This light was poorly wired, and I think one of the wires broke. The light was on, but it was acting funny. When I swam near it, I was shocked with electricity. I was electrocuted all over my body. Mostly my chest. Haha, I almost drowned, but I am such a good swimmer.:D :D :D :D


that about sums it up!

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Originally posted by TheJackal


my drive way is in a small incline. when i placed the key into the ignition the radio and the heating starts automaticly even thought the engine isnt turned on. since there was so much noise from the CD player and the heating i thuoght the car was on. I was too distracted. I put the car in reverse. The car starts backing up. but when i want to slow down to turn a bit i keep going down and faster. breaks wouldnt work. i blocked the road for about 1 minute. i just stayed there starting at the wheel trying to figure out why my breaks weren't working. :p


I nearly hit my mom doing that one time, when I was waiting in the driveway to take her to a haircut...took parkin brake off...realized brakes were about 100 times harder to use when the car was rolling. Had to use ALL my weight to mash the pedal down.


Done that numerous times.

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Originally posted by snowman21


3.) This one was computer related. I put a floppy disk in my computer. When i took it out, the metal part just stayed in. I used my fingers to get it out. I touched it and I got a sharp, painful shock in my hand and wrist. I said "holy crap!" cause it hurt.


4.) I did that again. This time, since I couldn't get it out, I made a set of tweezers with a METAL paperclip. Yeah that pain was even worse. The shocks were messing with my brain i guess.


5.) This time, my step-dad handed me a power supply for the computer. I had to take it off. I noticed that the end where it plugs into the computer was a little hot, but not too hot. I put it in my mouth to cool down, and i guess there was electricity left over in it. My mouth was in terrible pain. I though my teeth would fall off!:D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



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