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Happy Chinese New Year!


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A bit early I know, but on the 22nd, it's the Chinese New Year - The year of the Monkey.


I find the chinese interpretation of my personality very accurate indeed. What animal hides in your heart?


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I was born in the Year of the Boar.


People born in the Year of the Boar are honest and tolerant and make good friends, but tend to expect the same from everyone else, and more often than not they end up disappointed. They thrive in the arts as entertainers.


Famous people born in the Year Of The Boar:

Bamber Gascoigne, Dudley Moore, David Bowie, Elton John, Gerry Rafferty

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Year of the Snake



People born in the year of the Snake are romantic and deep-thinking, wise and charming, although they tend to dismiss others too quickly and are a bit stingy with money. Ideal jobs include teaching or psychiatry.


Famous people born in the Year Of The Snake:

Jean Simmons, Val Doonican, Sir Roger Banister, Burt Bacharach, Neil Diamond, Paddy Ashdown,Vivienne Westwood, Bob Dylan


Um... That doesnt sound like me :(

Year of the monkey, eh?

YAY! *runs of to buy a monkey* :D

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Year of the Horse 1990.




If you are born in the Year of the Horse then you are amazingly hard working and very independent. Although you are intelligent and friendly, you can sometimes be a bit selfish. Careerwise you would make a good scientist or poet.


Famous people born in the Year Of The Horse:

Ian Cuthbertson, Robert Wagner, Rolf Harris, Helmit Kohl, Clint Eastwood,Barbara Streisand, John Thaw, Aretha Franklin



Heheh.. yay

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Rats are said to be imaginative, charming and very generous to those they love - although they do have a tendency to be quick-tempered and over-critical. They are supposed to make good writers, critics and publicists.


Famous people born in the Year Of The Rat:

Ron Moody, Marlon Brando, Burt Reynolds,Ursula Andress, Englebert Humperdinck


hahah so true. Both in the positive and negitave sence. The only thing a bit off is the good writer. I'm terrible at writing, in french and english.



nice links lexx!

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Dragons tend to be popular individuals who are always full of life and enthusiasm, with a reputation for being fun-loving. They make good priests, artists* and politicians.


Famous people born in the Year Of The Dragon:

Vidal Sassoon, Fats Domino, Bob Monkhouse, Jimmy Tarbuck, Al Pacino*


*w00t w00t!

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People born in the Year of the Boar are honest and tolerant and make good friends, but tend to expect the same from everyone else, and more often than not they end up disappointed. They thrive in the arts as entertainers.


Famous people born in the Year Of The Boar:Bamber Gascoigne, Dudley Moore, David Bowie, Elton John Gerry Rafferty


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Jed was born in the year of the Dragon:


Dragons tend to be popular individuals who are always full of life and enthusiasm, with a reputation for being fun-loving. They make good priests, artists and politicians.


I was born in the year of the snake.


Its inaccurate for the both of us. :p

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Year of the Horse. :)


Originally posted by Sam Fisher and that websiteIf you are born in the Year of the Horse then you are amazingly hard working and very independent. Although you are intelligent and friendly, you can sometimes be a bit selfish. Careerwise you would make a good scientist or poet.


Famous people born in the Year Of The Horse:

Ian Cuthbertson, Robert Wagner, Rolf Harris, Helmit Kohl, Clint Eastwood,Barbara Streisand, John Thaw, Aretha Franklin


Sounds like me. Except for that scientist part. I hate science. I I just found out that I'm in the bottom 11/144 in my school year. For maths that is. Oh well. :(

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Year of the Tiger


Tigers are said to be bold and adventurous, and are bestowed with initiative and charm. However, they have a tendency to be risk takers, making them act before they think about the consequences. They tend to make good bosses, explorers or racing drivers.


Famous people born in the Year Of The Tiger:

David Bailey, Michael Ball, Stanley Baxter, Chuck Berry, Richard Branson, Mel Brooks, Tom Cruise, Jodie Foster, Elliot Gould, Harriet Harman, Timothy Mo, Bruce Oldfield, Lord David Owen, Jonathan Porrit, Oliver Reed, John Schlesinger, Pam Shriver, Pamela Stephenson.


Woh, lots of famous people born in the Year of the Tiger ;)

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I looked it up a while ago what character is was but now I know which qualities it represents: Monkey


If you are born in the Year of the Monkey, you are very intelligent, well-liked by everyone, and will have success in any field you choose. Lucky old you!


Famous people born in the Year Of The Monkey:

Sacha Distel, Elisabeth Taylor, Omar Sherif, Jimmy Page, Roger Daltrey, George Lucas

Not to brag or anything but I think it sounds about true. Except the well-liked part. I have many friends but also quite a few people whom I dont have a good relationship with. We either like each other or we dont.

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I am the Tiger. It says I make a good boss, guess i'm finally in the right job. I'm a shift supervisor at CVS pharmacy. Nice to know that Jodi Foster is a Tiger too, I adore her. ;)


BTW, kinda off subject, but leXX I really hate that avatar, because it is one of many creepy things that I hated about Princess Mononoke, a very creepy anime film....:eek:

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HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! Eat lots of jiaozi!


HERE are some ideas for celebrating, including this one...


Offer a Sacrifice to the Kitchen God - Many families have a poster of the Kitchen God in their kitchen. The custom is to offer a ceremonial sacrifice to the Kitchen God, to make sure that he gives a good report on the family's behavior when he returns to heaven. Sticky Cake (Neen Gow) is popular, or children may rub honey on him.


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I was born in 1962, it was the year of the water tiger.

not only are there 12 animal zodiac signs, but each animal

also has five elements

fire, water, wood, earth and metal then there are

positive and negative stems, so the entire complete

chines zodiac wheel takes 120 years to fully complete itself.


their zodiac and astrology was first designed solely for

the Emperor, it was a lunar calendar geared towards

knowing when it was most favourable for him and his wives

and concubines to produce offspring.


the 12 animal signs are based on the order in which animals

came to pay respects to Buddah. even though the cat is highly

venerated in chinese culture, the cat is not one of the 12 signs

because the cat was walking by itself and being aloof,

and did not go to see Buddah.


*anyhow i know loads more i will post later*

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lol, I'm Vietnamese, so I know a thing or two about these new years. They are definitely fun let me tell you! Eggy, I am shocked to know that you know about that! wow! haha, I feel proud :) even though I'm not Buddhist anymore, I'm not really anything... I mean I believe in God and stuff... ah oh well subject for a dif thread...



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well, normally I recieve some of those red envelopes with money inside, my mom has this table on which she cooks food then puts under a picture of the Buddha or something like him, and my grandfather for them to bless, then we eat that food! and some champagne or whatever for my parents, and then we go to my aunt's house and do the same! woo! or we go to the memphis state campus and we watch the celebration there its really cool with the dragons and the dancers and performers... god I lov being asian:D

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If you are a true 100%, loyal to the culture Vietnamese person, Matt Windu, reply to this:


Toi la nguoi viet. Neu em la nguoi viet, va khong noi lao, em se gui thu cho toi lai. Chuc mung nam hai ngan le bon moi.


If you're saying "W...T...F..." after reading above, just ignore it and go off saying, "I am not truly Vietnamese as I do not know much of my own language."

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haha hobbit your right, I don't know much of my own language, my mom and dad have been trying to teach me but I can't ever pick it up that well, because we'll start off one week, then my dad skips a week, then we kinda just slack off... lmao I was going to a Buddhist temple to learn Vietnamese, but I couldn't stand it there we had no air conditioning in the 102 degree weeather...


so hobbit: I will finish learning my language someday, as of now I can only speak basic Vietnamese and I can figure out the words to some of the writing if I know how to say the word... other than that... no I don't know


but the parts that i can figure out of your message: you are vietnamese, if you are vietnamese, or if you are lying, i will someting something something. Happy New year something something...


is that enough to prove I am vietnamese?

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