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WTF of the Week

The Cheat

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I can't say it bothers me overly. Only because I've done a custom set of covers for my Matrix DVD's. Mainly because of Warner Bros' switch to conventional DVD boxes from those crappy cardboard ones. I wouldn't have minded that much if they'd at least finished the Matrix series and then changed them.


But yeah, not a fantastic cover. Neither was Reloaded though :(


Crackin films tho ;)



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Wow thats looks terrible....pathetic :lol:



Originally posted by Neverhoodian

You think that's bad...


I opened up the local newspaper a few days ago to see an "advertisement" for a local church. Its title was "Matrix Revelation." It was a promo shot from Matrix Revolution with Neo's head replaced with the pastor's head.


Simply nauseating. :barf:



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Originally posted by •-BLaCKouT-•

I can't say it bothers me overly. Only because I've done a custom set of covers for my Matrix DVD's. Mainly because of Warner Bros' switch to conventional DVD boxes from those crappy cardboard ones. I wouldn't have minded that much if they'd at least finished the Matrix series and then changed them.


But yeah, not a fantastic cover. Neither was Reloaded though :(


Crackin films tho ;)




The only good thing about the Cardboard DVD boxes, is it is alot easier to get the stupid plastic stickers off. Whoever invented those stickers at the top, bottom, and sides should be drug out into the street and shot.

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Originally posted by Darth Rythe

I didn't know the rain was surposed to be the matrix code.......


Don't feel bad. I JUST noticed it, and thats why I posted. Not exactly something you look for, but you notice when its brought to your attention or after looking at it a few times...kinda like the movie as a whole...damn confusing ending.


You know me and my brother debated that movie for an hour and a half while we were stuck in a traffic jam in Bowling Green.

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