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WTF of the Week!

Boba Rhett

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And it's a doosy...



[align=center]Seven dead at kite-flying festival[/align]



:indif: No, I'm not ****ting you. Read on,




"SEVEN people were killed and more than 100 injured in Pakistan during the annual kite flying festival marking the arrival of spring, officials said today.


An 18-month-old girl's throat was cut by a stray kite string while she was travelling with her parents on a motorbike, witnesses said, adding that she died on the spot.


Three people were electrocuted when metal wires they were using to fly or catch stray kites fell on live electric lines, and two people fell from roofs, hospital officials said.


A 12-year-old boy died while trying to catch a stray kite when he was hit by a car on a main road, police said.


More than 100 people had been reported injured since last night in various kite-related accidents, medical workers said. "







The kites.... they're attacking. ALL OUR BASE ARE BELONG TO KITES, PEOPLE! MAKE YOUR PEACE! I personally welcome our new stringed overlords and offer my services in rounding up workers.

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Holy crap......



Thats the kind of thing that make people afraid to go outside.




I mean when something as gentle as a kite hurts so many people,Seeing that would scar a kid for life!



oh yea I allmost forgot. WTF!

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Who needs million-dollar F-16 fighters and B-2 bombers or nuclear warheads when you got the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.


"And now to news in Iraq. Today 15 F-16 Air Force pilots were systematically shot down by rebels wielding yet another one of their low-tech weapons...uh...kites. Um, Bob, is this a typo?"

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I have told you over and over again rhett, the kites have been planning their attack for years now.


this is only the beginning.


there is no hope for us now.



every man for himself!!!!!!!

































*crickets chirp in backround*






...what, i'm dead serious.



stop staring!!!!

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I did think he was bull****ting us.

I feel sorry for them, but you have to admit that it's pretty damn funny.


Wheel of morality, turn turn turn, tell us the lesson that we shall learn. And the moral of the story is...


When trying to light a fish on fire underwater, always remember the futon.




Actually, the real moral here is, never go outside



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