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Villians that were cooler than the heroes.


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Originally posted by BCanr2d2

Well, since we are in a SW forum....


Vader - faceless evil, dark and brooding

Luke - whining fly boy


'Nuff Said

*That* is why I like the Anakin portrayals so much in the prequels ... Luke was a whiny kid, so is Anakin. (and so, probably are most of you teenage boys out there ;) )


OK, back on topic:


- Keaton was my favorite Batman, but Nicholson owned the screen.

- Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner.



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Vader - definitely

Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer) in Blade Runner

Maul - could have been more interesting

Robocop 2 (the psycho machine) - better than Robocop.

Walken outplayed Moore in A View To A Kill

Jaws (from Bond movies) - I mean, who doesn't like Jaws?

Dracula - always stole the show.

The Wolf - in American Werewolf in London

Predator - everyone's favourite alien with dreadlocks

Terminator - everyone's favourite Cyborg

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Originally posted by --ZeeMan--

whenever john malcovich plays a villian....he does it with such a passion that makes you love him :)



i must agree with you. the last movie i saw of him was Ripley's Game ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0265651/ ), i thought he played an excellent bad guy role.


but my favorite bad guy actor has allways been Gary Oldman. he is in a class of his own in my views.

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I think Kane from the Command and Conquer series is a pretty cool villian. He never loses his cool, (even when his plans fall to pieces) and always speaks in that calm, hypnotic tone of voice.


I also like General Veers from The Empire Strikes Back and Jango Fett from AOTC. And of course who doesn't like Vader?

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Why? It his opinion. I also think in most films on hitler they have good actors, like robert carlie(sp?)


Well i like vader beter then luke (duh)

Mr Gray was sooooooo much better then henry in dream catcher

(but i liked both the people who played duddits)

Tetsuo was better then Kaneda (but not by much)


I may post more later

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Dracula of coarse is cool, the whole turning to mist and turning into practically whatever he wants and the control over the elements is awesome and the cape is totally mysterious and sooo bad-a$$!


Kain yeah, he ownes Raziel, Kain's the kinda guy who'll ripe off your face and mail it to your parents. and thats bad a$$! Not to mention he has the coolest voice ever


"I always was considered heartless." - Kain hehehe

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