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What, no B-Day thread for me yet!?

Black Knight of Keno

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Tepe.....I got the best prez for you, you crazy little Finnish dude :p




yeah, the Dark Elf Trilogy Box Set... :D


You have to come here to Australia to get it though..... in the meantime, I am checking each page for you, making sure all the words are there for my buddy Tepe :p



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Groovy, I am so honoured :D


ET, wow... just... wow... You care!

Or do you...


Astro, may you have a long, painful and horrible death... I'M still not little!

And we shall see about that trip to Oztralia. Let's see if you still live, when I get to the age I can travel on my own... I'll propably not going to kill you and Rythe if you pay my trip :D

It's a win-win situation :p

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Congrats, Tepe! Mine came and went without notice too (then again, I don't like to attract a lot of attention and therefore did not do what you have done, even if I can now legally vote:D ) Anywhoo, happy birthday to you and hope you get to celebrate many more of those.

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Originally posted by Darth Rythe

Yes it is a win win situation Astro, we get another person to Aus, and we get to kill him




Happy B'day man, would've made a thread for you but i've been to busy sorting out what I need for my comp i'm getting built:p



And what's your excuse for missing mine, eh:D That was way back in June!:D :D


No worries... I stick closely to the RPG forum, so I'm probably not all that well known.;)

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